Vol 7 Chapter 2608: Well of the Dead! (2 in 1)

Lin Yuan has been looking forward to the condensation of the secret treasure in the underground world for a long time.
Because Lin Yuan wants to use hundreds of millions of goblins in the underground world to do a big thing!
The goblin is the darling of the earth, and has a strong ability to control the earth element.
In the underground world, goblins are one of the few low-level dimensional creatures that can advance to reincarnation.
Houtucheng Linyuan was built by goblins in a very short period of time.
At that time, there were only a few hundred goblins under Lin Yuan's subordinates, and in just two months, the general outline of Houtucheng was constructed.
The main world is about to usher in a catastrophe.
Lin Yuan learned through communication with the Eight Pages of Desolation that Ta Dian has been using death energy to affect the leylines for thousands of years.
Under such circumstances, the implementation of the Sleeper's Su Sheng plan has basically become a sure thing.
Even if Lin Yuan found the location of Ta Dian now, he would not be able to reverse this disaster.
And with Lin Yuan's current strength, Lin Yuan is not sure whether he can truly defeat Ta Dian.
The strength of the crimson page Mo Yang and Han Yang had personally experienced, that is definitely the realm of the Going Habitat domination!
There are eight members of the earliest eight pages of Ta Dian, which means that there are at least eight strong people in Ta Dian's habitat.
All Lin Yuan has been doing is chasing the level of Ta Dian.
When Lin Yuan merged with the abyss red lotus, his strength surpassed his previous habitat.
But Lin Yuan's subordinates had only two combat powers in Habitat.
The crimson page does show the momentum of the Habitat, but who can be sure that the strongest strength of the crimson page is in the Habitat! ?
I want to survive the catastrophe brought by this tower code and face countless undead.
Building strong fortifications is an extremely important thing.
The hundreds of millions of goblins in the underground world can build a strong defense for the main world in a month's time.
Strength is one aspect, but it is also an indispensable thing in the preparation of defense work.
The Su Sheng of the Sleeper used death energy to induce the leylines to resurrect all the dead in the main world.
The history of Huiyao is only a drop in the ocean in the vast time of the main world. No one knows how many souls have died under the various big cities of Huiyao in the long evolution of the era.
Once the undead emerge from the ground, they will attack Radiance directly from the inside of the city.
Using these goblins, Lin Yuan can use some metal spiritual materials that can suppress and purify the dead energy, together with blocking spiritual bodies and extremely strong metal spiritual materials, and superimpose them in a mesh on a fifty-meter-thick rock slab.
Use slate to cover every corner of the city's territory to ensure that the undead won't break through the defense and get out of the ground.
Even if some powerful undead really broke through the prepared fortifications, you just need to send someone to kill this powerful undead.
Then let the goblins on standby in the city immediately build a undead well with metal spiritual materials prepared in advance, and then arrange manpower to defend the undead well.
Just kill the undead that spew out of the undead well!
If Lin Yuan's idea is to be done by human spirit craftsmen, it may take hundreds of thousands of years to gather the power of all the spirit craftsmen of Huiyao to do this.
The kind of rock slab with dozens of metal spiritual materials superimposed is not easy to make.
What's more, there are not many ore veins to suppress death in the main world, and it is difficult to complete the supply of materials.
Fortunately, there are enough resources in the underground world to consume.
The mineral reserves in the underground world are enough to support the complete establishment of fortifications.
On the premise of ensuring the glorious fortifications, Lin Yuan can also assist other forces.
The timing of the appearance of the underground world's secret treasure, the Earth Origin Rubik's Cube, is still timely. Lin Yuan has already issued instructions to the three underground world's reincarnation masters, Yan Ming and Yue Zhen.
Let the three gather all the goblins from the major mining areas in the underground world, regardless of their strength.
Di Xu, Yan Ming, and Yue Zhen had already completed Lin Yuan's orders at this time.
Lin Yuan's hot blood spilled on the Diyuan Rubik's Cube.
The Earth Cube greedily sucked Lin Yuan's blood.
At this time, Lily Lily, who had been promoted to the mythical species, had greatly increased her healing power, and she could easily replenish Lin Yuan's blood.
Although he had three previous experiences, Lin Yuan still had weak legs and dizzy mind after contracting the Earth Origin Rubik's Cube.
Lin Yuan hurriedly took out a large amount of blood-filled golden silk dates to supplement his own consumption.
Lin Yuan handed the Diyuan Rubik's Cube to Luyuan, and asked Luyuan to get it into the underground world as soon as possible.
After his body recovered, Lin Yuan put the secret scriptures of the underground world into the fountain of faith in the kingdom of God, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.
Lin Yuan hoped that it would be best not to have a dispute related to Ta Dian before he woke up next time.
According to Lin Yuan's plan, it will take at least three months to develop.
Ta Dian has never been afraid of the strength of the major federations, there is no doubt about this.
The force that really makes Ta Dian jealous is the Temple of Era.
Withering Eight Pages was full of solemnity when he mentioned the Era Temple.
The tower code and the temple of the era never seem to have the slightest advantage in the conflict.
The black hand behind the Ta Dian has awakened, and if the crimson page did not do anything to the main world, most of it was afraid of the temple of the era.
The existence of the Temple of Era is a restraint for Ta Dian, and Ta Dian's plan should not be implemented so quickly.
Although he thought so in his heart, Lin Yuan did not dare to put his expectations entirely on his own guesses.
The preparation must be done as soon as possible!
At this time, Lin Yuan had already prepared for the worst.
During the time when Lin Yuan was sleeping again, Chef Zun and Iron Prison were under the guardianship of the Abyss Emperor controlled by Hengyuan and Red Thorn.
The imprisoned Mirror God, the Fool God and the crowns of the Free Federation have been brought back to Radiance.
Hengyuan arranged for fifty reincarnation masters to control the situation on the Free Federation side.
In order to ensure that there will be no trouble in the Free Federation after the Mirror God Fool and other Crown Princes of the Free Federation leave the Free Federation.
Before, whether it was the Mirror God, the Fool God, or other crown princes of the Free Federation, they all had the experience of reaching the glory.
It's just that this time, whether it is the situation or the mood, it has changed completely from the previous one.
When they came to Huiyao before, basically everyone in the Free Federation had a strong sense of superiority and an attitude of looking down.
But this time, Hui Yao will become the master of himself and others, controlling the fate of himself and others.
What an irony this is!
Especially the Mirror God and the Fool God, they never thought that they who had already ignited the divine fire would end up like this.
Chef Zun and Iron Prison finally breathed a sigh of relief after arriving at Hui Yao.
This trip to the Free Federation, Chef Zun and Iron Prison can be said to have taken great risks, and their bodies and hearts are also full of pressure.
If this trip is only concerned with his own safety, the key point is that this trip is also related to the safety of Huiyao's five million sons.
It's one thing for Lin Yuan to give himself security, but it's another thing for pressure.
Fortunately, there were no mistakes in all of this, and it all ended successfully.
Chef Zun and Iron Prison directly brought the Mirror God, the Fool God, and the Crown Princes of the Free Federation to Huiyue Hall, ready to be dealt with by the Queen of the Moon.
After a month, I have already received the news of Chef Zun and Iron Prison's return, and have been waiting for Chef Zun and Iron Prison in Huiyue Hall.
At the same time, he was thinking about how to deal with the Crown Princes of the Free Federation.
Even after a month, I have lost my mind for a while.
A month later, I thought about discussing with Lin Yuan, but Lin Yuan had said before that he did not intend to participate in this matter and let himself handle it completely.
Looking for Lin Yuan again under the circumstances that Lin Yuan said, it would appear that he is very incompetent as a master.
Chef Zun and Iron Prison left all the crown princes of the Free Federation at the foot of Qingyue Mountain, and returned to the mountain after going up to the moon.
After he became a six-star creator and awakened his destiny, the old man handed over the core of Lumai to Yuehou.
Even after some royal court councils were no longer present, everyone knew that Yue Hou had taken over the position of the old man.
After a month, I do have this qualification!
After a month, together with the brand new changes brought by Lin Yuan to the entire Huiyao, Huiyao became the real TOP1 among the major federations in the main world.
Whether it is an old man like Chef Zun or Iron Prison, they all have full respect for Moon Empress.
After seeing Chef Zun and Iron Prison a month later, he did not immediately go to see the Crown Princes of the Free Federation.
Instead, he asked about the details of the trip between Chef Zun and the Iron Prison Free Federation.
Although Moon Hou and Chef Zun and Iron Prison also communicated through the letter of heart, the communication on the letter of heart was not as good as face-to-face conversation.
Through the letter of heart, Chef Zun and Iron Prison reported problems to Yuehou.
Other circumstances were not explained in detail after the month.
Both of them knew that Yue Hou took over for the old man, and they must be very busy on weekdays.
Chef Zun and Tie Prison told the situation to Yue Hou in detail, and Yue Hou heard that the frowns became more and more tight in their hearts.
Thanks to myself for telling Lin Yuan about the situation, otherwise the lives of Chef Zun, Iron Prison and Huiyao's five million sons will be explained in the Free Federation!
Thinking of this month later, I waved my hand and said.
"This palace is going to hold the Royal Court Council. You two will talk about the specific situation after the Royal Court Council!"
"Bring the people from the Free Federation to the royal court together, and I will go with you in the council to decide the fate of the Mirror God and the Fool God!"
The Iron Prison Chef nodded when he heard the words.
After hearing what Yue Hou said, I knew that Yue Hou did not think of a good place for the Crown Princes of the Free Federation.
It's really tricky to deal with these people.
It seems a little wasteful to use the peace of mind that these people can't use.
It is easy to deal with the places where the crown of the Free Federation is, but it is not an easy task to deal with the huge Free Federation.
The glorious royal court council was convened again, and the Mirror God Fool God and a group of princes of the Free Federation also joined the glorious royal court council.
The splendid Royal Court Council brought a great impact to the crowns of the Free Federation.
It turns out that in the Radiance Federation, the Royal Court Council was held like this!
A group of glorious princes can communicate effectively in the Royal Court Council and listen to each other's opinions.
This is unimaginable in the council held by the Temple of Liberty!
However, this splendid Royal Court Council evoked the memories of some veterans of the Free Federation.
As early as a few decades ago, in fact, everyone in the parliament in the Temple of Liberty was able to communicate.
It's just that all this changed completely after the Fool God and the Mirror God ignited the divine fire.
But this obviously has nothing to do with igniting the divine fire itself.
The old man of Huiyao also ignited the fire of God, but the old man of Huiyao did not have such changes as the mirror and the foolish god.
Finally, after deliberation, a decision was made after a month.
Let all the princes of the Free Federation swear by all the will runes, rule runes, and eternal hearts that are related to strength after the moon.
to ensure 100% control.
Then let the crown of the Free Commonwealth return to the Free Commonwealth.
After all, the Free Commonwealth still has hundreds of millions of citizens who need to be managed.
Those dimensional creatures don't know how to manage and treat humans.
After a month, it was clear that Lin Yuan did not have time to govern and manage the Free Federation.
For this decision a month later, the congregation of the Free Federation was in a difficult mood.
But all the Crown Princes of the Free Federation, including the Mirror God and the Fool God, know that they have no qualifications to oppose and can only agree.
What Hui Yao wants is the administrator of the Free Federation, and those who disagree will be erased.
Only if a few of them agree, can they take over the broader market of the Free Federation.
At this time, the Crown Prince of the Free Federation, who was accustomed to calculating, hoped that other members would not agree.
In this way, when he is in charge of the Free Federation, he can also hold greater authority.
Along the way, they have both become accustomed to their current identities.
We are all smart people who understand the fate of rejection.
Even the Mirror God and the Fool God had to agree to Moon Queen's request after hesitating for a moment, and swear to Moon Queen with the will rune.
After a month, I can now control the lives and deaths of the Crown Princes of the Free Federation, and there is nothing to worry about!
After a month, the Mirror God Fool and the Free Federation were crowned directly and returned to the Free Federation.
If there is any demand, an order will be issued directly after a month.
After the month before and after leaving, I talked to each of the Crown Princes of the Free Federation individually.
This conversation gave every Crown Prince of the Free Commonwealth the right to supervise others.
On the way back, Jingshen thought of how Li Yan took the initiative to surrender to the Radiance Federation after he and the foolish were under control.
Anger filled his heart. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
But the Mirror God didn't dare to go to Li Yan to settle the account in the end.
First of all, under the current situation of being under the control of Yuehou, what can I do to Li Yan, but Li Yan can tell Yuehou what happened to him.
It used to be that whoever was stronger was justified, but now strength is no longer a sign of the right to speak.
Whoever trusts more after a month will have more right to speak.
Li A, Du Miao, and other leaders of the Free Federation are no longer afraid of the Mirror God and the Foolish God, and they no longer show a servile appearance.
Instead, it provoked the thorns of the Mirror God and the Foolish God openly and secretly.
The prestige of the Mirror God and the Fool God was lost, and Nana became the most influential figure among the crowns of the Free Federation.
I will post a two-in-one chapter in the future!
(End of this chapter)
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