Chapter 471: Harvest after the robbery (below)

The strange thing is that the scope of knowing the sea has not expanded, it is still so big. But the strength of the sea has increased and I don’t know how much. For the first time, Yang Chen encountered a thunderstorm that could directly attack the sea. He had never heard of it before.
The biggest change is the morning magic weapon that Yang Chen is warming and quenching in the sea. It is not correct to say that this life magic weapon is accurate. It is the big yin and yang five-line flying sword that is ready to act as a sword.
After the smashing and reorganization of the thunder, all the big yin and yang five-line flying swords except the 斩 knives seem to have been re-conceived by the thunder. Yang Chen does not need to use it now, just enlarge these flying swords. By observing the observations in the sea, you can easily discover the changes.
Some of the small flaws that could not be solved because of the lack of repairs seem to have been completely compensated by the robbery and no longer exist. Of course, you must have it, but it is something that will be able to be perfected by the long years of years and years. The thunderstorm is even more powerful and cannot be changed.
It is a pity that because Yang Chen does not want to robbery through magic weapons, he hopes to rely on to resist the thunder, so some powerful magic weapons such as the Admiralty did not receive any additional benefits. But this is not a big problem. Anyway, after Yang Chen’s cultivation is upgraded, he will naturally refine and upgrade.
There are celestial enamel treasures and earthen ritual rituals, plus Qiankun Yangbao 诀, as long as the kung fu is deep, then ordinary magic can also become a treasure.
Speaking of the Tianzhu refining treasures and the sacred rituals, the strongest Yunling furnace Yang Chen has been refining to Tianzhu Shihe and the mantle twenty weights, Yang Chen’s now Yin and Yang five elements of spiritual power subdivided in Lingli The species has already been lit up to thirty, and the power has increased by more than ten times compared to the ordinary spiritual power.
It is a pity that the measuring ruler is not in the hands now, but in the hands of Gong Sunling’s master, Gao Shiyan, to measure his spiritual level in order to impact the Mahayana period. if not. The usage scale can show Yang Chen's combat power most intuitively.
When Yang Chen checked the body here, the four women basically completed their tests, all of them were full of joy. Sun Qingxue seems to want to share his joy with Yang Chen. Grabbing to say your own changes.
Xiao Nizi's spiritual power has been transformed into Jiamu Zhenyuan. Others have not changed much, but the knowledge of God has increased to the limit of Yuan Yingfeng. It seems that only one step can break through this bottleneck and enter the Mahayana period.
"Yang Da Ge... ah no, Xianggong, we have a double understanding with the gods, maybe we can break through immediately." After Sun Xiaoxue finished his situation, he called directly to Yang Chen, letting the girls burst into anger.
This is not finished, Sun Xiaoxue said this time, suddenly thought of something. Surprise called: "Hey, we have all arrived in the Yuan Ying period, you can do it with you."
Sun Liangxue said this. The other three women had another big red face. No one dared to look at Yang Chen when he lowered his head. Sun Xiaoxue only noticed shyness, ah, screaming. Hurrying to cover his little face with his hands, no longer dare to lift.
Yang Chen remembered this, and the promotion to Yuan Ying also has this advantage. Immediately after flashing in my mind, Shi Shanshan was inexplicably shy, but also thought of this problem?
The embarrassing topic makes the four women very shy. But soon everyone will recover, fearing what, they have already married with their own family, and the couples have a double-repair, what can be shy? It’s inevitable that even the gods will be a big event. Is there a Queen Mother of the Jade Emperor?
"This is very good." Yang Chen looked at the four women and looked up separately. They could look at themselves. Yang Chen nodded and nodded. "At any time, don't let some trivial things affect your own heart. not worth it!"
Although Yang Chen’s words are a bit of a taste of teaching, the four women are all slightly swaying at Yang Chen’s body, and they brushed the road:
Yes, Xianggong!

Looking at the four beautiful women, Yang Chen’s has a sense of accomplishment that cannot be said. At the same time, the four women were placed in the past life. It is estimated that even the Jade Emperor at that time could not imagine things. Is there anything more than this that makes Yang Chenzhi happy?
In addition to Sun Qingxue, the other three women's gods have also reached the edge of the breakthrough, and they are all just a matter of footsteps. Of course, Yang Chen would not refuse to give them a promotion. He immediately went to the treasure house and practiced separately with the four women.
Tai Xuan Yin Yang Xin Suo really is extraordinary, and Yang Chen's knowledge has broken through the two immortals, just a double understanding of the gods, let the four women break through the bottleneck, and the cultivation of the gods is promoted to the realm of the early days of Mahayana.
All of them are newly recruited into the Yuan Ying, and they need to be consolidated. On this occasion, the best way to consolidate and cultivate is to have a double-education.
"The origin of this method is difficult to explain, so you should not go into it." Yang Chen can't explain to the girls the origins of "Qin Kun and He Xing" that they gave them. Simply tell them not to pursue them.
For the mystery of Yang Chen, the four women are psychologically prepared. Since Yang Chen said so, they are of course promised. Looking at the four wives who brushed and said to themselves, "Yes, Xianggong!", Yang Chen has an unspeakable sense of accomplishment.
However, it is said that it is not pursued, but when they carefully studied this set of double exercises, they still surprised the four women. According to the truth, they are already the rare comprehension ability of this mortal. When the sects of Zongmen are almost obtained, they can comprehend that they are not separated from each other. Now there are still many places in this martial arts that cannot be understood. may?
Yang Chen is not surprised at all. The top double practice method of the fairyland is placed in the mortal world. If the four women can see the mystery at a glance, it is also called the top-level practice.
Therefore, Yang Chen’s role as a guide has once again been used as a guide. From the beginning to the end, the subtleties of Qiankun and Hexun will be explained one by one. At the same time, how to practice in the current repair situation, where to pay attention, Clear and clear.
Although Yang Chen’s explanation, some places inevitably mention some things between husband and wife, the girls also know the importance, even if it is red-faced, it is also a word of listening, for fear of missing something.
Everyone is a very intelligent person. From this double practice, I have seen many things. In particular, the content of Yang Chen’s explanation is to let the women vaguely understand that their husband’s husband is far from being as simple as it is now.
This can be seen from the ridiculous day of robbery.
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