Chapter 433: A family of five at the same time retreat (on)

Chapter 433, a family of five at the same time retreat (on)
Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue were caught off guard by Yang Chen’s question. -- Net. To be honest, for the extent to which Zongmen can give them support, the two women have no bottom.
Although Sun Guangxiao has a master of the Mahayana elders, it is impossible for Zongmen to give her support without limit. Similarly, Shi Shanshan is a genius of practice, but Zongmen will only give some care in some aspects. As for what level can be achieved, it is not yet known.
"People, why are you asking?" Shi Shanshan was not allowed to Yang Chen's mind, and asked very actively.
There are only Yang Chen and the four women here. In this "family", Shi Shanshan is not likely to put on the frosty look. It is more natural to talk and talk.
Sun Xiaoxue had the same confusion, but she was robbed by Shi Shanshan first. She didn't say more, just her eyes wide open, and her eyelashes flickered and looked at Yang Chen, waiting for Yang Chen to answer.
"You are my wife, I will give you more resources than you think, so I have to ask your attitude of the sect, so as not to accidentally offend your sect. (--net.)" Yang Chen smiled The answer is: "The other is that there are some choices in the direction of practice. I am afraid that I will have different opinions from your Master, so I have to ask first."
The two women are also his fiancée. In addition to pointing out on some small things, Yang Chen did not support such a high price as Gao Yuegong Sun Ling. Now Yang Chen wants a bowl of water to level, of course, can not drop them two. It’s just that they are not considered to be pure Yanggong, so they have to be a bit scrupulous.
Although Yang Chen said it with a smile, the resources beyond the imagination still make Shi Shanshan and Sun Xiaoxue a little bit stunned. How to call beyond imagination?
Shi Shanshan Sun Qingxue is a large-scale door, whether it is the eye or the knowledge, it is much stronger than the ordinary small disciples. At least half of the resources they have seen in Zongmen have been stunned by the Xiaozongmen monks or the scattered ones. This is the enthusiasm of the big gates.
To put it bluntly, Chunyang Palace wants to give Yang Chen the fire, and all the disciples will use the contribution of Zongmen to collect. In the end, it will only collect the fire of more than two products in two hundred districts. However, whether it is Baguio Xiandao or Qingyunzong, and later the Taitianmen Wuxing Zongxun Gate, the rewards they paid to Yang Chen were high-grade fires, and they were taken out with ease.
This is the difference between the big gate and the small gate, even Yang Yan can not be denied. (--Net.) But now Yang Chen said to the two women, to give them beyond the resources of imagination, how can we not surprise the two women?
Surprised to be surprised, the women present were not suspected. Not to mention anything else, the Dragon Palace in front of us is completely beyond their imagination. Since there is such a bottom, then it is not so unacceptable for Yang Chen to come up with something that is unimaginable.
Yang Chen’s concerns are very natural. If the two women are scattered, there is no such trouble. But they are all people who have a teacher and a master. If Master has already planned for them to practice the road afterwards, if Yang Chen is rushing to intervene, he may annoy the other's elders and do good deeds. This is not worth the candle.
Therefore, everything must be considered and properly arranged. It is related to the relationship between the two fiancee and the two main ancestral halls and the pure Yang Palace. Yang Chen also has to be careful.
These things, Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue were also encountered for the first time. They never thought about what kind of practice road Zongmen and Master would arrange for themselves.
Yang Chen’s practice is said to be entirely his own master. Although Gao Yue is his master, he almost never pointed out anything about him. Now everything is Yang Chen’s own efforts.
And Yang Chen also defeated Shi Shanshan, and said that the two women are still no problem. At this point, Sun Guangxiang is convinced that even Shi Shanshan, Yang Chen pointed out that the demons were broken.
But after all, Yang Chen is only their husband, not their master. Once Yang Chen gives them different advice and teachers, how should the two women choose?
According to Yang Chen's memory, even if the two women did not have his guidance, they would be famous in the future. However, whether it is Shi Shanshan or Sun Qingxue, it is inevitable that some detours will be taken. When Sun Xiaoxue first joined the division, wouldn’t he be mistaken by the quaker? Although Shi Shanshan has not yet had a problem, it is not far away.
Since these memories are available, Yang Chen will naturally not let them delay such a long practice time. Sun Xiaoxue has already got on the right track, but Shi Shanshan still has a robbery, always planning ahead.
"This thing, maybe we have to go back to the teacher's door and ask for it carefully." Shi Shanshan thought for a long time, and did not dare to give a positive answer directly, can only answer this. Next to Sun Xiaoxue also nodded again and again, even if she was deeply loved by the elders, but did not dare to make decisions for the flower elders easily.
"Do remember to ask for advice after going back." Yang Chen nodded, this is the normal attitude, if the two women come up, do not consider any other, it is dangerous. However, he still asked the two women to fight for a little: "It is best to let the Zongmen nod and allow you to practice with me."
With the relationship between the Pure Yang Palace and the Baguio Xiandao Qingyunzong, this is believed to be difficult. And everyone knows that following Yang Chen will never be wronged by his own disciples, and there is no reason to agree. However, no matter what, always have to know, face to go, or good intentions will bring big trouble.
This is to give the two women a little bit of the bottom, let them go to work in Tongzongmen, but also have a psychological preparation. As for now, it is Yang Chen who pulls them to want a complete retreat, and cultivates the tacit understanding of each other, but also impacts the realm. Of course, the most important thing is to make the four women's realm of consciousness stable.
Before Yang Chen had to solve the problem of his own knowledge, he and the four goddesses had double repairs. Everyone counted for a month. Yang Chen’s problem is solved, but the four women have not practiced Sanqing, and they cannot have such a strong foundation like Yang Chen. Therefore, the double revision can make their realm more stable.
The reason why they have to be separated for such a long time is to let them have a process of adaptation. Just in the middle of the way, Yang Chen designed Taitianmen to make alchemy for them. It is the best time to practice after ten years. Of course, the four women did not hesitate to agree to retreat here with Yang Chen.
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