Chapter 14:

The next day, someone brought crude oil.
Ni Yang frowned after reading it.
"This is inferior crude oil and it simply cannot be used."
"What? These people took our supplies and gave us inferior crude oil that we couldn't use?"
Everyone was very angry.
But now people are on the site, and none of them have abilities.
"Although Zheng Shu is bad, he is capable anyway. If he didn't die, this crude oil area wouldn't look down on us like this."
Some of the armed soldiers complained.
Obviously facing Ni Yang.
After all, Ni Yang is now their temporary leader.
Ni Yang is not an angry person.
She sneered, and the gun on her back resisted the speaker.
"Then you might as well die with Zheng Shu."
As soon as this sentence came out, people who were originally dissatisfied immediately shut their mouths.
This woman can't afford it.
After the lesson was over, Ni Yang continued to say, "We really can't walk so stubbornly. Since they are not benevolent, don't blame us for being unjust."
What does it mean?
Ni Yang laughed: "We are going to steal crude oil."
Steal crude oil?
Everyone hesitated.
People in the crude oil area are not easy to deal with.
Ni Yang sneered, "Why, don't you dare? Those who don't dare stay in the house."
Everyone looked at each other, and some people hesitated to raise their hands.
Of course, such a dangerous activity, Su Ruansoft was the first to jump out.
Ni Yang glanced at her, and it seemed to be strange.
At first, she thought it was a timid, Virgin Mary and a white lotus oil bottle. Now, at first glance, it is still a bit bold.
The very courageous Su Ruanyuan tried to control her little feet shaking into a sieve.
She can!
Everyone decided on an action plan, and they didn’t go out until night.
Not many people went out together, most people did not dare to take risks, and all stayed in the house with long hair.
During the day, Ni Yang went to cross the road.
Now, she will lead everyone to steal crude oil.
Not much to steal, just steal the portion they deserve.
After Su Ruan shook softly, he started rubbing his hands, eager to try.
Look left and right to find your own destiny.
The little brother looked so energetic that he should be able to shoot her to death.
The little brother looked at her thick round legs and should be able to kick her to death.
"What are you looking at softly?"
A hand stretched out from the side, pinching Su Ruan's small head and struggling.
Hey, broken, broken, broken...
The armed soldiers in the crude oil area seemed very certain that no one dared to steal things, so they were very uncomfortable when patrolling.
Ni Yang easily took everyone to find the crude oil point.
Without getting the little brother and the little brother, Su Ruanuan, who was almost excited by the perverted man who broke the small neck, was rushed out first.
Lu Shiming looked at Su Ruanuan, who was running after the pig in the pigsty, and said blankly: "What are you doing?"
Su Ruan's excited eyes stared, "I'm stealing pigs to raise you!"
"get out."
Su Ruanyuan feels that she has been rejected.
Pigs are so cute, why not like pigs?
Ni Yang has already led people to start filling oil.
Su Ruanan continued to look down depressed.
The crude oil area seems very suitable for food running.
These foods have been vocal cords cut, and may be afraid of attracting zombies.
Su Ruanuan hugged a big white goose and sent it to Ni Yang happily.
Think good times.
Suddenly, there was a strong light in front of me.
"What are you doing!"
Ni Yang's expression tightened, and he immediately took cover and hid behind the armed car.
The armed soldier with great eyes turned around with a flashlight, and followed several armed soldiers behind him.
Ni Yang pressed the oil barrel in his arms and looked dignified.
Su Ruanuan subconsciously hugged the geese around her, thinking about whether to stretch out her small head to try. The hugged geese were humiliated and immediately began to struggle frantically, then jumped out with big white wings.
Facing a big white goose, his eyes were breathless and he just breathed out, "It turns out to be a goose!" Then he was stared at by the big white goose.
As the most ferocious poultry, the great white goose fully demonstrated its village dominance.
The armed soldiers were pecked and ran away.
But they dare not fight the goose.
After all, they are all precious food.
Everyone: ...
Ni Yang coughed, "Continue to steal oil."
Everyone moved like a mouse again.
Over there, Su Ruanyuan found another big white goose with big pectoral muscles.
The pectoralis major white goose struggled to jump out.
Su Ruanan immediately followed with short legs.
She didn't know how long she had chased, but when she caught up, she found herself lost.
This is a building.
It was very dark and only one room was lit.
Su Ruanuan thought, go ask for a way.
She dragged the big white goose to ask for directions.
Pectoralis major white goose: unreasonable JPG.
Su Ruan pushed open the big iron door softly, and noticed that the lighted room was in the back.
Just a few steps away, Su Ruanyuan was caught by her arm.
"who are you?"
Su Ruanan turned his head in horror and saw the throne.
She bowed her head nervously, "I, I'm lost."
Shang Wei saw the big white goose in Su Ruan's hands.
Su Ruanan immediately tensed his grain tightly.
Great White Goose, "Save Goose Goose Goose..."
"This is not where you should come."
Suddenly speaking, Suddenly stopped.
He looked at Su Ruan's wet, wet eyes, and the ghost messenger pulled out the veil and grabbed her for a moment.
Soot has made her talk.
Face clean.
Under the light of the lamp, the little girl's eyebrows drooped slightly, and her wings fluttered. Snow skin and flower appearance, Bai Bi flawless.
Shang Wei looked at Su Ruan's face in shock, suddenly burst into a frenzy in his eyes.
Su Ruan's heart tightened.
Holding her beloved baby goose, she was about to leave, but she didn't want to be caught by the prince, and dragged to the bright room.
The room door was opened and a woman came out.
Wearing a silk nightgown, she looks gorgeous.
Su Ruannuo recognized it, the woman she saw during the day.
Gu Deng's favorite seed mother, Wang Shuishui.
Wangshui Waterway: "Well, what are you doing?"
Shang Wei was excited: "Look at this woman's face."
The woman looked down and saw Su Ruan's soft face, with a stunning look on her face.
"Is it pretty? He will love it, he will love it..." Shang Wei whispered excitedly.
Wang Shuishui held his seat, "What about then?"
The throne is still in the stage of excitement.
Wang Shuishui repeated, "What if he likes it? But just one more person is locked here as his seed."
Shang Wei didn't know what he had thought of, and his face was abrupt.
"Look at her, there is no power, I can poke down with one finger, what can she help us?" Wang Shuishui continued to speak.
Su Ruanyuan's eyes widened: I warn you not to be a ginseng cock! Watch out when I go to Lu!
"What should I do? He is so powerful, everyone listens to him, as long as he looks at him, as long as he looks at him! No one can escape!"
The position is very excited, his face is red, his eyes are red, and he seems to endure something extremely.
Su Ruanan heard that the person they said should be Gu Deng.
And here, it should be the place where Gu Deng raised the breeding mother.
But what are they talking about now?
Su Ruanyuan felt as if she had discovered something terrible.
"Send it before talking."
The incumbent drags Su Ruanyuan indiscriminately and leaves.
Su Ruanyuan held her goose and tried her best to resist.
The goose struggled hard, broke free, and then bite into the seat.
Position:? ? ? Did you bit the wrong person?
Su Ruanran took the opportunity to spread the girl and ran out.
But don't want to hit a person at the door.
She lay on the ground, looked up, and saw a man.
The night was too dark and Su Ruanyuan could not see anything.
But she knew that this man must grab her goose!
Shang Wei and Wang Shuishui looked pale when they saw the man.
The man stared at Su Ruanan lying on the ground, his eyes didn't move.
"Little Beauty, who are you?" The man tried to lower his voice and threatened to run away this little fairy.
Su Ruanyuan made a wailing sound, hit her with her head, and ran out in a rampage.
The man was unguarded and was staggered. He was really run away by Su Ruanan. It took half a day before he responded and wanted to catch someone.
Over there, the little goose lost, and Su Ran, who was almost besieged by the pervert, was sweating and sweating, and finally returned to the team.
Everyone came back with full load.
Lu Shiming lowered his head and looked down at Su Ruan's face.
Su Ruanyuan, who runs like a little lunatic, immediately straightened his spine, and his walking posture became the same as his hands and feet, stiff like a string puppet.
"Where did you go softly?" Lu Shiming gently touched her small head and took away the rotten leaves from her hair for her.
After taking a few pieces, it was found to be too dirty, and it was not cleaned up at all. Lu Shiming gave up.
He took out the veil and wiped his hands, stopping his behavior.
"Me, I'm going to catch the goose and give you a second..."
The little girl was almost dirty and became black charcoal.
"Have you caught it?"
Su Ruanyuan shook her head carefully.
Lu Shiming smiled unclearly.
Su Ruanruan:? ? ?
Ni Yang asked everyone to hide the crude oil in the car and then go back to Chase Shop to sleep.
"You are too dirty."
Su Ruanruan:? ? ?
Lu Shiming cushioned the veil and slid Su Ruan softly into the corner.
Su Ruanuan, shaking a pair of small thin legs that had not yet stood firm:? ? ? She seems to have been rejected?
Suddenly, the entire crude oil area was brightly lit.
Everyone started to scream.
"I heard who I was looking for."
"People who steal geese."
Su Ruanyuan, still in confinement:! ! ! I just want to steal a goose!
Ni Yang is more nervous than Su Ruan's.
She guessed that it was Gu Deng who discovered that they were stealing crude oil, and wanted to use the excuse of stealing geese to wipe them all out?
In a flash, everyone was panicked.
Ni Yang said: "Lu Shiming, you go out with me."
Someone immediately came out to stop Ni Yang, with a sharp voice, "Do you want to run alone?"
Ni Yang looked cold, "I will transfer crude oil. Why, do you want to go with me?"
The man was stiffened.
Now if I go out with Ni Yang to transfer crude oil and get caught, it is really stolen and obtained.
But if she is allowed to transfer herself, even if they are really found, they can shirk their responsibility and say they do not know.
In this case, I do not know that the old conference in the crude oil area will not spare them their lives.
Or they go directly to expose...
"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking." Ni Yang suddenly said sharply, "Take care of your mouth. We are now on a boat. The boat is overturned. Do you think you can get rid of it?"
Everyone looked stiff and looked at each other, and immediately understood the stakes, so they dared not talk.
After finishing warning, Ni Yang turned to Lu Shiming and said: "Lu Shiming, go."
Su Ruanyuan posted it immediately.
"What are you doing?" Ni Yang frowned.
Su Ruan softly said: "I will help too."
Ni Yang looked at Su Ruan's big eyes in water and mist, stopped for two seconds, and then said: "Come on, you."
Because of a goose in Gudeng, the crude oil area is very chaotic.
The three went together in the direction of the armed car, and it was unimpeded along the way.
Lu Shiming had room, and Ni Yang was going to let him put crude oil in the room.
"Why didn't you put it in the space at first?"
Su Ruanan raised doubts.
Ni Yangdao glanced at the idiot, "Don't that expose Lu Shiming's ability?"
Su Ruanyuan nodded suddenly.
The three of them walked forward, not wanting to run into a team of people.
The man who walked in the front was stupid in a suit and gold-tinted glasses for the summer. His skin was good, but he looked like a scum.
Behind him was the monk, and there was the woman named Wang Shuishui.
Ni Yang looked tight, and subconsciously clenched the gun in his hand.
"That person is Gu Deng. You remember not to stare at him." Ni Yang lowered his voice to remind.
Su Ruanyuan immediately stretched her small neck and rounded her eyes, trying to find Gu Deng's eyes.
Come, look at me, look at me! ~
"He is very strong."
Ni Yang didn't know what he thought of, and he looked a little ugly.
Lu Shiming's original indifferent face raised his eyebrows after hearing Ni Yang's words, "How strong?"
Ni Yangdao: "Very strong."
Lu Shiming showed interest on his face, like a hunter attacking for the first time, and found a satisfactory prey.
Su Ruanan saw Lu Shiming's expression, knowing the perverted habit of the male lead, she secretly mourned for Gu Deng.
No matter how strong, in front of Lu Shiming is a trumpet.
There was no one in the corridor, Gu Deng was looking for someone, and naturally noticed them.
At a glance, Shang Wei saw Su Ruanyuan, his expression puzzled, and he seemed to be recognizing.
It's no wonder that Shang You can't recognize it.
Even Su Ruanyuan couldn't recognize himself.
She had just rolled around in the pigsty and ran all the way with the goose. When she returned, she fell in the mud and then fell in the vegetable field.
Now the whole person is about to become a natural clay sculpture.
Dirty and smelly.
With the smelly Su soft and soft, Gu Deng's eyes fell naturally on Ni Yang.
As a female host, Ni Yang is brave, tall, slender, and very temperamental.
There are many beauties around Gu Deng, but no beauties like Ni Yang.
Although he still remembered the little beauty just now, Gu Deng never disliked the beauty.
And such a healthy beauty will definitely give him a healthy child!
You know, in the last days, things like children are too fragile.
Gu Deng has lost three children.
It's all because of the harsh environment of the last days, either born or deformed.
After watching for a while, Gu Deng's eyes staggered from Ni Yang's body and fell on Su Ruan'an.
The little girl's clothes were no longer visible, and she was wearing a hood, and the half of her face exposed was dark like a coal ball.
Gu Deng did not think much.
He knew that the people who changed crude oil in the past few days came from the coal area, and the black spots on his body were normal.
But this thing is really dirty.
The pigs he raises are cleaner than hers.
Unlike his little beauty, it is white, thin and slippery.
Gu Deng did not take an interest in Su Ruan Ruan, instead he turned sideways and stopped Ni Yang.
As a stallion, Gu Deng really did not miss any pit.
Ni Yang raised his eyes vigilantly, but suddenly froze.
Gu Deng took off the gold spectacles on his face gracefully, exposing those... green bean eyes?
Little brother, you have a thousand degrees of myopia?
As the king of this crude oil area, Gu Deng tried to widen the eyes of the green beans and began to domineering the mistress.
"What's your name?"
Ni Yangdao: "Ni Yang."
Gu Deng was shocked.
Standing behind Gu Deng said: "Her surname is Ni, the word is a sunny sun. It is from the coal area."
Gu Deng realized that the woman was not scolding him.
He thought that his power had failed.
"You look beautiful, follow me. You will definitely give me a healthy child."
Gu Deng's hand fell on Ni Yang's face and touched it gently.
This woman has always been very energetic.
He has never tried it yet.
I heard that there is no power, so that it can be controlled better, and it will not be enemies with the coal area.
Even if the coal area is not willing, he will give a little more crude oil.
Ni Yang did not resist at all, his eyes even lost focus.
Let Gu Deng be fooled.
Su Ruan was shocked.
Immediately holding Ni Yang's arm, anxiously said: "I will go too, I will go too!"
Gu Deng glanced at the sloppy Su Ruanan, who was very disgusted.
Su Ruan said: "I can sing for you. I have been very musical since I was a child. The music teacher has always said to give money to let me go."
Gu Deng: ......He was the first time he encountered such an eager seed mother, but he hasn’t taken it yet...
Gu Deng ruthlessly rejected Su Ruan Ruan, and then let people go with Ni Yang.
Su Ruan was crying and running, she could still watch it.
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