Chapter 493: Give you a secret (below)

It’s not that Yang Chen doesn’t want to use the fairy to practice. It’s just like Sanqing’s. It’s the first time that the split of the gods is just splitting up a seed of God’s knowledge, and it’s a chance to resurrect after the death of the subject. However, this of knowledge cannot practice while the subject exists.
For Yang Chen, he could only watch his own seed of the gods attached to the fairy body. In vain, he could not practice the drooling of the fairy body that had already experienced the robbery.
Can't help but say that this is a huge temptation. If Yang Chen can squat his heart, he will have to come back again. With the help of the fairy, he may raise the cultivation to a jaw-dropping state in a short time. However, in that case, is it still yourself?
No one will commit suicide and then exchange for a better opportunity to practice, even if Yang Chen can't make this determination. Not to mention his current body, this is the full value of the acquired nature, but has not experienced a higher catastrophe, and the future achievements are not worse than the fairy with a single attribute.
When I rushed to the sea, Yang Chen didn't want to let other people know that he only walked straight through the sea with four wives. There is a shuttle, this baby, plus the inverted sea jade, completely not afraid of being discovered by others.
On the outskirts of the sea, Yang Chen put the four women down. No way, no return to the sea inside the sinister, there is no five-line hook of the dragon, simply can not go down. And the five elements of the hook, currently only Yang Chen can be used alone. The last time Wan Qian’s five female apprentices were directly thrown out of the medicine garden was still vivid, and Yang Chen was reluctant to let his wife be in danger.
With Gong Sunling's geographical map of the mountains and rivers, Yang Chen let them wander around without going back to the sea. The fierceness of the sea beasts here is also a good place to cultivate their fighting consciousness.
Yang stayed alone and once again entered the interior without returning to the sea. This time I went in, and the sky was very clear, so I was very excited to revisit the place.
Once again, I arrived at the place where the original Dragon Palace was. Before Yang Chen placed the fairy body, he suddenly moved his heart and released the Dragon Palace.
Last time, Yang Chen controlled the Dragon Palace to merge the Dragon Treasures in the drowsiness after swallowing Dragon Ball in the roaring day, but it is clear that there is no such thing as the thorough integration of the roaring day. This time, Yang Chen released the Dragon Palace, which is to let the roaring day control himself and completely integrate the two.
The fairy body and the seven treasures of the glass box were placed in the middle of the water. Since the last time Yang Chen was charged, this time has slowly accumulated again, but only one layer of bóbó. Place a Changchun nourishing array here, just to nourish the fairy with the help of the water.
After being temporarily resettled, waiting for the process of controlling the Dragon Palace to merge the treasure house, Yang Chen did not idle, and Li Liheng of Taitianmen once again obtained the knowledge of "Lianqi Qihang Text".
Since this time, every morning or so, Yang Chen will contact Li Liheng last time, almost has become a fixed law. However, Ning Shen Dan Li Liheng is consuming more and more, and once contacted, it has already used about ten. According to this speed, there will be more than ten years, and the morning of Yang Chen refining will be consumed.
The time of each contact is long and short, but almost every time I point to some of Li Liheng’s and Taitianmen’s other practices. Judging from Li Liheng's increasingly proud performance, he has gained absolute status in Taitianmen.
This is a good thing, Yang Chen is very happy to promote this. It is the first step of the plan to let a talented and unmanned person board the high position of Taitianmen. But today, Yang Chen is planning to make Taitianmen depressed.
"When the old man recently chatted with a other ancestral predecessor, the predecessor occasionally said that he remembered that one of his predecessors left a secret place in the mortal world." Liu Fengfeng predecessors said to Li Liheng: "You Write down the way to open the secret, and take those things away!"
Li Liheng was overjoyed, a secret land left by the predecessors of the predecessors of the spiritual world. Needless to say, all of them are good things. Needless to say, it is a medicinal material, and it can be a peerless treasure in the years.
A word does not dare to fall, Li Liheng will be the enthusiasm of the predecessors of the wind, and repeat the resurrection of the predecessors of the wind, and then no problem, then the predecessors of the wind are reassured.
"In this secret, the danger is heavy, and the predecessors left by the Qingyi Erya are not good men and women, and they must be careful, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." The predecessors of Liu Fengzi still seem to be uneasy, once again martyrdom.
Li Liheng is of course full of promises, and he will be careful. This is the end of the relationship with the predecessors of the Fengfengzi after spending ten condensed gods.
Li Liheng was not present when the last time the key to the ancient secret of Taitianmen broke out, so it was not very clear about this. With his character, these things that have nothing to do with him, will not pay more attention afterwards. And at that time he was suffering from the pain of ignorance, and he would care about the secrets.
This time, he got an ancient secret, and suddenly excited. Li Liheng quickly said the passage of the exchange quickly after watching the core of the high-level Taitianmen.
I heard that there was an ancient secret, and everyone was excited. But after Li Liheng’s eagerness to tell the news of the ancient secrets, he thought he could see the excited expression of the doorkeeper and the elders, but to his surprise, he only saw a frustration.
What is this expression? Li Liheng looked at the elders with some incomprehensibility. Or Li Mengzhu understands Li Liheng, watching him look puzzled, and some uninteresting openings reminded: "This secret land is to let us lose the dense land of several Mahayana elders."
Full of excitement instantly turned into horror, Li Liheng looked at the crowd with a stunned look, and his mind was confused. How did the predecessors of the Fengzizi say that the secrets left by the predecessors of the predecessors became a scourge?
"Does the predecessors of the Fengfengzi say that they should be careful?" Li Meng asked in a low voice, and he vaguely produced a suspicion about this singer who could never meet before. What does it mean to take out a secret land that is almost universally known?
"Predecessors must be careful and careful, the predecessor is not a good man or a girl." Li Liheng hurriedly said the scorpion of the predecessors. But even if he wants to break his head, he doesn't understand, how did the secret land passed down by the predecessors of the spiritual world become a secret land that has already been discovered?
"Let's wait for the next contact!" Li Men sighed and didn't know what the thought was.
(To be continued) {Floating Astronomy Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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