Chapter 38: Fame outside (2)

The thirty-eighth chapter is famous (2)
Yang Chen doesn't know this, even if he knows he won't care. Along the way, Yang Chen did not take the paper crane again, but slowly walked around like a mountain, and walked along the road to enjoy the scenery along the way. The famous mountain and river passing by him almost turned him around.
On this road, Yang Chen did not waste, but carefully observed everything he saw. Human law, earth and law, heaven and law, and Taoism are natural. Yang Chen’s actions for himself are called French land and learn from the earth. His previous life was only proficient in fire spells, but he was not proficient in others.
Although there are many lessons learned by the predecessors in the Zangjing Pavilion, they are all others. Some Yang Chen can understand, some do not understand, just by the observation along the way, combined with their own understanding, to integrate those things. The things below the foundation are enough.
Not only is the foundation below, but even under the Mahayana, the experience of the French is enough. As for the saying, the law, the law, the nature, that is the realm that will be pursued at a higher level.
Whether it is mountains, rivers, rivers, trees, flowers and plants, it is the object of careful observation by Yang Chen. Yang Chen remembers that a former master of heaven has said that one flower and one world. There is not much difference between a grain of sand and a young leaf, and a vast forest of mountains and rivers. Yang Chen enjoys the truth of this, and slowly consumes time.
As for the red dust experience, it is not necessary for Yang Chen, the heavyweight of Luo Jinxian. Yang Chen just needs to do it according to his own needs. Even so, when Yang Chen arrived at the floating mountain, there were four or five days from July 20.
As soon as he entered the foothills of the floating mountain, he did not wait to enter the same square town in the town. Yang Chen saw Gong Sunling in a pavilion on the side of the road.
Gong Sunling is still wearing a goose-yellow fit palace dress, so that Yang Chen’s impressive print pattern is still so delicate. Yang Chen knows that these are all made by Gong Sunling himself. Although Gong Sunlian can't refine the magic weapon in the six-layer realm of refining, Gong Sunling is not at all arbitrarily making clothes for himself. Exquisite. The slender legs and slender waist are set against the clothes that she cut and fit, and the more people are reluctant to look away.
Gong Sunling is holding a jade and concentrating on her face, and her serious expression is on her face, showing her incomparable concentration. Looking at Yang Chen from this direction, I can only see her half face, but the quiet and elegant style makes Yang Chen have a moment of loss.
Beauty Yang Chen has not seen much, but he has seen almost all the beautiful women. Hey, nine days of mysterious women, weavers and other female immortals, whatever they take out, are peerless styles. However, these are not too attractive for Yang Chen. When a person lives in humiliation all day, he still cares about it.
The most profound memory of Yang Chen in this life is only his own beautiful master. Other people, even the glamorous Shi Shanshan, the future little beauty Sun Xiaoxue, did not leave any marks in Yang Chen’s heart. But at this moment, Yang Chen was attracted by Gong Sunling.
Perhaps it is because of the kind reminder of Gong Sunling in the Tibetan Classics. Perhaps it is here that she forgot to study. In short, Yang Chenxue likes to watch this beautiful side face. It seems that looking at her can give me a peace of mind for a while.
After watching it for a while, the attention of Gong Sunling over there finally turned from Yu Jian to Yang Chen. Yang Chen is still very far away, she already knows. Just thinking about a problem, I did not pay attention to Yang Chen. But now it is not so rude, just a faint smile revealing a slight smile, nodded slightly: "You are here, Yang Shidi!"
That smile and a slight nod, let Yang Chen suddenly have a strong sense of belonging, even if Du Qian took care of himself, Yang Chen did not feel it in him. Before and after Gong Sunling just said that Yang Chen had no more than five sentences, Yang Chen had such a feeling.
"I am coming, sister!" Just at this moment, Yang Chen made a decision. In this world, we must never repeat the tragedy of past lives. A genius who is so amazing and fascinating should not be able to fall into the moment of her ascent.
Just making this decision, Yang Chen had not had time to talk, and he saw the opposite face of Gong Sunling changed his face. He suddenly pointed to Yang Chen and asked in amazement: "Yang Shidi, what is the spiritual power of you?" How could it be so messy?" But Gong Sunling was keenly aware of Yang Chen’s body, and even more of the spiritual power of the various departments, such a miscellaneous impure, is this not self-destruction?
When Yang Chen was still a layer of refining, the fire attribute possessed spiritual power, and other spiritual powers were suppressed by the reverse yin and yang five elements. At the same time, it was not easy to be explored by others, so whether it was Chu Heng or Du Qian, even Even Zhu Chentao did not notice. Now Yang Chen Yin Yang Wuxing has entered the second layer of refining, and the spiritual power has increased greatly, and it is naturally noticed by Gong Sunling.
Yang Chen is the spiritual root of Mars. Naturally, it is the ingenious fire power. Suddenly there is more spiritual power in other departments. How can it not cause people to worry? What is the problem with Yang Chen?
"Five elements of spiritual power, nothing fussed." Yang Chen's heart was warm, while his face showed a smile: "I just want to experience it, how to use my fire attribute spirit to simulate the spiritual power of other attributes, So try to practice the exercises of other attributes and find out."
On the face of Gong Sunling, it instantly became extremely wonderful. This young Yang Chen is really an accident. It’s been half a year in the Jingjing Pavilion to see all the books. And the other five attributes of the martial arts he has to practice once, to understand other attributes, this idea is simply speechless.
However, since Yang Chen’s current cultivation is a big move, at least Gong Sunling sees it more than it is in the Tibetan Classics. I don’t think there is any big problem for the time being. It can only be a reminder: "Then you have to be careful, don't give up!"
"Sister is relieved, I know what I am doing." Yang Chen gave Gong Sunling a smile that made her feel at ease, and then asked: "Is the teacher here waiting, is it waiting for me?"
"You are Yang Chen?" Didn't wait for Gong Sunling to answer, but suddenly there was a stranger's voice inserted: "The refining layer, which is known as the Pure Yang Palace, has killed several juniors who have refining seven layers and eight layers of killers. "In the voice, with an unusually unpleasant tone, it seems as if you are pulling out a liar hidden in the crowd."
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