Chapter 343: Conditions of Baguio Island (on)

I know the root of the problem. In fact, for the master of Shi Shanshan, there is no such thing as a demons. Shi Shanshan relaxed in an instant, and her heart was peaceful, no longer the kind of urgency.
The man in front of him gave her a huge surprise again. Shi Shanshan looked at Yang Chen's gaze and was full of appreciation. If the two are not familiar with each other, this gaze is to appreciate, and the two now clearly have a relationship with the Taoist outside. If the outsider sees it, it is a sensation.
Re-changed with hot tea, Shi Shanshan is a rare and long-term enjoyment of a wonderful tea taste. Even after drinking, you will soon feel the thrill of your own body, as if you are about to break through.
"You asked Qingyunzong this time, it seems that the quality is very good!" Shi Shanshan calmed down, and the content of the conversation began to shift from himself to Zongmen: "The island owner and several elders feel... very bad!"
"This can't blame me!" Yang Chen smiled and didn't seem to care about this matter at all. The mouth explained very casually: "You also know that practice makes perfect, the same kind of medicinal refining is much more, certainly skilled. Quality improvement, Isn't it normal?"
"Zongmen has also recently established a hall of sorrow." Shi Shanshan did not entangle this issue. In fact, Yang Chen’s explanation said that there is no flaw in the explanation. As the topic turned, Shi Shanshan turned to another direction: "Pure Yang Palace seems to be in front of everyone, but Taitianmen's big hand, intends to directly recruit the appropriate Yaozu to join the Zongmen to expand the strength of the Zongmen. ""
"Normal, the strength of Taitianmen was greatly damaged some time ago, and it will not be replenished as soon as possible. It will be squeezed by several major sects." Yang Chen is like a chat with Shi Shanshan. The tone naturally says: "Now don't talk about the Yaozu, if the Mozu If you promise to join Taitianmen to be honest and obedient, Taitianmen is expected to accept it."
"Are you so sure?" A voice suddenly came in, without any signs before. It is the voice of the main Taiwanese island.
"See the island owner!" Shi Shanshan heard the voice and hurried to get up to see him. Yang Chen is not too slow, stand up and salute.
"Sit, you are welcome." The leader of the island of Fujian and Taiwan looked at Yang Chen and Shi Shanshan for tea. Showing a very happy look, he sat down to the original theme and looked up and said to the two people: "What good tea, let the old body come to a product."
Shi Shanshan quickly prepared a pair of tea sets and then dumped the tea that had been soaked before. After changing a new batch of tea, it was so respectful that the tea was soaked and handed to the island owner.
The owner of the island of Fujian and Taiwan was also welcome. He reached out and took a skillful buckle. He smelled the smelling cup for a while, and his eyes showed a look of surprise. Then I picked up the cup and took a sip. The entrance to the tea was different. The smell of tea is not to be said, but the gas of Gengjin is not the main thing of the Taiwanese island.
"You are a good hand to stir up the tea." Even the main Taiwanese island. Also admired Yang Chen's fried tea techniques, an opening is praise. However, in the main discourse of the Taiwanese island, there is another meaning hidden in it, perhaps because of the extra enthusiasm.
"Yang Chen, why do you see Taitianmen will recruit the demon family?" The Taiwanese host praised the tea, and immediately asked very curiously.
"Because the Yaozu sometimes is more reliable than people." Yang Chen asked the Lord of Taiwan. There is no such thing as a market, and there is no constraint caused by the huge gap between the two sides. He said: "When the Yaozu joins the Zongmen, they can let them swear with the demon and never betray the Zongmen. But the introduction of the monk is very There are few such practices, and they are more reliable than people."
The Pure Yang Palace is the first to accept the Yaozu. The Hall of Hepherd is the thing that the Pure Yang Palace has made. Natural Pure Palace is the most powerful. Although other Zongmen have accepted the setting of the Hall of Fame, they are also looking for suitable candidates, but this suitable Yaozu can be found in a moment. To put it bluntly, the understanding of the Yaozu is still the most pure.
Yang Chen’s words also made the mainland of Fujian and Taiwan very emotional. As a master, she knows how hard it is to manage a large martial art than anyone else. If all the disciples are as simple as the demon, maybe it will be less troublesome. It is a pity that it is counterproductive. Not everyone will put the interests of Zongmen before the individual.
"The Yaozu sometimes has a simple mind, but it is better managed than a monk." Although the understanding of the Yaozu is not deep enough, the Yantai Island owner believes that Yang Chen will not lie to her at this point. It is a very emotional statement. "Yang Chen, do you know? In fact, the cooperation between Baguio Xiandao and Chunyang Palace, in Zongmen, there are still many people opposed."
"Since the island owner has cooperated with Chunyang Palace, I think these problems are no longer a problem!" Yang Chen responded with a smile. The Huantai Island Lord and his talk about these, in fact, some of the identities are not equal, should be said to the head of the palace.
"The opponents, after seeing the heart of Dan, there is no reason for opposition." The leader of the Taiwanese island smiled, the expression on his face was very relaxed: "Now they can't wait for more cooperation."
After getting the batch of questions from Yang Chen's refining system, the power of the Taiwanese prostitute in Zongmen was much heavier. Asking the heart of Dan is so powerful, no one is unclear now, especially in this batch of questions, there are still a few second-turning questions, which is even more dazzling.
How to assign each question to Dan, which was decided by the host of the Taiwanese island and several elders who agreed to cooperate at that time. The most elders opposed to it, including the old aunt Li Li of Li Qingchen, now have to Temporarily lower their heads, otherwise they will not have their share.
No one would like to cultivate themselves as a low-end difference. Asking Xin Dan can keep them from going to the next level. This has been proven by many people. The most recent example is Wang Yong. If they are elders, others have asked for their own heart but they did not because of opposition. Isn’t it going to die?
With this big killer, the days of the mainland of Fujian and Taiwan are much better, and Yang Chen is even more grateful. Therefore, as soon as Yang Chen came over, the owner of Fujian and Taiwan Island rushed directly to Shi Shanshan, and did not even have to go to Yangchen. Anyway, she can be concerned about the nephew of the younger generation, and no one can say no words.
"I heard that you have refining a kind of medicinal medicine of the Yaozu?" The owner of the Taiwanese island asked with a smile: "Neczar, can you let yourself know?"

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