Chapter 22:

Because Ni Yang left most of the materials in Lu Shiming's space in the coal area before leaving.
Therefore, they need to continue to collect supplies on the way to the northern survival area.
"There are many zombies on the roads in the city. To ensure safety, we choose a secluded country road. I remember there is a large village supermarket near here."
After finishing the decision, Ni Yang took turns driving with Xiao She, looking for the large rural supermarket while going to the secluded countryside.
The car drove all day and night, and only a few zombies were encountered on the way, which were solved by Ni Yang with thunder and lightning.
Ni Yang’s abilities are getting stronger and stronger, and she is indeed the heroine.
After finishing the zombie, Ni Yang shyly turned his head to look at Xiao She sitting beside him, and then saw an unidentified object from the rearview mirror in the car.
"Su Ruanyuan, what are you doing?"
Su Ruan softly said: "This is a lightning rod. Do you want one too?"
Su Ruanruan pulled one from his head and handed it to Ni Yang.
Ni Yang thanked his teeth, "No, thank you."
"No thanks."
Su Ruan soft politely.
Sitting next to Lu Shiming, gently pulled out the "lightning rods" on Su Ruan's soft head, and bitterly said: "Don't insert embroidery needles on your head, beware of damaging your brain."
After talking, the man smoothed Su's beautiful long hair with his fingers, and then combed slowly with his hands, took off a small white flower hair loop hanging on his wrist, and skillfully tied a ponytail to her.
Su Ruan soft put forward his opinion, "It seems a little tight."
She felt a bit stretched in her face.
The eyes also seem to be deformed.
It seems that destiny is holding on to the scalp.
"It's not easy to fall tight."
This turned out to be the case.
They picked a large mall.
Ni Yang and Xiao She also have a group of baby babies, Su Ruanruan and Lu Shiming also have a group of two dogs, and acted separately.
"There shouldn't be any danger here, the power dog can protect you."
Ni Yang still thinks that the zombie dog is a power dog with power mutation.
After she finished speaking, she looked at Su Ruonuan and Lu Shiming.
A silly white sweet, a waste chicken.
Except that the face is pretty, it's just plain, nothing good!
These two groups are outrageous! Even a dog can't compare, babble.
"Call me if you have something."
Despite this, Ni Yang still showed great tolerance and love.
Worried about the same as an old mother.
Who asked these two oil bottles to be taken by her voluntarily?
Thinking of this, Ni Yang exudes a great maternal glory.
The two well-handled oil bottles walked hand in hand.
Ni Yang coyly told Xiao She that we should go too.
Finally sent those two light bulbs!
Su Ruanyuan was brought by Lu Shiming to a place where flowers were wiped.
She looked up and looked dull: "Are we in the wrong place?"
"This, this, is this a bit unsuitable for children?"
Su Ruannuo pointed to the specialty store above "Love, Love, Endless" and approved "Love, Fun Goods", indicating that she was still a baby.
"You are nineteen years old and you should be sensible."
The man touched her little head, and then grabbed the back collar with his backhand, and dragged the person in.
Su Ruanyuan struggled to say that she still needs a little time.
Lu Shiming said that tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows, we should start our efforts from now on.
Su Ruanyuan cried with a wow.
This store is well kept.
After all, this kind of stuff is not enough to eat, not warm to wear, no one wants.
Shuttle in the paradise of learning, Su Ruanyuan's eyes straightened, her face red and red, her body trembling and her eyes widened.
She is still a child!
Su Ruan softly squatted on the ground and pulled Lu Shiming, who stuffed gadgets into the space, "You, don't you have a hobby?"
It is still the kind of accidental kiss in the legend, and it will be nauseating, dizzy, fainting!
Lu Shiming flipped through the quaint magazine literary textbook in his hand and looked as usual: "It doesn't matter if it's soft."
Woo, she is related.
She also has cleanliness, special cleanliness, special hobby!
Seeing Lu Shiming about to evacuate the store, Su Ruanruan felt that he had to do something.
"I, I, let's get this."
"This one?"
Lu Shiming, who was torn by Su Ruanan, looked at the things hanging on the shelf, his face a little weird.
Su Ruanyuan nodded hard: "You see this hair circle is exquisite and beautiful." And although there is only one thin line, it is not bad to be fully elastic!
Of course it's better to make hair circles than those weird things!
Tomorrow, you can let Lu Shiming pierce her on the small grapple.
Lu Shiming suddenly smiled strangely, and grabbed a meaningful hand into the space.
Su Ruanyuan buried her small head and thought to bring Ni Yang a hand.
Take a green one, it looks good.
Over here, Su Ruanruan and Lu Shiming searched for "Love, Love, End", and Ni Yang and Xiao She also searched a lot of materials there.
This supermarket has obviously been swept away before.
There is not much left, but it is barely enough for a few of them.
Everyone found a hidden place to prepare for dinner.
Su Ruanan softly rubbed out the hair loop in her pocket and handed it to Ni Yang: "Give you a loop."
Ni Yang raised his hand and took it, picked it up, and after seeing what it was, his casual face suddenly turned red. The red and white look is pretty.
She glanced in the direction of Xiao She hurriedly, and then hurriedly stuffed her pockets, glaring at the teeth of Su Ruannu with her teeth, lowering her voice and cursing: "You stupid..."
"Don't you like green ones? Do I still have yellow ones? Do I want red ones? The quality of this hair ring is so good that it won't break anymore... Umm...
Su Ruanyuan was shut in by Ni Yang.
The woman leaned forward and scolded, and scolded fiercely: "This is love, fun, inner, clothes, you are blind!"
The four words were spoken out one by one, and Ni Yang, the big girl with yellow flowers, would blush.
"What's this kid doing with this kind of thing! I threw it for you!"
After talking, Ni Yang hollowed out Su Ruan's soft pocket and put it in his pocket.
Su Ruanruan: I have seen QAQ, you have hidden it yourself.
Su Ruanan suddenly remembered the colorful flowers in Lu Shiming's space, and Lu Shiming's strange smile, and the small face was pale.
That's not what she meant, she didn't mean it!
She really thought this thing was a hair circle!
Who has only one line of pants, bang bang bang.
Su Ruanuan grieved crouched in the corner to draw a circle.
Over there, Xiao She carried out a box of instant noodles that had just been searched out.
"Can I eat instant noodles?"
Ni Yangzang had a good "hair circle" and immediately turned around, covering his mouth and laughing: "Oh, heh, okay."
Then he squeezed and walked past, first fed Baby Xiao with a pickled phoenix claw, then poured dog food for the little milk dog, and took out the ham sausage to feed the zombie.
Finally, I took out a pot and ten bags of instant noodles.
"Boil so much?" Xiao She helped Ni Yang prepare tableware together.
Ni Yang shyly said: "You two men eat more."
Su Ruan softly interjected: "Ni Yang wants to eat five bags of instant noodles by herself."
Ni Yang: shut up!
Xiao She smiled and said, "Now it's time for physical strength, let's cook a few more bags."
Facing such an intimate "man behind," Ni Yang was so moved that he even forgot to teach Su Ruanuan that little bastard.
When the water boiled, Ni Yang opened the cauldron and put the instant noodles in it.
After a long two seconds passed, Su Ruanyuan tentatively extended his small paw.
Already familiar, I started.
"Don't worry." One hand covered Su Ruan's small paw and moved it away.
The air is filled with the smell of instant noodles.
After another long second, Su Ruan couldn't wait to stretch out his small paw again.
Keep you waiting, baby~
"Not good yet."
Lu Shiming squeezed Su Ruanyuan a pear.
"Eat a plow mat first."
Su Ruanyuan looked at the small, delicate, watery tender pears and couldn't wait to put them in her mouth. Lu Shiming stopped and said, "I'll cut the skin for you first."
The man holds the plow in one hand and... the axe in the other?
Hey? No, you...cut it well?
Isn't that dirty or not?
As soon as Su Ruanruan thought of the strange things cut by the axe, even the tender and tender pears lost their appeal.
Lu Shiming cut a pear, as if suddenly remembered something, and threw it to the zombie dog beside him.
Then he put the axe back and changed a fruit knife.
Su Ruanyuan finally let go.
The man's white hands supported the little pear, and he circulated slowly.
The fruit knife in his hand was sharp and sharp, and the skin of the pear was not broken or wasted, and all entered the mouth of the little dog.
Su Ruan patted the little dog's head.
Rest assured, the day she eats pears, the day you will nibble!
Lu Shiming handed the cut pears to Su Ruanyuan.
Su Ruanan couldn't wait to swallow it.
Ooo, sweet and overflowing, so licking!
The aroma of instant noodles overflowed, and the surroundings seemed very quiet.
Everyone felt that there was something wrong, but there seemed to be nothing wrong.
It may be that there is no one can't wait for the paw and the sweet greasy noise.
Finally, the instant noodles are ready, Ni Yang greets everyone to eat.
Charge No. 1 Su Ruan was flinching and flinching, hiding in the corner, humming back to everyone, not knowing what he was doing.
"Su Ruanyuan? I have instant noodles."
"What are you doing? Come here quickly!"
Lu Shiming turned his head slightly and found something was wrong. He stood up, walked over, and reached up to lift Su Ruan's jaw.
The little girl cried with red eyes and pointed at the pear in her mouth.
Although the pear is small, Su Ruan's mouth is small.
The shape of a pear is similar to a light bulb. A small one was put into the mouth by Su Ruanan, a snack that can't even be chewed, and then... can't get it out.
Su Ruan tugs hard at Ming's arm when landing.
The little pear in his mouth couldn't be taken out, chewed, and couldn't swallow.
Choke the little girl.
The cheeks are like a little frog.
Lu Shiming gave Su Ruanuan an expressionless face pocket.
Su Ruanyuan: Grievance.
"Puff ha ha ha..." Ni Yang smiled first, looking forward to pull back the zombie dog.
Xiao She also turned her head, smiling with a smile.
Zombie dogs and little milk dogs turned around Su softly and hard.
Baby Xiao looked at Su Ruanyuan, and then at the pickled chicken claws in his hand. "Bah" was stuffed into his mouth and chewed.
Su Ruanuan, who was strongly despised, was hiding in Lu Shiming's arms.
The man pinched her jaw, looked carefully with a smile on her face, then stretched out the root of the pear and pulled it out.
He took out another spoon and tentatively probed into it: "Don't move, I'll dig it out for you."
Su Ruan softly moved Si Siheng fee.
There is true love in the world, there is true love in the world, and the world is full of positive energy!
"Tired, dig yourself."
The man stuffed Su with a spoon in his hand.
Su Ruanruan: ......If the sky is old, the day is old, the right way on earth is vicissitudes.
Su Yuan, who was wearing a bag, took the spoon and poked it in his mouth.
After the poke, he ran to eat instant noodles.
"Guru..." Suddenly, an extremely loud voice sounded.
Everyone all looked at Su Ruanyuan.
Su Ruanrou strives to be innocent, "I am not, I am not! Not me!"
"Yes, it's me, can you please give me some food?"
A gray-faced woman crawled out of the corner.
It looks like thirty or so, wearing a down jacket that didn't even tear off the tag, and at a glance I knew it was taken from the mall.
Xiao She glanced at Ni Yang.
Ni Yang raised an eyebrow and said, "Eat."
"thanks, thanks……"
The woman crawled all the way, her paws were dirty, and she grabbed the instant noodles and stuffed her mouth.
Xiao She slightly embarrassedly put away the tableware she prepared for the woman.
Fortunately, they have finished eating, so this pot of instant noodles will be given to this woman.
After eating the noodles, the woman licked her fingers and explained her situation.
"My name is Fan, my name is Fan Mai, Mai Mai's wheat."
Fan Mai is a rural woman who is thirty years old this year.
He said he came to work in the city. The ten-year-old son was still in the country. He originally bought a ticket and went back to see his son. By the way, he didn't expect to encounter the end of the world.
She has been hiding in this remote shopping mall for so long, and she has been beaten by her.
"You just happened to be on the road, can you take me?"
Hearing that Ni Yang would pass her village where they were going, Fan Mai immediately asked, "I just want to see my son."
"Ooooo, my poor boy, so young..."
Fan Mai burst into tears, suspecting to be drawn.
Ni Yang frowned and said, "Be quiet, it will attract zombies."
It's been a long time since the end of the world, and I don't understand this.
Fan Mai closed her mouth a bit awkwardly, then took a look at Ni Yang, then Xiao She, and finally looked at Su Ruanyuan and Lu Shiming sitting together.
The little girl is white and tender, beautiful and amazing.
It is rare even before the end of the world.
The man was also extremely beautiful, even if it was just a simple down jacket, it was as noble and elegant as wearing a gold hazel.
Fan Mai's eyes were straight, and she first praised Su Ruan softly: "The girl looks really beautiful."
Someone is finally greedy for my beauty.
Su Ruanyan shyly covered her face.
Fan Mai turned his eyes to Lu Shiming again, and suddenly blushed.
The intention to eat small fresh meat is especially obvious.
But looking at it, Fan Mai suddenly pale.
She stumbled to the ground, opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.
"Huh?" Lu Shiming slowly wiped the greasy oil on Su's mouth with baby wipes, and lifted his eyelids in the direction of Fan Mai.
Fan Mai's eyes were stunned, and he seemed to be bewitched. "I saw a dark place, a city of abyss. No, there is light, there is a light..."
Fan Mai's light words were just spoken out, and Su Ruanyuan reached out her small head, "Is it green?"
Fan Mai jerked back, knelt on the ground, hit a cross, and wept bitterly.
It's terrible, terrible, how could there be such a terrible place in this world.
"Okay, you follow us."
Ni Yang looked oddly at Lu Shiming and then at Fan Mai.
She seemed to think that Fan Mai did not threaten a woman.
Fan Mai was pale, "I, I think I still don't..."
"Why are you kidding me?" Ni Yang shook his hand, and Fan Mai closed his mouth immediately, then rubbed secretly to hide with Xiao She.
Although Fan Mai said that she had a child, and she looked old, she still belonged to the kind that still has charm.
Ni Yang watched that Fan Mai was about to squeeze his whole person into Xiao She's arms, and he was immediately angry.
She squeezed it over suddenly, and then threw Fan Mai to Su Ruanyuan and Lu Shiming with skill.
Fan Mai had just reached Lu Shiming's sleeve, and the whole person stiffened and almost knelt down.
Su Ruannuo secretly discussed with Lu Shiming, "Is her brain sick?"
Lu Shiming looked at Fan Mai indifferently, and said, "It's the end of the world, who still cares for the mentally ill."
Su Ruanyuan thought deeply that Lu Shiming was so smart, only a little worse than her!
"Do you know the road?" Ni Yang asked Fan Mai, who was sitting on the co-pilot, while driving.
Fan Mai nodded tremblingly, "Know. Turn left at the intersection ahead, then go straight, and follow the road all the way."
After speaking, Fan Mai took a look in the back seat.
Su Ruan tilted her head slightly and fell asleep on Lu Shiming's shoulder.
The man pressed her small head with one hand, and touched the half-old backpack in his arms with one hand.
The look is indifferent, and the eyes are deep.
The cold and cold winter sun shattered and fell on the man's white to almost transparent face, like a sculpture without breath and lifelessness.
Fan Mai was even more afraid and shivering.
"What's the name of that village?"
Suddenly, Lu Shiming spoke.
His fingertips were wrapped around Su Ruan's delicate and soft hair, his voice was quiet when he spoke, his eyebrows were drowned, his black hair was scattered, and his expression was unclear.
"Yeah, it's Fan Mausoleum." Fan Mai almost shook his tongue.
"Fan Tomb Village?"
Ni Yang turned a corner, "Your village's name is quite strange."
Fan Mai looked pale, and said nothing.
The car drove all the way, and soon came to Fan Tomb Village, which Fan Mai said.
A few men were holding hammers at the gate of the village, guarded by shovel. Seeing that the car stopped at a glance, I immediately looked over with vigilance.
Fan Maimo rubbing, rubbing to the car door.
Xiao She, who was sitting in the back holding baby Xiao, suddenly said: "The weather is so late, can you let us stay for a while?"
"Ah, this, me, I haven't been back for so long, I'm afraid they don't know me..." Fan Mai seemed to want to refuse.
Ni Yang raised his eyebrows and took out his gun. By the way, he took three bags of instant noodles and threw them out of the car window, shouting: "Overnight!"
The men received instant noodles, their eyes lit up, and they winked at each other, and then removed the huge log that was blocking the entrance of the village.
The car drove into the village.
Fan Mai was more troubled.
"Well, this is my home."
Fan Mai pointed to a small building.
This little building has looked at it for years.
Even so, in this quaint village, this small building looks extremely luxurious.
It is covered with beautiful pink and white tiles, surrounded by iron railings around the yard, where a few men playing cards are sitting.
A little boy was wearing a tattered summer shirt and a pair of slippers on his feet.
Seeing Fan Mai at a glance, he flew over immediately, "Mom."
Fan Mai hugged people and his eyes immediately turned red.
She rubbed the child's face hard and then hesitated to look at them at Ni Yang.
Lu Shiming leaned against the car window, his long, white fingers lightly lit, his brow furrowed, and he seemed a little anxious.
He turned his head slightly, turning his head to look at Su Ruan, who was still sleeping in a sad face.
The little girl wore like a ball.
He curled up beside him, his pony tail swept across his neck, and itchy itchy.
The wind and noise outside the car window.
Lu Shiming buried himself in Su Ruan's neck and hugged people.
Su Ruanyuan woke up and saw the black head arched around her neck, and reached out and patted it subconsciously.
"Doggy good."
It was only after the filming that this was a pervert male.
Su Ruanruan:! ! !
Su Ruanyuan immediately got off the car with a roll.
Then he turned around and saw the man standing behind him.
Lu Shiming stared at the house in silence, and there seemed to be something surging in his eyes.
Several men in the yard have stood up.
Fan Mai introduced nervously: "This is, I am the uncle, this is my second uncle, this is..."
"You three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten uncle?"
Su Ruansoft took Fan Mai's words.
Fan Mai nodded awkwardly.
The ten uncles were tall, short, fat, and thin, looking horizontally into peaks.
Su Ruanruo thinks this is a high-tech genetic mutation.
The ten uncles also have a very trendy social brand tattoo, but because they wear too thick, they can only see a little vaguely.
Su Ruanuan thought this was really a fashionable village.
Ten uncles held social cigarettes, and their eyes fell on the guns on Ni Yang and Xiao She.
But he said nothing.
"Me, I will arrange a room for you."
Fan Mai led everyone in.
The eyes of the ten uncles fell on Su Ruanrou, as if to stare her through.
Su Ruanyuan felt that these people were so hospitable.
Sure enough, it is a simple and lovely rural people.
She waved to everyone with a smile.
Good comrades, comrades have worked hard.
The greedy look on the comrades' faces was even heavier.
Fan Mai led Ni Yang and they walked to the door of a room, "You live here..."
Open the door, it is a toilet.
Fan Mai: ...
"You don't seem to be familiar with this house."
Ni Yang hands his chest around his chest.
Fan Mai stiffened, "That, me, I haven't been back in a long time."
Ni Yang snorted, "Oh, how long hasn't it been since?"
"Uh, two or three years..."
"Then your son's eyesight is good, so you will be recognized so far away."
Fan Maihan was like rain, "He, he is smart when he is young."
Su Ruanan glanced at the son of Fan Mai who was grabbing the pepper and chicken feet with Baby Xiao and was beaten and crying by Baby Xiao.
There was a sudden "squeak" sound over there.
Su Ruan looked up softly and saw Lu Shiming stepping on the side stairs, slowly walking up.
The stairs are wooden and look a bit old.
Next to it is a small window.
A small piece of sunlight penetrated into it, and the man's figure was hidden in it, clearly illuminated, but he couldn't see a little warm color, as if blending into the darkness.
Su Ruanan felt that since entering the house, Lu Shiming had become very silent.
That kind of silent silence like death.
The hearts of the people were pulled in a row.
Lu Shiming's eyes were very dark and heavy.
He seemed to find a room on the second floor without thinking.
Su Ruanyuan came out with half a small head when landing.
The room is very narrow and very small, except for a single bed with a width of one meter, there is only a huge old wardrobe.
It's all gray.
It seems that no one has lived for a long time.
"Let's live here."
Lu Shiming suddenly opened his mouth and turned to look at Su Ruanyuan.
The eyes are deep, and there seem to be many hidden emotions.
Su Ruanan blinked her big eyes.
Lu Shiming suddenly smiled, but his eyes were slightly cold.
The man's hand fell on Su Ruan's soft white neck and gently pinched.
Sudden care makes Soft feel at a loss.
"There is Yo Yo Yo..."
Unconsciously, how come there is a rap.
"Soft sleep with me at night." The man leaned over, his thin lips gently opened and closed, and a warm breath covered Su Ruan's small ears.
Drilled into her small ears like a warm stream.
Can you guarantee not to take out small toys and play with her hiding in the bed?
Su Ruanan was terrified and tightened her small neck, scaring her double chin.
Lu Shiming instead pinched the layer of double chin, gently rubbing his fingertips, it seems to be evaluating the quality of pork.
He tilted his head slightly and stood up straight, much taller than Su Ruan.
When standing there, Su Ruanran had to raise her head very high to see his nostrils.
Why do you look at people with nostrils every day!
"It is the default to not speak softly."
In Su Nuan's frightened sight, the man seemed to be in a good mood and started to tidy up the house.
He even put Su Ruanruan's favorite Barbie doll on the bedside.
Su Ruanyuan looked at the Barbie doll without her head, arms and legs, and shivered secretly.
Everyone stayed like this.
The weather is getting colder.
Su Ruan huddled in the bedding and habitually touched it as she walked towards the large fireside.
But found that he only touched an empty sheet.
Su Ruan rolled around the quilt, and then rolled to the ground, waking with a bang.
She sat vaguely and saw the cold moon outside the window.
She blinked with the stars and looked down at the bed.
Ok? What about Lu Shiming?
Su Ruan dragged the quilt to get up, turned around in the room, and finally saw the half-closed wardrobe.
There was a strong musty smell in the closet.
Su Ruannuo leaned over carefully, reached out a little finger, and poked gently.
The wardrobe door was opened.
Exposed the man curled up inside.
The man only wore a thin dress, dark hair fell on his face in a mess, leaning against the closet, bending barefoot.
He closed his eyes, breathed steadily, put his hands on his knees, and was a very guarded sleeping position like a baby.
Feeling the approach of people, Lu Shiming suddenly opened his eyes.
The little girl was tilting her head to look at him.
Moonlight her, the face is unbelievably pure and beautiful.
Lu Shiming's eyes had a moment of chaos, but he soon sobered up.
He reached out softly to Su, "Come."
Su Ruan Ruannong rubbed in, and said in a small voice: "You won't do anything strange?"
"What is strange?"
The man asked.
Su Ruanuan thought for a while, "Just like this..."
There is a small round hole in the wardrobe door.
Su Ruanyuan tucked her little finger in.
"Don't poke..."
Lu Shiming's words hadn't been finished, the little fingers over there were already white and tender.
Su Ruan tickled her little finger, and then suddenly panicked: "Pull, can't pull out..."
Lu Shiming's expression was very calm, and he seemed to have expected the result.
"Apply some oil."
The man took out the oil and applied it softly to Su.
"Out, not out."
What kind of oil are you so spicy, so hard to use, bang bang.
Su Ruanyuan took the time to look down.
"Love Love Love" service oil.
Su Ruanruan: …Can you be more professional, the younger brother of fire fighting would be unemployed if you were not so professional.
Lu Shiming slowly dragged Su Ruan's wrist around.
"Ah! My hands are broken, my hands are broken!"
Su Ruanuan started crying and howling.
Ni Yang in the next room rushed in when he heard the sound.
"what happened!"
Su Ruan was sobbing and crying, her white and tender little fingers had started to swell up.
"You have nothing to do with that hole!" Ni Yang roared.
"Me, I want to poke when I see a hole..."
Su Ruanyuan is very wronged, "Don't you want to poke?"
Ni Yang: ...think.
Lu Shiming stood up, walked out of the closet, took out his axe, "No way, cut it."
Su Ruanyuan looked pale and cried even worse.
"Don't cut, don't cut, woo woo..."
Ni Yang also changed his face, "This, isn't it?"
Su Ruanruan also felt that she could rescue him, but Lu Shiming resolutely stated that he still cut it well to prevent future troubles.
Su Ruanyuan said that you really disliked me, and actually thought I was a trouble.
The man took the axe in his hand, and the axe was shining brightly, with a white moonlight violently directed toward Su Ruan's small hand.
The wardrobe door was divided into two halves.
Just separated from that small hole.
Su Ruanan was saved, and she burst into Lu Shiming's arms to show that you still love me.
Lu Shiming touched his little axe with regret and said, "The cut is crooked."
Su Ruanyuan: QAQ, so what do you want to cut?
Is she still unable to escape the fate of 18 yuan?
She is not alive!
Su Ruan's indignant expression indicated that he would jump the window.
Then the cold wind from outside wiped out the idea.
It's so cold. Let's jump when it's warmer.
"what is this?"
Suddenly, Ni Yang stood in front of the closet, pointed at the bottom panel that was broken by Lu Shiming and the cabinet door together, and then reached out and knocked, "It seems to be empty under this."
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