Chapter 441: Scorpion Scorpion Sword (I)

The 441th chapter of the skull and the water flying sword (on)
The complete skeleton of the dragon, a long one, makes it easy to see what kind of species it is. --network.
Such a long body is obviously a genus of snakes, and like a snake, there is no long horn on the head. But there is a breath in the bones similar to the geographic map of the Dragon Point and the Mountain River.
Reminiscent of Yang Chen’s two dragon horns for Gao Yue, Gong Sunling’s dragon skin scroll, the Dragon Palace where they were resected, Gao Yue and Gong Sunling all have a feeling of realizing the truth. Is this the bone of the dragon?
"It's not a real dragon, it's just a dragon." Yang Chen knows what they are thinking from the expressions of the two women, and smiles and explains.
However, Yang Chen’s plain tone is really the urge for the two women to want to take their fists and slap him. What is it just a dragon? This mortal, let alone the dragon, even the ordinary things with the dragon's blood have been extinct, okay?
According to the truth, since the two women have already seen the Longhorn, have seen the geographical map of the mountains and rivers, and have seen the Dragon Palace, they should not be amazed at the skeleton of the dragon in this area. But the fact is that the two women can't be treated indifferently anyway, or they are still amazed.
Yang Chen’s explanation also made the two women finally understand what it is. At the beginning of Gao Yue, I felt a little strange. Although the bones are complete, the dragon's horn is not as strong as the two in her hand. It is reasonable to hear that it is a dragon.
"Is this going to refine the flying sword?" Gao Yue asked carefully. Is such a complete skeleton of the dragon dragon not used for medicine? That is really a pity. As a master of refining, I naturally want to show my skills.
"Of course!" Yang Chen replied with a smile: "I also ask Master to give more guidance."
This Master, but made Gao Yue blush. Especially in front of Gong Sunling, Yang Chen has not changed this name, so that Gao Yue has a feeling of confusion.
However, in the face of this almost refining material, Gao Yue quickly calmed down, carefully observed the skeleton of the dragon, understood the attributes and characteristics of the bone, and began to think if she wanted to refine What kind of method will be used.
At the beginning of thinking about this problem, Gao Yue couldn't help but start thinking about something else. Yang Chen wants to use this dragon skeleton to refine the flying sword, but he originally had a better dragon horn, but gave himself, and Yang Chen himself would use this first-class dragon skeleton. How do you not let Gao Yue move?
Also, why did Yang Chen refine the skeleton flying sword at this time? This is also a problem that makes Gao Yue very tangled, but she will understand it immediately. --network.
Yang Chen is an excellent opportunity for her. Although the dragon is not a real dragon, it is also a dragon, refining it, and the dragon horn is still the same. If I can take advantage of Yang Chen’s opportunity to refine the Feifei flying sword, I might have accumulated a lot of experience in refining the Longjiao Flying Sword.
So far, Gao Yue has not yet begun the refining of the Longhorn Flying Sword. For so many years, the two dragons have been spiritually washed and infiltrated. It has been quite fruitful for a long time.
Especially after Yang Chen and the morning time, the knowledge was doubled, and after the promotion of the gods to the peak of Yuan Ying, the process has accelerated a lot. I believe that it will take too long to start refining.
At this time, Yang Chen took out the skeleton to refine the flying sword. The thoughts in it can be said to be clear. It can be said that Yang Chen has been paying attention to her, and she has been thinking about her wholeheartedly.
After Gao Yue wanted to understand this, there was a burst of warmth in his heart. He only felt that the whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds, and he couldn’t tell the truth.
That kind of happy feeling, even let Gao Yue have a whole body spirit is guided by the impulse to enter a higher realm. Feeling comfortable, happy, warm, confident, all these are reasons for being refined.
It seems that I just want to understand the moment of Yang Chen’s mind, and the realm of Gao Yue has changed. It seems to be close to the peak of the mid-Jindan.
Gong Sunling and Yang Chen of course noticed the change of Gaoyue. Yang Chen said nothing, a question asked Dan to the mouth of Gao Yue, and then after holding a high moon to practice the Tai Xuan Yin Yang heart, this was released. Month, let her feel the realization.
Soon, the high moon entered the deep-level practice, and the spiritual power became more and more agitated with her retreat, and it immediately began to impact the bottleneck in the middle of Jindan.
Gong Sunling is envious, but she also knows that she is not worse than Gao Yue. There are already three Mahayana periods in the geographical map of Shanhe. Two are sea beasts, one is the big city owner, and there are hundreds of Yuan Ying masters. So many powerful characters are indirectly refining the geographical map of the mountains.
If these people can only work hard in the geographical map of Shanhe instead of sincerely returning, otherwise Gongsun Lingguang can rely on the strength of Chunyang Palace. Of course, it is to remove the pure Yang Palace after Yang Chen.
Such a powerful invisible force allows Gong Sunling to almost no need to worry about the sacredness of the geographical map of Shanhe. He only needs to concentrate on the way of the law and the spiritual practice.
In fact, Gong Sunling’s spiritual accomplishment has also reached the high section of Jindan’s mid-term, but it has not yet reached its peak. But this is only a few years. With the qualification of Gong Sunling, it will definitely catch up with the high moon.
Yang Chen took out the skeleton of the dragon, this is for his own refining, and at the same time give some reference to Gao Yue, of course he will not refine during the high-month retreat, so Gao Yue missed.
However, this does not mean that Yang Chen can't do anything, he still has to do some preparatory work. After all, it is also the skeleton of the dragon, and it is still a jaw-dropping dragon skeleton. There is no broken thing in the Dragon Palace. Even if it is refining, it is not so easy.
It is exactly the same thing as the high moon refining dragon horn flying sword in the early stage. Yang Chen wants to use the spiritual power and the sacred scouring of the gods to make Yang Chen’s own mark in the bones of this dragon.
From Yang Chen's planning of the big yin and yang five-line flying sword to the present, this dragon skeleton is the most powerful material encountered by Yang Chen. Jiamu Penglai Shenmu Feijian, Yimu blood demon vine flying sword, C fire Mingguang sword, Dinghuo sword embryo, Wutu Mingguang if the flying soil flying sword, Gengjin 斩 刀 knife, these materials, perhaps only Penglai Shenmu, The soil can be comparable to the skeleton of the dragon, but it does not have the strength of the skeleton of the dragon.
It can be well preserved in the environment of the Dragon Palace, which has fully explained a lot of problems. What Yang Chen is going to do now is to first use the spiritual power and the gods to grind into the bones of this dragon.
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