Chapter 293: Dongfu already has the Lord (on)

According to the immortal in memory, Akimoto is in a cave house left by him, and the cave house is in a huge Wanmu forest on the plain of the beast.
Along the way, there were shuttles and inverted sea jasper, and Yang Chen also took care, try to avoid trouble, and did not encounter any obstacles throughout the journey. It’s rare to encounter a monster that doesn’t have long eyes, and can only look at the direction of the disappearance of the shuttle.
Wanmu Forest is a lively area. Yang Chen is not sure now, the Dongfu that the predecessor said has not been discovered.
You must know that this is the area where the monsters are rampant, and a monster can have the cultivation of Jin Dan and even the Yuan Ying period, at least for thousands of years or even longer. It is not difficult to find a hidden cave in the territory for such a long time.
Although Yang Chen of the previous generation knew what was produced on the plain of the beast, he had also come to the plain of the beast, but it was impossible for Yang Chen, the plain of the monster of Nuo Da, to go all the way. On the side of Wanmu Forest, Yang Chen has not been here.
A year later, when Yang Chen faced this huge forest of Wanmu, even with the memory of his Da Luojinxian, he could not help but be shocked by this spectacular scene.
Huge forests cover at least tens of thousands of miles. But this is not the most shocking place for Yang Chen. What surprised him the most is that such a huge forest is all huge trees with tens of feet high, straight branches, straight into the sky, completely subverting Yang Chen. Impression of the ordinary forest madness, read.
Although there are some shrubs and grasses, all the trees are almost the same shape, which makes Yang Chen very puzzled. Compared with ordinary forests, the trees in this Wanmu forest are almost a few times larger.
Seeing these huge trees, Yang Chen suddenly understands that the reason why there will be Jiamu Zhenyuan here, the roots are also on these huge trees.
The tree is owned by the wood, so many trees, more than hundreds of millions. Plus the name of Wanmu Forest, in fact, there are far more than 10,000 types of wood in the forest. With so many pieces of wood, it is possible to condense the real wood.
Of course, there must be a huge array of the caves that the predecessors said. The mouths of the Taitianmen, which are similar to the barren valleys, can guide the silky cypresses to the cave house little by little.
It is only this method that is definitely under the Wanmu Forest, and it is covered by so many large trees. It is impossible for Yang Chen to explore a clue.
Of course, how is Jiamu Zhenyuan gathered? Yang Chen is not interested now. What he wants to determine now is whether or not anyone in the Dongfu has been discovered.
There are many places in memory, but there are very clear positions, and it is almost unnecessary for Yang Chen to spend a lot of time looking for it, that is, a few of them.
Xiangyang Yam Garden is one, because Yang Chen also went to see it before. The Dragon Palace treasure house counts as one, and you can find some very characteristic reefs on the sea. It is half a blame for the cave, because the island is not very big.
Others, whether it is the valley that the roaring dog said, or the cave house at the moment, need Yang Chen to look carefully within the scope of Nuo Da.
Dongfu is in the middle of Wanmu Forest, probably southward, but the specific location is not explained. It’s just that it’s under a huge old banyan tree, there are some tricks, and nothing else.
It is reasonable to say that the eucalyptus grows in a hot area, the plain of the beast is originally in the north, and the weather is cold, which is not suitable for the growth of eucalyptus. However, Yang Chen also knows that some metamorphosis of the array is enough to change the local growth environment. It is not surprising that there are eucalyptus trees growing here.
In the forest of Nuo Da, Yang Chen wants to find a tree, and when does it get? No, Yang Chen can only use the old one in the deserted valley, and ask a few local indigenous people to ask.
Now that Yang Chen’s cultivation is further improved, the knowledge of God is already in the early days of Mahayana, and the gods know it, and hundreds of miles are covered. What powerful guys can detect it almost immediately.
I don't know if it is bad luck or Yang Chenlai's angle is wrong. This area has not found a powerful monster. There are a few guys who have just had the ingenuity and are still in the refining period, but this little guy has limited space. They rely on them to find out, but they don’t know how long it will take, or find a guy with a large site. simple.
Looking for the monster, let Yang Chen's speed slow down, and also showed his figure. After receiving the shuttle, the meat flies at a height of several tens of feet, Yang Chen's knowledge is covered downwards, and an area is explored.
Wanmu forest is too big, Yang Chen knows that in the direction of the south, but can only slowly search. I found a day and night and I didn't find a few suitable guys.
This situation is very strange, such a Wanmu forest, and here is located in the plain of the beast, it is impossible to have no powerful monster. But the fact is that Yang Chen has been looking for such a long time, almost a few thousand miles, and did not find a monster above the Golden Age.
The more unusual, the more Yang Chen felt that there was a problem with it, maybe it was related to that Dongfu. This also makes Yang Chen more careful, is there anything he has missed? Or is it that the large-scale guidance that is buried deep underground will interfere with the exploration of human consciousness?
Yang Chen can't break into the ground now to see if there is a real battle. It is full of the strong roots of the forest, Mu Ke Tu, Wu Xing Xiang Ke, Yang Chen's bandits meet such a huge forest root system, is simply a natural nemesis. Moreover, Yang Chen could not determine which type of formation was used, and would not be disturbed by his own investigation. Relatively speaking, it is more appropriate to find some monsters to ask for directions.
Suddenly, Yang Chen seems to find himself being targeted by someone. This feeling is like being stared at by a beast, giving a feeling of coldness in the back of the neck.
As soon as I noticed this, Yang Chen was almost immediately stalking and trying to find out what was being targeted. He is not afraid of the emergence of a powerful monster, but he is not afraid. This guy who is staring at himself can actually avoid the exploration of his own knowledge. It is obviously a bad guy.
Between the monsters, because of the dispute over the territory, sometimes you are dead and alive. There is hostility, Yang Chen is not afraid, as long as the other party is not a master of the Mahayana period, Yang Chen has the confidence to communicate with the other side.
Soon, Yang Chen discovered the source of hostility. What Yang Chen expected was that this hostility actually came from above. ! .
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