Chapter 462: It doesn't matter to others (below)

~~ Yang Chen certainly knows that the hurricane robbery is so powerful - so dozens of breaths in advance quickly fled the valley.
When leaving, Yang Chen was not afraid to be exposed. Anyway, hundreds of miles were uninhabited. Yang Chen raised the speed of the shuttle to the highest level, and then wrapped it in the sea, and the wind was so far away from the valley. .
Before the hurricane looted, Yang Chen had escaped dozens of miles away. Then the direction of the shuttle changed, and it was directly drilled under the ground. It still used the fastest speed, and God escaped without knowing it.
When the hurricane robbed, the monks who had spent hundreds of thousands of miles in the time were aware. This is which of the great Mahayana predecessors will be robbed and soared, and all the monks' eyes are concentrated on this side. Some of the relatively close monks have begun to gather in this direction quickly.
It is such a lucky thing to be able to meet a great Mahayana predecessor. If you arrive in time, you can also experience the taste of the hurricane robbery. For every monk, it is a valuable experience worthy of exchange for life.
Of course, the Pure Yang Palace also felt this breath. After confirming the direction of this breath, the head of the palace taught a sigh of relief and sank most of it.
This direction is clearly the direction of Yang Chen. There is only the elder of Taitianmen who can cause hurricane robbery. Since the other party has caused a robbery, is Yang Chen’s plan already failed?
At this moment, the head of the palace was almost unable to hold it. Even so, it still swayed. If it were not holding the pillar next to it, it might fall to the ground immediately.
The elders quickly concentrated on this side, and they were puzzled when they saw the master of the palace. This time, Yang Chen started, the Zongmen only knows the master of the palace, and other people are not clear. This is also a strategy for the investigation of Taitianmen's investigation in the future, but it will keep everyone else in the dark.
The day of the robbery was too short, just a moment of effort, and it quickly vanished. This can only explain a situation, that is, the failure of the predecessor to achieve the robbery, did not survive the nine hurricane robbery, and the soul flew away.
"The ancestors of the past robbed and soared, but the distance was only a thousand miles. In any case, I should go to observe the ceremony." The master of the palace was not the master of the palace, and soon calmed down and began to give orders.
No matter what happens there, what has already happened cannot be changed. If you want to teach the palace master, you have to rush to see it, Yang Chen has nothing to do.
This kind of opportunity, naturally, will not easily let go, and collectively fly in that direction. Only half an hour after the departure, I was told by the head of the palace that there was more than one figure. Looking at it, it is Yang Chen.
Seeing that Yang Chen lived in front of himself, he was filled with ecstasy in the heart of the palace. Yang Chen is fine, but the other party has caused a hurricane robbery. No matter how old the elders are, the people around them who are sailing and flying are definitely dead.
Moreover, everyone has already made it clear that the robbery has failed to reach the predecessors, that is to say, the elders of Taitianmen have already hanged up completely.
The teacher of the palace suddenly felt that the mood was so good, and the great sorrow suddenly turned into a big joy. This mood seems to have improved a lot.
Although the results are already known, everyone still has to go to the team. This kind of excitement does not look at it. Even if you are stunned by the past, you will feel the squalor of the hurricane, you have to go to the scene.
The people of Pure Yang Palace are not the first ones, and the more recent Zongmen are there. When the line of Chunyang Palace arrived, there were hundreds of people around.
The two hundred square feet of the valley, the whole became a dead land, no living souls left. Even a piece of stone that was slightly larger did not remain. The ground of the valley was completely turned into a fine powder, and the surrounding cliffs were eliminated by a large piece, which was also a powder.
The extremely subtle hurricane temperament makes the people who come here feel that this trip is not empty. Waiting for the predecessors to robbery and soaring, which is not to find a place that no one else can find, one is afraid of other people's interference, and the other is the soul next to the fear of injury. There has never been a lot of land around this kind of sect.
This is the first time that everyone has the opportunity to feel the hurricane, and it is not known which Mahayana predecessors did such a good thing. It’s just a pity that the Mahayana’s predecessors failed, which is the only regret.
Later, more and more people, but the hurricane set sail has become more and more faint, and finally disappeared completely. Without the hurricane, the crowd began to slowly dissipate.
Among the crowds who left behind, the people of Chunyang Palace did not attract any special attention. Everyone is coming over for the same purpose, and there is no need to pay attention to other things.
After returning to Zongmen, Yang Chen had the opportunity to report separately to the head of the palace. After listening to it, the master of the palace is more than happy.
Yang Chen’s handling method is much more sophisticated than the previous discussion. Who can still suspect the head of Chunyang Palace? Everyone knows that there is a Mahayana predecessor who has failed to sneak up. Who knows that hundreds of people have been buried with the predecessor?
The suppression of the repaired method is not guaranteed to be 100% successful. Initiating a catastrophe, even if the strength is stronger, it is impossible to succeed 100%.
Even if Tiantianmen knew it, he could only think that it was his own elders who did not major in repairing and causing catastrophe. Perhaps it was because they wanted to save those masters, which led to the failure of the robbery and the spread of those masters. This is a day penalty and has nothing to do with anyone.
Sure enough, God does not know what to do, even the masters who set the plan together do not know, let alone other people. This time, the dumb loss of Taitianmen is fixed.
Yang Chen immediately retired, rehabilitating his remedy for his fiancée, and refining Yan Dan for the owner of the island. The teacher of the palace is like nothing, waiting for the response of Taitianmen.
Everything that happened here sent people to the Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong to send news. Of course, the news is only that there is a great squad in the place where the Mae-hyun predecessors are thousands of miles away from the mountains. The disaster has failed, and there is no more words. Presumably, the two top sects received news that it was natural to know what happened and how to deal with it.
The news was transmitted to Taitianmen as quickly as possible. When receiving the news, the high-level officials of Taitianmen could not even believe what they had heard.
That place is clearly a secret gathering point arranged by Zongmen, and it is intended to remove the Pure Yang Palace in one fell swoop. But now, there is only one piece of powder left.
A Taishang elder of the Mahayana peak, seventy or eighty yuan infant masters, hundreds of Jindan masters, actually so gone?
(To be continued)
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