Chapter 380: Everyone enters the door (below)

"False Master, you!" Yang Chen this time, carefully take Gao Yue to his own arms again, put his face on the back of Gao Yue, smell the aroma of high moon hair, apologetic Said.
Gao Yue took the opportunity to lean back and completely leaned on Yang Chen’s arms, as if enjoying this intimate hug, and whispered for a while:
We don’t need to say this between us!

Although Yang Chen has only become a master and a teacher for only a hundred years of hard work, but Gao Yue seems to have lived with Yang Chen for a lifetime. Not to mention that Yang Chen was desperately trying to save himself in the 100,000 mountains. It was only those guys who were arrogant about Gao Yue who were smothered by Yang Chen, and they had already made Gao Yue very happy.
Between the two, the beginning of the practice of Tai Xuan Yin Yang Sutra, the feeling of the same mind and heart, has allowed them to have unreserved trust between each other. Yang Chen already has a love heart, but Gao Yue has already asked himself as a person of Yang Chen. Nothing else.
In this way, the two people naturally entered the practice of Tai Xuan Yin Yang Xin Jing. This time, perhaps because Yang Chen proposed marriage, the relationship between the two was completely clear, and no longer had the same concerns as before. What, the effect of practice is surprisingly effective.
Yang Chen’s knowledge seems to be condensed again. At this point, the knowledge of the middle of the Mahayana and the desire to condense it is not a two-time practice that can be solved.
But for Gao Yue, this time the practice is not inconsistent with a change in general. Because of the strongness of Yang Chen’s understanding, it directly led to the great conciseness of Gao Yue’s knowledge. The knowledge that has already entered the early stage of Yuan Ying has actually leaped forward after this double repair with Yang Chen. Straight to the peak of Yuan Ying.
The stronger the knowledge of Gao Yue, the more he can grasp the refining of his own dragon sword. Moreover, the strength of the knowledge of Yang Chen's tempering is so dazzling that even Gao Yue is skeptical, Master Wang Yong's knowledge at the moment. There is no such thing as Yang Chenqiang.
natural. Gao Yue will never think of it. Yang Chen’s words on the gods at this moment are far beyond the standards of Wang Yong. In the middle of the Mahayana and the early days of Mahayana, it seems that there is only a small realm, but. The gap between these two small realms is enough to surpass the early days of Mahayana itself. The more you cultivate, the more gaps at each level will be like the sky.
Out of the state of practice, Yang Chen gently pulled Gao Yue's body to face himself, looking at the same happy month, and slowly kissed his lips to the red lips that had already trembled.
Gao Yue snorted. The eyes are closed. Lost in the joy of mutual affection. I don't want to wake up anymore. It was not until a long time later that Yang Chen gently released. Looking down at the loving master who has never had such a look.
"I still don't look for Linger, she is estimated to wait anxiously!" Gao Yue couldn't bear the burning gaze of Yang Chen, gently licked Yang Chen's chest, then reached out and pushed himself from Yang Chen. Out of the arms, I got out of it.
Knowing that Master’s face is tender, Yang Chen will naturally not be too tight. Anyway, Master has agreed to marry, come to Japan, and in the process of practicing, there are enough long-term years for the two to slowly taste the sweetness of the couple.
On the side of the sister-in-law, Gong Sunling, naturally, there is no problem. When she was on the site of the magic gate, Gong Sunling had already recognized herself as a woman of Yang Chen. Otherwise, there would be no relatives between the two.
Even so, Gong Sunling really heard Yang Chen’s proposal, and also saw the high moon around Yang Chen, confirming that he was not dreaming, still showing the ecstasy. Regardless of Gao Yue, I looked at it with a smile, regardless of whether I dropped into Yang Chen’s arms, waiting for Yang Chen’s day, Gong Sunling had already waited and did not know how long.
Yang Chen had a hand, and it was easy to take Gong Sunling in his arms. He looked down at the smiling and sobbing Gong Sunling. The corner of his eyes squatted and smiled at the high moon. The other hand was empty and suddenly it would be high. The month also pulled to the side, lingering in my arms.
Gao Yueben is struggling, but Yang Chen’s arm seems to have become a steel hoop for a moment, and it is extremely strong. Just earned two times, Gao Yue knew that he could not afford to break free, and he sighed in his heart. The slight laughter called: "冤家!" Then he gave up the struggle and also put his body on Yang Chen's chest.
Looking far away, Yang Chen became a huge body after practicing the yellow towel Lishi refining, just like a powerful gorilla, one hand and one, holding two petite beautiful women in their arms. If the two women struggle a little bit, it is a real version of beauty and the beast.
Under Yang Chen’s slightly overbearing embrace, Gao Yue and Gong Sunling also glanced at each other and saw the joy in the other’s eyes. They also saw the helplessness in the other’s eyes. It seems that after confirming the relationship at this moment, Yang Chen is no longer when they are masters and sisters, but when they are married, they have a husband style.
Looking at the two women in the arms, feeling the flexibility of the two women's petite, Yang Chen's heart mixed feelings. In the eyes, I saw the past life again.
Gong Sunling was dying in the moment of the robbery, and Gao Yuexi himself ran away after he fled, everything seemed to happen. Two talented women have died in this way. In this world, Yang Chen will never let these tragedies repeat again.
Yang Chen wants to marry the master and the younger sister, and it is rare to tell the master of the palace that they have already sue. For the arrival of this day, whether it is the master of the palace or other elders, it seems that as early as expected, everyone is a blessing of laughter, no one objected. As for the ancestors Wang Yong, this is what he supports Yang Chenquan, and there is no disagreement.
This is a major event in the Pure Yang Palace. Even if it is not known to the world, at least in the Zongmen. The arrangements of the elders made Gao Yue and Gong Sun Ling always shameless, but Yang Chen was thick and full of smiles.
"However, Hanmei Fairy and Snow Dance Fairy, how are you going to arrange?" After a busy period, the teacher of the palace seemed to think of this, facing Yang Chen, asked this question.
The other elders were also quiet, waiting for Yang Chen’s answer. Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue are related to the relationship between Chunyang Palace and Qingyunzong of Baguio Xiandao. It is not a small matter. I don’t know how Yang Chen considered this aspect.
When this problem came out, Yang Chen suddenly silenced. To be honest, he really didn't think about how to deal with the relationship between the two women.
"I am the master of Yang Chen, I am the master, Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue, all slammed into the door." Yang Chen has not answered yet, Master Gao Yue over there has replaced Yang Chen and gave the answer.
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