Chapter 32:

Su Ruanan made a marvelous voice.
Lu Shiming followed with an amazing sound.
Xiao She stood on the spot and looked at the people with a pale face. It seemed that it took a lot of courage to tell the true identity of Baby Xiao.
Ni Yang took a big step back in shock.
Behind him, Ni Mei pressed the barrel on her head and bumped around, kicked by Ni Yang to another place.
After three minutes of silence in the room, Ni Yang stepped forward and looked carefully at Baby Xiao.
"Can I touch it?" Ni Yang said.
"It's okay, he doesn't bite people." Xiao She immediately gave way to reveal the pet zombie.
Ni Yang squatted in front of Baby Xiao, half a meter away from him, still seeming to be a little afraid.
She took a deep breath and slowly started to touch Baby Xiao's thin chest.
No heartbeat, no body temperature.
Only rough skin and godless eyes.
Like a zombie, not like it.
"Does he still have consciousness?"
Xiao She nodded and shook her head, "After my observation. They seem to understand part of what we say. But the law of survival of the strong is obviously more sensitive."
"What does this mean?" Ni Yang looked puzzled.
Xiao She thought about it and decided to prove it with actual actions.
He stooped to pick up his feather duster. "The baby is most afraid of feather dusters. I usually use this to deter him."
Seeing the feather duster, Xiao Xiao shook obviously.
Xiao She handed the feather duster to Ni Yang. Ni Yang took it, and Xiao Xiao immediately hid behind Xiao She.
"So I think they are conscious."
Xiao Xiao had just finished speaking, and the baby Xiao who was hiding behind him opened his mouth and wanted to bite him.
Xiao She's backhand is a punch.
Baby Xiao was beaten to the ground.
Xiao She embarrassedly said: "Used."
Raising zombies, we always pursue stick boxing education.
Anyway, as long as the zombie does not remove his head, he can live.
Holding a feather duster in his hand, Ni Yang gave a subconscious glance in the direction of Ni Mei.
Ni Mei still slammed in a barrel.
Ni Yang took a deep breath and stood up holding the feather duster.
Decided to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.
"Are you ready?"
Ni Yang raised the feather duster and asked.
Xiao She forbids Ni Mei's hands and feet and nods.
Su Ruanyuan stood on the sofa, carrying the bucket still attached to Ni Mei's head, and nodded with a stern face.
Holding a feather duster in his hand, Ni Yang said solemnly, "pull the barrel."
Su Ruanan used her effort to feed her milk and pulled up suddenly.
"Ho ho!"
Ni Mei's head appeared, and she began to twist wildly, trying to bite the things around her.
Ni Fei flicked the feather duster in his hand, and Ni Mei roared even more.
Xiao She tried to control her.
Su Ruanyuan put the barrel back again.
So fierce, bang bang.
"I think the feather duster may not be very effective for Ni Mei." Xiao She looked at Ni Yang's pale face and deliberately comforted: "It's okay, let's try something else. Is there anything your sister is afraid of?"
Ni Yang stared at Ni Mei, who was buckling around the barrel, after watching for a whole minute, he suddenly dropped his sight on Su Ruanyuan.
Su Ruanruan:? ? ?
"Give me." Ni Yang domineeringly stepped forward.
Su Ruanyuan clasped her hands around her, "I, I, I... It's not good in the daytime, right?" After she finished, she shyly said: "And this moral problem is not very easy to solve..."
Ni Yang took the lipstick robbed from Su Ruanrou and put it in front of Ni Mei.
Ni Mei, bound by Xiao She with hemp rope, rolled her eyes and saw the lipstick, calming down suddenly.
Su Ruanyuan looked at her little head strangely.
How do you see things when you roll your eyes?
Oh, these two beautiful little white beads are really like dead fish eyes.
Ni Yang twisted his lips slowly.
"sit down."
"Ho ho [you control the old lady!]" Ni Mei struggled frantically.
Ni Yang sneered, slammed his thumb down, and said, "Bah," the lipstick broke.
Ni Mei suddenly stopped struggling, "Pun Tong" kneeled down.
Su Ruanyuan was surprised: "Wow, cry."
Ni Mei has a stiff face and white eyes, and the whole person is no different from a normal person.
Tears of regret were flowing from the eyes of the dead fish at the moment.
Ni Yang looked at Ni Mei who was crying on the ground, and finally a light smile appeared on his face.
She walked up, and gently touched Ni Mei's head: "I forgot to give you the ring."
After talking, Ni Yang knelt on the ground and put the ring on Ni Mei.
Then hugged people hard, "I said, we will be together forever."
When Ni Mei opened her mouth, she was about to bite, and Ni Yang punched him without raising her head.
"Also, you must never bite, you know?"
Touching Ni Mei's head, Ni Yang stood up and confiscated Su Ruan's eighteen lipsticks.
Su Ruanyuan ran loudly and went to Lu Shi to make a complaint.
The man stood by the window, stretched out a finger, against Su Ruan's small mouth, and said warmly and judo: "Hush."
Xiao She and Ni Yang came over and saw through the window a snowy outside.
It is a very beautiful divine beauty.
Unfortunately, this is the end time.
Even if it is so beautiful, because of this tragic background, it has been added countless points of depression and horror.
"There are more and more zombies."
Xiao Shi looked at the more and more zombies gathered below, and his expression became more and more dignified.
There are many injured people in the caring pregnant woman building.
They did not have enough medicine to treat the wound, and the smell overflowed.
The barbed wire in the surviving area was broken by the zombies.
The zombies smelled bloody, and it was inevitable to gather more and more.
Now they are Wengzhong turtles.
Trapped here, completely unable to move.
And the iron gate of the loving pregnant woman building can't be maintained for long.
Even if those pregnant women and men have moved the furniture out of the building to resist the iron gate and the fence, trying to remedy some places where the zombies broke through, it is not a long-term solution.
"Where did so many zombies come from?" Ni Yang was worried.
Lu Shiming raised his hand and pressed the window.
A layer of water mist condensed on the window, clearly printing Lu Shiming's five-finger palm print.
The man's voice was very soft, clear and clear, "From there."
Su Ruanyuan tried hard to get up.
It's a pity that even if she squeezed her face into a piggy pig face, she didn't see where Lu Shiming said "there".
"You mean, those zombies came in from the water?" Xiao She reacted first.
He was surprised, apparently not expecting such a result.
"How is it possible that the zombies can still swim?" Ni Yang was also dismayed.
"Of course they can't swim. But they can walk."
Lu Shiming withdrew his hand and pressed back Su Nuan's small face.
Ni Yang reacted dullly and murmured low, "You can walk on the bottom of the river without breathing or looking at the zombies."
and so……
Ni Yang looked suddenly, "There is a river in the pregnant woman building!"
Zombies will come in from there!
Ni Yang immediately opened the door and ran out, shouting to the people, "Everyone takes everything that can block the water and moves to the river to block the river! Be sure to seal the river quickly!"
The people in the building looked at each other, not knowing what Ni Yang was going to do.
Ni Yang roared, his body flashing.
After a few people moved, everyone moved quickly.
Because Ni Yang was pregnant with power, everyone in the building was terrified and respectful of her.
Although I didn't understand what Ni Yang was going to do, everyone immediately moved everything that could be moved out of the building to block the river.
Looking at everyone's work, Ni Yang twisted his eyebrows and explained: "There are zombies coming in from the river. If you don't want to die, hurry up!"
As soon as they heard about this, people's faces showed fear, and they all speeded up.
Others expressed disbelief.
Mostly men.
After all, Ni Yang is a woman, and it is normal for men to disobey.
"How could a zombie swim? Are you crazy?"
"I think it's crazy. Throwing something into the river, isn't it just throwing money into the river."
"Smelly bitch, son, I think she just wanted us to die..."
The zombie dog arched its body and threw the last man to speak into the river.
"Ahhhh!" the man yelled.
Su Ruanan, who was using buckets to pour mud into the river, immediately stopped, "How can you just throw garbage around!"
"Ho ho..."
The zombie dog threw the man back in the river.
The man shivered shiveringly on the shore, pointing pale to the river.
"Yes, there is something, there is something below!"
The man seems to have collapsed.
He was lying on the grass, trying to stand up, but found that his legs were soft and could not stand up.
He crawled forward.
"Save, help me, there is something below."
The man hugged Ni Yang's leg and kicked him.
Ni Yang picked up the gun in his hand and squinted. The sharpshooter was full of false bullets.
Even in the face of the illusory water shadow, he can still kill his head.
The river slowly emerged from head to head.
"The zombie is here, it's a zombie!"
People who are moving are panicking and ready to escape.
People squeeze people, people push people.
The crying, the scolding, the sadness, one after another.
Ni Yang fired a sharp shot into the sky.
"Everyone threw the contents of their hands into the rivers on both sides. Women and children walked first. After the men padd, everyone slowly returned to the building together."
Xiao She also followed to maintain order. "There are still few zombies now, so don't worry."
Seems to be Ni Yang's gun.
Everyone calmed down.
Under Xiao She's arrangement, with a horrified look, he slowly retreated into the building.
Su Ruanyuan, with two dogs, still diligently pours mud into the river with his bucket.
A fool looking for reclaiming the sea.
Ni Yang: You can’t fill it for a hundred years!
"Su Ruanyuan, come back to the building!"
Su Ruanyuan was very excited to continue to dig mud.
The two dogs worked very hard with their hind paws.
But it is a pity that most of them are scattered on Su Ruan's soft head.
"Pooh, pooh!" Su Ruan softly snapped the mud in the bucket to the head of the zombie.
As soon as the zombie's tail was swept, the little melon next to it rolled down the river.
Su Ruanan exclaimed, grabbing it with a bucket, and was about to lift it up.
A hand suddenly came out of the river and grabbed her bucket.
It's a zombie!
The zombie slowly emerged from the river.
Su Ruan softly scolded angrily, "Why do you want to grab my bucket!"
"Ho ho..."
The zombie tried to tilt his head and made a vague voice in his throat.
Then he opened his mouth violently and bit towards the little pup.
The little milk dog made a shrill cry and then swallowed the zombie in one go.
Su Ruanruan: ...
She lifted the little milk dog out of the river and continued to pour mud into the river.
So tired, why didn't there be an excavator at this time?
Thinking of this, Su Ruanyuan suddenly lit up, and she took out the fully automatic battery control excavator from her small bag.
Put yourself in a circle around you, all open.
The small excavators began to work hard.
Ni Yang: ...what the did you play with each other?
More and more zombies.
Ni Yang was invincible to countless zombies.
Xiao She used baby feather dusters and lipstick to direct Baby Xiao and Ni Mei to move things to block the rivers on both sides, while covering Ni Yang.
The people in the building saw that even a person as small as Baby Xiao and a woman like Ni Mei were working hard to help, but they were lying in the building waiting for others to save.
The first person to stand out was a middle-aged man.
He was alone, there was nothing to fear.
He rushed over and helped baby Xiao like things.
"You are a good boy."
Baby Xiao, "No, no, not..."
"Don't be humble!"
The man patted Baby Xiao, who crooked his head.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately helped Baby Xiao straighten his crooked head, and then grunted coldly, "I almost died."
Baby Xiao: ...
With the first person standing up.
The rest of the people rushed out to help.
The river channel was not wide.
But because of too much snow and water, it almost submerged large banks.
So the river channel, which was only three meters wide, has now doubled.
The things that everyone just piled up were not yet stable, and they were washed away by swarms of zombies.
"Hurry up, everyone!"
Ni Yang ran out of bullets and started using abilities.
Everyone saw the zombies crawling ashore and ran back.
But this time it was very orderly.
Let the women and children walk first, and the man holds the weapon pad.
Although it failed, everyone felt a sense of pride that broke through fear.
Protect yourself and protect your family.
Everyone can be a hero.
Everyone returned to the building.
Only Ni Yang and several of them stood outside and fought.
"You go in too!"
Ni Yang is ready to carry it by himself.
"Ni Yang, don't be brave."
Xiao She stood next to Ni Yang, leaning against her back and covering her.
"Don't mess up, you will explode and die!"
Although Xiao She has no powers, he knows that overuse of powers will cause an accident.
Ni Yang gritted his teeth, "No way."
There are too many zombies, and if she does nothing, they will all die.
Suddenly, with a bang, the decorative stone bridge on the river collapsed and zombies were killed in countless numbers.
Su Ruan, who was nearer, squatted stupidly by the river, reaching for his explosive head.
Someone came out of the explosion.
That is a man.
He carried a small broken bag behind him, and behind him was white smoke like a mushroom cloud.
He has long legs, fair skin, and slightly dark hair.
The beautiful peach eyes narrowed slightly, their eyelashes moved gently, and snowflakes fell, and they touched the slender eyelashes gently and well.
This is an elegant and beautiful man.
"It's Lu Shiming!"
Ni Yang exclaimed.
Excellent men, never look back at the explosion.
The man came and smiled, "I blew up the bridge."
"Where do we come from?" Su Ruanyuan looked dull.
"I do it by myself."
Su Ruanruan:… it is due to the end of the world, otherwise you alone can destroy the world.
The bridge was collapsed.
Successfully blocked a river crossing.
The other side was blocked by large furniture, temporarily unimpeded.
The remaining zombies were all killed by Ni Yang's lightning ability.
Su Ruanuan squatted downstairs with her explosive head, very sad.
She suspected that the man was intentional.
Lu Shiming reached out and touched Su's soft head.
The soft feel is excellent, like a puppy.
In this regard, Su Ruanyuan was very sad.
Even the favorite little apple can't warm her.
And feel that he is melancholy, and will die soon.
"Try something." Ni Yang took instant noodles.
Su Ruanyuan grieved: "I don't eat, I don't eat..."
Lu Shiming opened her chattering little mouth and stuffed a mouthful of instant noodles into it.
Su Ruanruan: Oh, this is really delicious.
Although the difficulties have been overcome temporarily, those things have only temporarily resisted the zombies.
Now they, like a camel with a full load, only need a straw to crush.
They must find a way to withdraw from here.
In the corridor, Ni Yang was inspecting the wounded and saw a strange and strange person like Su Ruan.
"what are you doing?"
Su Ruanruan first drew a large watermelon, then cut it in half, to the left for you, and to her on the right.
"Test my noble abilities."
Ni Yang: ...
She watched Su Huan's softly pierced flowers explode, and pondered for a moment, then said: "In fact, you may just have a common cold and fever..."
Su Ruan's movement stopped for a moment, then immediately cried bitterly, "I don't believe it, you scumbag!"
Ni Yang immediately comforted, "It doesn't matter, anyway, it's been spicy chicken for so long, it's not bad for this life."
Su Ruanruan: ...
"Right, what about Gao Junsheng?" Ni Yang looked around.
Su Ruannou poutedly said: "Lu Shiming said that Gao Junsheng has found his girlfriend."
Ni Yang was surprised, "That's really congratulations to him. What about the old lady?"
"I found her boyfriend."
Ni Yang: Then wish them happiness.
"Right, this." Su Ruanyuan took out two things from her pocket.
"What is this?" Ni Yang took over.
"Tooth retainer. Lu Shiming did it by himself. To Ni Mei and Baby Xiao."
Ni Yang's eyes were red, and then he stepped forward and hugged Su Ruannuo, "Thank you, thank you."
Su Ruanyuan tried to pull away his neck, which was strangled by Ni Yang: "The reward is two sausages."
Ni Yang, "Lu Shiming said?"
Su Ruan said: "No, I said. This is the errand fee."
Run your mother! You didn’t move this station!
But in the end, Ni Yang still gave Su Ruanyuan the errand fee.
"I have something to do now, you can help me bring this to Brother Xiao." It was Su Ruanyuan who just gave her, Xiao Xiao's tooth retainer.
Su Ruan softly held her sausage, humming errands.
Ni Yang said that Xiao She was in the basement.
In the dim basement, Xiao She squatted on the ground, reached out, and carried Baby Xiao into her arms.
In the darkness, the man’s voice seemed to be a little choked,
Sorry, I’m too anxious.

Hill seemed to be alone, but was buried in the arms of Baby Xiao, as if suffering great pain.
This pain almost overwhelmed the resolute man.
Baby Xiao looked at the big head in his arms, opened his mouth, and bit it up.
Xiao She reached out and reached forward.
Baby Xiao only bit Xiao She's hair, and then yanked.
There was a piece of baldness on Xiao She's head.
Xiao She slaps.
"Did you tell you not to bite your hair?"
Baby Xiao, "No, no, not..."
"Also quibble!"
Baby Xiao, "No, no, not..."
Helping Xiao Xiao take the hair off his mouth, Xiao She reached out and grabbed a head.
Grab a lot.
It looked very shocking.
Xiao She stared at the hair in her hand.
Wigs or hats are a problem.
Suddenly footsteps came from outside, and Xiao She immediately stood up and looked at him alertly.
After seeing Su Ruanan, the expression on his face relaxed immediately.
Su Ruanran handed the tooth holder in Xiao Hand to Xiao She.
Xiao She immediately thanked and gave two ham sausages as errand fees in accordance with Su Ruan's request.
Su Ruan looked up softly to see the top of Xiao Shi's head when he looked down to find the ham sausage.
Oh friend! Are you still losing hair?
Su Ruanyuan said in a small voice: "Goblet is soaked in a thermos. He is prematurely bald."
Xiao Yu made a move and grabbed Baby Xiao's hat and put it on his head.
Baby Xiao, "No, no, not..."
The temporary peace did not last long.
When Su Ruanyuan heard the movement, it was midnight.
Something struck her window.
The men around him woke up long ago.
He sat up slowly, leaning on his body, the quilt slipped off a corner, revealing a thin and thin body.
In the darkness, Su Ruan swallowed softly.
Then she swallowed again.
No way, since Lu Shiming entered her head, she felt that she had thought in her eyes.
Always long legs glanced at Lu Shiming.
The man didn't seem to notice Su Ruan's sight.
It's just that Jojo Siri buttoned his shirt button to cover the eight abdominal muscles and the beautiful mermaid line.
"Boom Boom Boom",
The sound of breaking windows is getting louder.
Even Su Ruanan recalled the glorious deeds of the high school period when he was forced to smash the window in the middle of the night because of his beauty.
No matter who is outside, what a visionary...zombie?
Su Ruanyuan stood at the window that was pushed open, and the wind was messy.
Downstairs, a zombie with a stone in his hand was smashing the window.
I don't know why, Su Ruanran felt that the zombie was familiar.
"What happened?"
Lu Shiming raised his hand and took the stone,
Su Ruanyuan snatched it and hit the next step.
The zombie ducked flexibly.
Su Ruanan immediately began to throw things under the window with his hands clenched.
No matter what she threw, the zombie could hide, even making a mocking "ho ho" sound.
Su Ruan was furious and dared to provoke your father!
Wrong, the dog cannot throw.
The movement was too great, Ni Yang and Xiao She next door took Xiao Bao and Ni Mei over.
The room was filled with people in a flash.
The zombies are still provoking outside.
Because he was so angry, Su Ruanan felt a fiery breath coming out of his body.
Su Ruanyuan immediately panicked and said, "I think I was mad at the heart attack."
What about her bucket? Can she have a full meal before she dies?
Su Ruanan clutched her little heart and wondered if she could eat three barrels before dying.
"Idiot, you are coming for abilities!" Ni Yang scolded.
Ability? Is she coming to power?
She, she has abilities?
Her power, her power is coming!
Su Ruanan suddenly felt that his waist did not hurt, his legs were not sore, and even his head was extremely smart.
She decided that she would change her name later!
She is no longer so soft!
She will be Su in the future!
You spicy chickens!
Su Ruanan stared at the zombie who was provocating her in the square dance and shouted: "Let me come!"
Hey! what!
Su Ruan Ruan is preparing to jump through the window and his neck is tight.
She looked up and saw Lu Shiming standing behind her.
Spicy chicken, "Release Dad."
The man narrowed his eyes.
Su Ruanyuan immediately changed her mouth, "Dad, let me go first."
Lu Shiming dragged Su Ruan down and released her.
A petal fluttered down suddenly and flew to the man's open palm behind Su Ruanou.
Lu Shiming raised an eyebrow.
Su Ruanuan looked up:? ? ?
Is her power a flying weapon into a hidden weapon?
Su Ruanyuan began to imagine martial art masters in TV series, the kind of leaves flying around and killing people in invisible scenes.
Ah, no, she was a little too excited.
Don't hurt you.
Su Ruanyuan tried to exhale and inhale.
She felt a vigorous force burst from her body, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.
"Hey ha!"
A beautiful rain of petals fell from nowhere, fluttering with an intoxicating sweet fragrance. Like the most pure snow, falling on everyone's shoulders, just like a good landscape painting.
Even the zombies outside froze.
Su Ruanruan:? ? ?
Hey, no, is it good to kill zombies invisible?
Wait a minute, it must be her posture.
Su Ruanuo posed the hen to lay eggs, and finally struggled.
More petals floated down, the hula was soft, with a soft and sweet atmosphere, the whole room was covered with petals, and a spring smell came out spontaneously.
Su Ruanruan: ...
"Well... it's beautiful." Ni Yang hesitated, staring at the beautiful little white flower in his palm, and said an honest word.
"Maybe, you can also eat?" Xiao She raised her hand and stuffed it into her mouth.
Su Ruanruan: …She is going to die. Don't stop her, don't stop her!
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