Chapter 429: The bait that has to be swallowed (below)

Chapter 427 The bait that has to be swallowed (below)
In all the major gates, the spies of Taitianmen are indispensable, even in the big gates of Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong. -- Net. After the experience of Liang Shaoming, Chunyang Palace cleaned up the disciples on a large scale, but it was not obvious that they could thoroughly find out those who were ambitions.
The changes in the knowledge of Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue are not the masters of their masters. Soon the two masters found the changes of the two women. When I asked carefully, I only said that I was related to Yang Chen. There was no more sentence.
The two high-level officials immediately guessed that this is Yang Chen’s handwriting. Whether it is the use of medicine or the use of exercises, it is always the benefit of his fiancee.
This kind of thing, the high-levels soon knew all of them, and then there was such a word that was passed out, and some people were inquiring, and soon they got the news. Although it is not clear to what extent the realm of the two women is, it is certain, at least, the late Yuan Ying.
The news that I can go to the elders of Taitianmen must be verified. If the elders say this, it means that they are not separated from each other.
It is possible for a few guys in the Golden Age to have the knowledge of the Yuan Ying period, which is not something anyone can do. Although the situation of disagreement between the gods and the spiritual power is normal, it is not like the four women, which directly differs from one big realm. This can only explain that in this respect, Yang Chen has a unique approach.
This also shows that Yang Chen also has the same level of alchemy as in the study of the gods.
If this is the case, then Yang Chen sees what Li Liheng said, maybe it is true. He really saw the problem with Li Liheng and knew what happened.
When I think of it, the people in the church are excited. If Yang Chen can really solve Li Liheng's problems, then it means that Li Liheng can practice the unique exercises normally. Once Li Liheng was able to communicate with the predecessors of the spiritual world, Taitianmen was just around the corner when he was in the world.
However, these are still in the imagination of everyone, and there is a real problem in front of everyone. One is how to verify whether Yang Chen really knows Li Liheng's problem. Second, what kind of price can he use to say that Yang Chenlai will take the shot.
This time, Yang Chenxian acted as an emperor for the treatment of three elders, and Taitianmen paid a meal. (--Net.) But the three Mahayana elders and Li Liheng were able to successfully communicate with the predecessors of the spiritual world, and they were not at the same important level. Even if Li Liheng pays several times the price of this time, Taitianmen is willing.
The focus of the discussion of the people turned to these two issues, and began to offer ideas in order to achieve the purpose of letting Yang Chen again.
After Yang Chen dropped a bait, he no longer cares about Taitianmen. If you rush to give the benefits of Taitianmen and behave too aggressively, it might make people wonder. What Yang Chen has to do now is to quickly put up an alchemy posture.
Yes, it’s just a gesture. Yang Chen didn’t have the intention to refine the five-turn Ganoderma Lucidum. The last time I gave proof to Sun Xiaoxue, I refining five Ganoderma lucidum and Yulu Dan. The three elders of the two main sects used three, and Yang Chen had two left.
These two five-turn Lingzhi Yulu Dan are enough to explain to Taitianmen. Hire a five-product alchemy teacher, the medicine is self-provided, and the success rate is not guaranteed. To put it bluntly, Yang Chen even spent all the medicinal materials this time. A medicinal herb did not give Taitianmen. Taitianmen had nothing to say.
Five-transfer medicinal herbs can not be refining successfully once or twice. A master of Jindan, who can refine and succeed in the ten furnaces, is already an achievement against the sky. Not to mention that Yang Chen also took out two five-turn Lingzhi Yulu Dan, enough to explain to Taitianmen.
As for how to distribute the two medicinal herbs to three people, it is not the problem of Yang Chen, but the problem of Tai Tianmen. This is the case of the two peaches killing three people, Yang Chenba can not happen inside Taitianmen. Two medicinal herbs are given to them, and this is to look forward to the chaos in Taitianmen.
The three masters of the Mahayana period, which have a lot of disciples and grandchildren, inside the big gates, the faction is standing, the three masters of the Mahayana period means the leadership of the three factions. No matter how the two medicinal herbs are distributed, there is always a master who can't get them.
Which faction will be willing to make sacrifices on their own backers and leaders, and the wounded of other families will quickly heal? As long as you have this kind of mind, then the three factions will inevitably have embarrassment. Lightly attack each other in words, but in the end it might make a big hit. In either case, the high-level executives of Taitianmen can’t help.
Just figured out the situation, Tai Tianmen not only can not complain about Yang Chen, but also strongly thank him. Don't say two five-turn Ganoderma lucidum Yulu Dan, even if there is only one, or even one, Taitianmen can't say anything. Before alchemy, you have to be prepared to withstand this result. This is the rule of all asking for alchemy.
If Taitianmen is not happy, there is a line of people waiting for Yang Chen to take the shot, and paying a huge price to let Yang Chen shot, how can Taitianmen make these costs in vain?
In fact, since Tai Tianmen made up his mind to start with Yang Chen, he has already fallen into the passive. This is an unavoidable thing. If you ask for a person, you must have an attitude of asking for help. After all, you still have to take Yang Chen to take your neck.
The civil strife in Taitianmen is inevitable, just a matter of strength. For Yang Chen, as long as he can bring trouble to Taitianmen, he will be willing to do it. This kind of trouble, the more you want to happen inside Taitianmen, the better, you don’t even need Yang Chen to do it, the internal friction can slowly eat into Taitianmen. Strength.
This is just the appetizer prepared by Yang Chen for Taitianmen. The real big meal is still behind. Li Liheng’s bait has been thrown, and Yang Chen does not believe that Taitianmen will not swallow this bait. As long as Taitianmen arrives at the door again, it is time to proceed to the next step.
As for the eyes, Yang Chen is going to use the excuse of alchemy to absorb the fires from the Tiantianmen first, and to further improve the quality of the Yunling furnace.
The higher the quality of Yunling Furnace, the higher the success rate of Yangchen Refining System and the higher the stored fire. The more the power of Yangchen’s yin and yang burning fire will be, this is a mutually reinforcing process. The morning will never be abandoned.
After two years, Yang Chen’s
Refining Dan Medicine
was completed, and two medicinal herbs were delivered to Taitianmen. Yang Chen and the head of the palace taught them to watch a good war inside Taitianmen.
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