Vol 7 Chapter 2604: How about 2 bits?

The words of the foolish made the expressions of all the free crowns, including Nana, change greatly, and they were horrified.
what! ?
If a foolish said such words, wouldn't it mean that he and others were regarded as servants, subordinates! ?
This is completely opposite to what the Mirror God and the Fool God said at the Royal Court Council before.
Even if the Mirror God and the Foolish God didn't do it after they finished speaking, they still had a statement after all, and their attitude was there.
But now even this most basic attitude is gone.
As a top powerhouse in the main world, no one wants to be subservient to others.
A random crown prince of the Free Federation has the ability to form a federation by himself outside, and enjoy the top king's treatment.
There is really no need to be a servant and servant under someone else's hands.
Although the Mirror God and the Fool God also tended to do this before, they didn't do it so clearly and directly under the guise.
If you can get great benefits under the hands of the Mirror God and the Foolish God, that's all, the key is that all the benefits under the Mirror God and the Foolish God are taken by the Mirror God and the Foolish God.
What the Mirror God and the Fool God despise will not necessarily be released and handed over to themselves and others.
It really doesn't make much sense to sacrifice your life under the hands of mirror gods and foolish gods.
But even if I really thought so, there was nothing I could do.
Since the Mirror God and the Fool God have done this, it is impossible for them and others to have the opportunity to leave the Free Federation.
Nana's body froze in place, but she still didn't dare to do too much in front of the Mirror God and the Foolish God.
Nana had always felt that pity God was a little ignorant.
Even if you really suffer some grievances, there is no need to fight against the Mirror God and the Foolish God.
Now Nana has completely experienced the exact same feeling that Lian Shen had at the beginning.
This feeling made Nana very suffocated, and Nana also wanted to refute the mirror and the foolish like a pity god.
But seeing the faces of the Mirror God and the Foolish God, Nana didn't dare to resist after all.
After seeing that they used strong means, everyone took a stand.
Mirror God felt that he was too gentle before.
There is no need to be so gentle with these unknowable things.
The Foolish God did not let the majesty who had already kneeled stand up after everyone made a statement.
Directly continue to open the Royal Court Council.
"I called you here this time to tell you my decision."
"All of you will be ambushed at the entrance of the sixth-level swamp dimension crack for a while, and I will attack them immediately after Chef Zun and Iron Prison come out."
"You are responsible for dealing with the rest of Hui Yao."
"You can kill as many as those five million people have returned!"
Li Yan obeyed the instructions of the Mirror God and the Fool God, and negotiated with Chef Zun and Iron Prison.
At that time, Li Yan had already guessed that the Mirror God and the Fool God would attack Chef Zun and Iron Prison.
Chef Zun and Iron Prison Lion opened their mouths, asking for too much.
These resource mirror gods and foolish gods will definitely not agree.
If you will agree, there must be a backhand, and you can take these resources back.
Li Yan thought that the Mirror God and the Foolish God would make a move, but he didn't think that the Mirror God and the Foolish God would want to kill all the more than five million people of Huiyao.
This decision is too harsh!
There are millions of Reiki professionals anyway.
Killing these millions of Reiki professionals in glory is destined to bring the Free Federation to the bad name of perfidy. It will also become a deadly feud with Hui Yao, and it will never be resolved!
If it was before, when Li Yan still defined himself as the crown of the Free Federation.
In order to consolidate the hegemony of the Free Federation, Li Yan was willing to act according to the requirements of the Mirror God and the Foolish God.
But now Li Yan has given birth to the idea of ​​leaving the Free Federation, and is really unwilling to form a mortal enemy with Hui Yao.
I really did this according to the instructions of the Mirror God and the Foolish God. Even if one day I can really leave the Free Federation, Hui Yao will definitely seek revenge for himself!
But the situation in front of him couldn't help Li Yan not agree, Li Yan had to express his position as loudly as the other kings who were kneeling on the ground.
Express your willingness to obey the orders of the Mirror God and the Fool God.
The Mirror God looked down at the congregation kneeling on the ground, and felt that what he had done before was wrong.
I should have discussed with my brother long ago, and hold all the crowns of the other Free Federation in my hands.
In this way, if the royal court council is held again, there will be no objections! ?
You just have to decide for yourself!
"Now you go get ready."
"It has been more than a day for Chef Zun and Iron Prison to bring people in, or Iron Prison and Chef Zun have failed to negotiate and have been killed by the masters of the swamp world."
"Either time, it's almost time to come out."
After finishing speaking, Mirror God and Fool God took the lead and rushed towards the entrance of the sixth-level swamp dimension crack.
The other majesty hurried to keep up, only Nana stood where she was and did not leave immediately.
Anyway, the Mirror God and the Foolish God have determined that they can control their own life and death. In this case, even if they did not immediately follow the requirements of the Mirror God and the Foolish God, they rushed to the entrance of the sixth-level swamp dimension crack.
At most, the Mirror God and the Fool God are just dissatisfied and will not do anything to themselves.
Nana came to Karma's seat and used her spiritual power to gather a pinch of floating ash on Karma's seat.
Being calcined by divine fire, Karma has long since left no dregs.
There is no trace of Karma's body in the floating ashes that Nana gathered, and Nana would do this just like a little mourning.
Even if the relationship with Kama is not good, it is still an old friend for hundreds of years.
From Karma's body, Nana seemed to see her own destiny faintly.
Nana put this pinch of floating ashes in Karma's favorite strawberry field, and then set off to the entrance of the sixth-level swamp dimension crack.
When she arrived at the entrance, Nana found that Iron Prison and Chef Zun had just come out of the entrance of the dimensional crack.
The faces of Iron Prison and Chef Zun were full of sad expressions.
When the Mirror God and the Foolish God saw this, they immediately went up to them.
Mirror God frowned slightly, seeing the expressions of Tie Prison and Chef Zun, he almost thought that Chef Zun and Iron Prison were not able to successfully negotiate with the reincarnation masters of the swamp world to buy time for the Free Federation.
But the Mirror God still asked. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
"How are the two of you?"
Jing Shenda hopes from the bottom of his heart that Chef Zun and Iron Prison will help the Free Federation to relieve the crisis and win a year.
Otherwise, this negotiation is very likely to make the masters of the swamp world feel that they are showing weakness.
Induce the masters of the swamp world to attack the Free Federation.
Without this year's time, the Mirror God and the Fool God simply cannot handle some of the fixed assets of the Free Federation.
Chef Zun heard the question from the Mirror God, and said the words that he had already prepared to the Mirror God.
"As promised, we have successfully solved the problems of your Free Federation!"
"In order to fulfill your request, our Huiyao's loss is too great, and all the people who brought it in have been detained."
"There are also many splendid great heroes who have already dedicated their lives to this!"
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