Chapter 44:

The man stunned.
He raised his hand and gently rubbed Su's snowy cheeks with tears on his fingertips.
Su Ruannuo held Lu Shiming's hand with red eyes. Because of crying, all the small faces were crumpled together, and they looked at the man with pity and grievances.
The man seemed to sigh gently.
Then Su Ruanyuan's eyes turned, and the scene in front of her suddenly changed.
The night was unclear, the Lingquan dried up, the grass was depleted, and the animals were killed. Only one sow hangs on the tree for a long time.
The blazing fire is like an endless forest fire.
The wind and fury, the smoke billowing, the ashes like fog.
This place is like of fire.
"Here, is that your space?" Su Ruan's soft voice choked with consternation.
Su Ruanyuan remembered that she had been there once.
At that time, clearly, clearly not the case.
Su Ruan turned violently and looked at Lu Shiming standing beside him.
The man stood beside her, and behind him was a wildfire that seemed to never burn. The place that was originally Lingquan had already dried up, and even cracks appeared.
The marks were dense, like the scars on the man's face.
Su Ruan softened her eyes and tried to stand on her feet.
In the dim light, she saw the two clusters of fire in the man's eyes.
Like the wildfire behind him, it was burning.
Su Ruan's heart shook, and she opened her mouth, only to find her throat choked, and she was almost speechless.
"There is fire in your eyes, fire in space, right?"
The space has merged with Lu Shiming.
This fire is not the space, but his body, his soul.
The fire was printed in his eyes, burning his body all the time.
If the space is destroyed, people will die.
Su Ruan shouted too quickly, and the smoky space was dusty.
She choked a breath of smoke.
"Cough cough..." The fire was too strong, Su Ruanyuan could hardly stand.
She fell black before her eyes and fell down.
Waking up again, Su Ruanyuan was lying on her luxurious European-style bed.
Staring at the princess mantle with white lace on his head, Su Ruan's big eyes were round and round, and he looked dull.
"Wake up?" Someone pushed the door in and it was Ni Yang.
Su Ruan curled softly into the bedding, revealing only half of her head.
Ni Yang leaned beside her and gently touched her little head, "I heard you remembered?"
Su Ruanyuan didn't speak, and a small white flower sprouted silently on the top of her head.
The little white flower clung to the five-petaled flower with frustration, crumpled together and grieved with pity.
Ni Yang sighed and suddenly said: "He has been looking for you for the past five years."
"Once there was news from the Zombie City, I heard that a woman had been taken into captivity, and there was the power that the goddess exuded. Do you know what happened later?"
The little white flower moved and stretched out a crumpled petal.
"He went alone."
"That's a zombie city. Millions, tens of millions of zombies. Even God can't retreat. But he went. He found the woman, but the woman is not you."
"When he came back half of his body was rotten."
Speaking of which, Ni Yang sighed again.
"We all know that the person in Su Ruan's body is not you."
"When you died at that time, your body was rapidly aging. I don't know what method Lu Shiming used to save that body. Anyway, I know that he will come back and see the'Su Ruan' once a month. Then every time The body will be much weaker."
"Su Ruanyuan, I'm afraid Lu Shiming will die."
Ni Yang said this last sentence very lightly, but Su Ruan's body suddenly began to tremble.
In an instant, she was surrounded by small white flowers that shook off her body.
Ni Yang flicked the little white flowers and dug Su Ruanuan out of the quilt, only to find that the little girl was crying with tears all over her face, and there was a big snot bubble hanging on her nose.
Ni Yang: ...Well, it's your style.
"I'll help you get some food."
Ni Yang stood up, his clothes suddenly tightened.
She looked down and saw Su Ruanyuan lowering her small head, a small white hand dangled her clothes corner, and her voice buzzed: "How about others?"
Ni Yang paused and said, "In the bathroom, you can find him."
Su Ruan jumped from the bed violently, without even having time to wear her shoes, so she ran down barefoot and ran into the bathroom.
In the bathroom, the man was undressed. He was lying in a bathtub full of ice, with his head raised, his black hair covering his face, his eyes closed, his long, thin body buried inside. The fair skin was full of shocking scars.
It was obviously extremely cold water, but when he touched his skin, he quickly steamed up.
The ice melted quickly, and the burn marks on the man had spread to the whole body.
Su Ruanyuan walked past, his fingertips touched his skin, and immediately recovered it.
It's hot.
The man opened his eyes and saw Su Ruanan standing beside him.
The little girl was swollen with big eyes. She was wearing a thin nightdress, her eyes stunned.
A few panics appeared in the man's eyes, unconsciously reaching out, pulling off the towel next to his body, and then sinking, burying the whole person in the huge bathtub.
The ice crashed lightly and the water became calm.
Looking at the water in the bathtub, Su Ruanyuan suddenly felt anxious.
She rushed in, and her slender body was buried in the warm water.
The steaming heat was not gone, but the man was gone.
Su Ruanyuan patted wildly in the bathtub and pulled away countless ice cubes. But it was empty everywhere.
She stood up from the bathtub, wet all over.
Ling Lie's black hair was attached to his face, and a thin skirt was attached to his figure, slim and slim.
Su Ruanou stepped out of the bathtub and looked around in a panic.
Missing, Lu Shiming was missing.
Su Ruan ran out of the bathroom softly and pulled out the sleeping melon dog under the bed.
She is going to find Lu Shiming!
Su Ruan pulled the winter melon dog out.
The winter melon dog sniffed left and right, and suddenly started running.
did you find it?
Su Ruanyuan's eyes lit up and followed the winter melon dog all the way to the kitchen...?
Su Ruanan instantly picked up a kitchen knife, and the winter melon dog left the kitchen with regret.
The castle is very large, Su Ruan softly carrying a kitchen knife and gourd dog for a long time but did not find it.
She curled up in the corner of the corridor, resting her head on her knees and gently hugged herself.
The winter melon dog leaned over and rubbed her gently.
Su Ruanan buried her head in the winter melon dog and pulled off its tail.
The winter melon dog cried with a "Wang" sound.
Su Ruanyuan also began to cry "wow".
She lost Lu Shiming.
A woman suddenly appeared in front of her, and Su Ruanyuan looked up with tears in her eyes, and saw a familiar fisherman hat.
The fisherman's hat didn't expect that Su Renren would cry at the door of her room.
The fisherman hat sneered, "Why, Lu Shiming is dead?"
Su Ruan looked up sharply and stared at the fisherman hat.
Although she cried too much, the eyes had swollen into a slit.
But Su Ruanyuan is still very fierce.
The fisherman's hat continued to sneer, "Are you missing him? Really pitiful."
Su Ruan slowly stood up slowly, her hands behind her back, her small head lowered, revealing a small hair spin.
The winter melon dog beside her made a threatening sound of "ho-ho" toward the fisherman hat.
The fisherman hat proudly said: "You stole my body and stole everything from me, this is your retribution! No, it is your retribution!"
The look of the fisherman hat became more and more excited, "These are all stolen from me! You should return them to me, all of them! You are a fake! I am real!"
The fisherman's hat stepped forward, trying to catch Su Ruanyuan.
But I didn't expect that the little thing that looked good and pitiful in front of me raised my hand to reveal what was in my hand.
That's a kitchen knife.
The fisherman's hat moved, subconsciously backing away.
Su Ruanruo still lowered her head, her black hair was scattered and her expression could not be seen clearly.
After a long time, the voice said softly: "I haven't stolen, this doesn't belong to you."
After a pause, Su Ruanan suddenly smiled like an epiphany.
Yes, this doesn't belong to you.
It belongs to her, this is hers.
Su Ruan suddenly threw away the kitchen knife in her hand and pushed open the window beside her.
The spring outside the window was full of light, and Su Ruan looked up softly to see the beautiful statue of the goddess.
She climbed up the window, and closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped down.
The winter melon dog scratched the wall anxiously.
But because it is too short, it can't jump at all.
Can only spin around in a hurry.
The sun was dazzling and the wind was roaring.
Su Ruanyuan shouted while falling, "Lu Shiming!"
Her voice was torn by the wind, and her tears dried in the wind.
Xiaobaihua came in thin rolls in an attempt to lift her body.
Su Ruanuan raised her hand and waved them away, letting herself fall.
Xiaobaihua was in a hurry.
Suddenly, overwhelming vines appeared from the air, woven into a soft and dense net.
Su Ruan fell on it softly, and her slender body flicked.
She opened her eyes and saw the man standing on the vine net.
Su Ruan rushed up, took the man upside down, and rolled on the vine together.
The vine was trembling with force.
"Lu Shiming!"
Su Ruannu grabbed the man and pressed on him, and the tears fell down again.
The big tears of the bean hit the man's face, hot and hot, with a sweet floral fragrance.
The little girl had messy black hair and her entire head was messy. Eyes swollen like walnuts.
"Where have you been, I can't find you."
The little girl cried more and more sad.
The whole person became a tearful man.
The little white flower surrounded her and softly wiped the tears on her face. By the way, he kicked the man's face with petals.
Lu Shiming raised his hand, opened the small white flower on his face, and wiped tears for Su Ruan.
"I've always been by your side." The man's voice was hoarse and his fingertips were hot. The teardrop melted as soon as he touched Su Ruan's tears.
The bustling voice came from below.
This vine net is too large and has already attracted the attention of others.
Lu Shiming even brought the net into the space together.
The wildfire in the space is still spreading, even because Lu Shiming uses the ability to burn more and more.
The two rolled on the dry ground.
When Su Ruanyuan dragged the land to death, he buried his face in his heart.
She knew that he was not even a piece of paper, just a book, a character, some words.
But at this moment, Su Ruanan felt his beating heart.
Feel his blood flow.
Su Ruan looked up softly, watching the scarlet eyes of the fire when landing, the voice said clearly: "I love you."
Su Ruanyuan stretched out her slender arms and hugged him tightly, holding his ear, and his voice was soft and soft, "Lu Shiming, I want you to get me."
After talking, Su Ruanan bowed his head and forced Lu Shiming to kiss him.
The small white flowers falling from the sky are falling from the sky. The lingering endlessness covered the two of them like a blanket.
Tiny vines emerged from the mud and quickly grew to cover the two, forming a chrysalis-like hut.
The dense petal rain fell on it, wrapped in vines.
A few moments later, a few flower buds meandered on the vine.
Amidst the blazing fire, it blooms at a speed visible to the naked eye. Quivering, revealing pure white.
The petals are raining constantly, and the soft white flower is like a sharp blade.
Splitting the raging fire, moisturizing the dry land, the soil gradually emerged from the shoots.
The wildfire faded, and the hell-like space gradually returned to life.
The forced sow on the tree finally got off the tree.
A fibrin hand was struggling to emerge from the vine, and was snapped back.
woo woo woo woo……
In addition to the smell of fire in the space, there is also a sweet fragrance that lasts for a long time.
Su Ruanan lay tired and lying in Lu Shiming's arms, exposing her white skin, and she was covered with a delicate peril.
The two were entangled in black hair, and the woman's sloppy long hair was spread over the man, as dense as seaweed.
A few rays of light shone in the dim space.
Su Ruanyuan tried hard to open her eyes and saw that the original fiery space was miraculously restored by half.
Actually... so much recovery?
Su Ruan was shocked.
Such things as crystal nucleus... Is there still the argument of Shuangxiu?
But what shocked her even more was the stinky shame of the man.
"It turns out that there is this effect..."
Wait a minute, why are you so angry?
The man lowered his eyes, his pretty peach blossoms narrowed his eyes, his white fingertips gently stroked Su Ruan's soft red eyes, and his voice was lazy: "It may not be enough once a day. Look, my space is so big..."
Su Ruanruo immediately reached out to cover Lu Shiming's mouth, and was preparing to warn him bitterly that he should take good care of his body while he was young. Variety.
Day and night, the burning fire faded from the dark eyes of men.
There were only a few small flames, and the faint flame burned deep in the eyes.
Does it really work?
Su Ruanyuan showed a small expression of dementia, and a flower blossomed doubtfully on her head.
The man raised his hand, pulled down Su's soft little hand, and kissed her in the palm of her hand.
"If I didn't catch you just now, what would you do?"
Su Ruan's face took for granted, "You will catch me."
It’s like recognizing her with just one glance.
The man smirked, then suddenly leaned over and bit the little flower on her head.
The little flowers huddled back to hide.
The man let go with a smile.
"So sweet."
I don't know if it's talking about flowers or people.
Su Ruan blushed blushingly, and the little flowers on her head were faintly revealing a few invisible crimson blushes, then shivered and shivered under the eyes of the vines.
The vine was so excited that he stretched out a tiny branch and poked lightly, then poked again.
The little flowers curled up tighter, wrapped in vines, and looked like baby babies in their infants.
The sun was brighter. Su Ruanan saw that the burn on the man's face was mostly recovered. She touched his face and said deeply: "Sage Cloud, there is a ugly man at home, like a treasure."
Lu Shiming: ...
As soon as the man turned, he held the person.
Then Su Ruanan saw clearly that the fire in the man's eyes was so hot again.
Su Ruan softly shivered, man, you have fire in your eyes.
Lu Shiming said that women, this is all the fire you provoke, only you can extinguish.
Su Ruanruan: ...can't refute.
This fire is really, only she can extinguish.
Su Ruanyuan: QAQ mother asked me why I always cry.
Because the boyfriend is always on fire.
Su Ruanan was lying exhausted in Lu Shiming's arms, holding her little hands, and the sound of the buzzing sound was not real, "Have you ever thought about..."
The man closed his eyes, embraced the little girl in his arms with one arm, and hummed gently from his throat, "Huh?"
Su Ruanyuan went up and said: "Do you believe that the soul passes through? Or borrow the dead to return to the soul?"
Lu Shiming looked down at the excellent body in his arms and flicked his fingertips as if playing a piano.
The voice was dumb: "Where did this corpse come from?"
Su Ruanyuan proudly said: "This is my own!"
After talking, Su Ruanyuan immediately closed his small mouth.
He hated him with a small punch.
Routine, he set her routine again!
The man chuckled and turned away her sweaty black hair. The voice said softly: "As long as it is you, I love it."
Su Ruanyuan blushed and felt that she needed anti-sugar pills.
After spending a day in the space, Su Ruanuan crouched beside Lingquan and said strangely, "Why is this still done?"
The man said that it may not be enough.
Su Ruanruan: stainless steel!
Okay, you are.
Two days later, in Su Ruanuan’s self-confession, she finally released her from the space.
Su Ruanan tearfully took out the small axe that Lu Shiming hid in the small broken bag, and said verbally, "If you touch me again, I will commit suicide."
The man said softly: "Don't touch it, beware of being hurt."
Do you hurt your beloved little axe?
Su Ruanyuan was crying more fiercely.
Then she looked down and saw the little axe in her hand.
I haven’t seen you in years. Why are you bald?
Su Ruansoft immediately threw the small axe to Lu Shiming, "It's not me, it's bald!"
The man nodded indifferently, "Well."
Then five years later, he finally took out his baby babe cream and started wiping the axe.
After wiping the small axe, Su Su was soft again.
Su Ruanan said she didn't need it.
The man insisted that she needed it.
"Baby, be good."
The man's black hair was scattered, covering the scar on the corner of his forehead, and the exposed eyes were filled with delicate fire. It seems that the whole body is still dead in spring.
Su Ruanruan:'re so mad.
Then the man said he could be more sassy.
Su Ruanyuan's legs were soft and her eyes fluttered aisle in the corridor.
"Su Ruanruan! Where have you been these few days... what's wrong with you?"
Su Ruanyouyou said: "It may be kidney deficiency."
Ni Yang: ...
Ni Yang raised his head and saw Lu Shiming with a radiant look behind him, with a smile on his face.
After a lapse of five years, the dear man finally met Spring for the second time and smiled.
The party Su Ruanan expressed regret, very regret.
In the evening, everyone sits down on a luxurious long table for dinner.
Su Ruan shook his calf softly and his eyes were red, and his small body was hollowed out. While nibbling the carrot, he asked Ni Yang, "Do you have anything to ask me?"
Ni Yang involuntarily followed his leg shaking: …Is it your private life? I am not interested.
Over there, Xiao She led Baby Xiao and Ni Mei out together for dinner.
After many years of absence, Baby Xiao is still very clever, "No, no, no..."
Ni Mei is still very gentle and will bite when she comes up, and then Ni Yang broke a lipstick and knelt down crying.
"You know, everyone is very hostile to zombies now. I..." Speaking of which, Ni Yang didn't say anything.
Ni Yang, as the leader of the Southern Survival Zone, if someone is known to have two zombies beside him, it will definitely cause □□.
And the southern survival area is not as peaceful as it looks.
It is even more chaotic than other living areas.
Because there are the most and strongest abilities in the southern survival area.
"Fortunately, Xiao She recovered."
Speaking of which, Ni Yang's gaze to Xiao She was full of tenderness.
There was a thin red on Xiao Shi's firm face.
The time seemed to be still, Ni Yang stared at him, not knowing why, his eyes suddenly turned red.
She lowered her head and vigorously inserted the steak on the plate, biting hard.
Su Ruanyuan slightly turned her head and saw Ni Yang's expression.
Xiao She sat next to Ni Yang, surrounded Baby Bao and Ni Mei, and fed things, and then began to eat by himself.
But he didn't eat much, as if these things didn't suit his appetite.
After eating, everyone went back to their houses.
Xiao She stepped forward: "Soft, can I ask you for some flowers, I want to give the baby and Ni Mei a try."
In the past few years, the Southern Survival District has not given up its research on zombies.
But others study how to defeat zombies, and they study how to treat zombies for zombies. Hope to save those who become zombies, even those zombies with IQ abilities.
Lu Shiming followed Su Ruan's back, separating Xiao She.
Lu Shiming was slender but tall.
He blocked between the two, Su Ruanyuan couldn't even see Xiao She's head.
Su Ruanruo took out her bucket and filled Xiao She with a bucket of small white flowers, and generously stated that there was not enough to eat.
Xiao She thanked her and walked away with the bucket.
Lu Shiming leaned against the wall and played with his little axe.
The man with the mask removed was fair-skinned and his eyes were picturesque. Except for the scar on the forehead, the scar has not subsided.
The passing maids looked at each other and showed great interest in Lu Shiming.
Su Ruanan was angry and tiptoe to cover Lu Shiming's face.
The man smirked and turned his back against the wall.
Pinching her small white chin, said: "Far away from Xiao She."
Su Ruanyuan said, you actually eat this kind of vinegar!
The man's eyes are dim in the dark.
He gently pinched Su's soft little face and said something against her small ear.
Su Ruan was shocked suddenly, subconsciously clutching Lu Shiming's hand, the small face suddenly pale.
Seeing Su Ruanan's expression, the man frowned slightly, "Shouldn't such a thing have been guessed?"
Probably because the girl's face was really scary and white, the smile on the man's face also faded.
"what happened?"
Su Ruan shook his head softly.
The slender eyelashes twitched, as if they were stabbed in the heart with extreme discomfort.
"Soft, I need you to tell me everything."
Lu Shiming supported the wall with one arm, and the other hand brushed Su's soft black hair down, and moved her gently behind her ears.
"Soft, tell me the truth, eh?"
Su Ruanan gripped Lu Shiming's hand nervously.
It's like getting courage.
She lowered her head and pursed her lips in silence.
Suddenly, a huge impact sound spread not far away.
With a clatter, the door at the end of the corridor was knocked open. Ni Yang's tall body was like a broken kite, hitting the wall hard.
There was a rush in the door.
The hill looks like a figure, but the movement is as fast as lightning.
Just as he was about to bite Ni Yang, an axe was cut from the side, preventing his movement. Then the dense vines drilled out of the ground and bound the hill like something.
This hill seems to be Xiao She.
He was wrapped in vines like a silkworm chrysalis, his tall figure struggling hard, and a clear "ho ho" sound came out of his throat.
Just now, Lu Shiming told her this is the case.
Su Ruanyuan saw it before she was ready.
What Lu Shiming said was that Xiao She would indirectly zombize.
He is a half-zombie.
No one knows the reason.
And I am afraid that the entire eschatology is the only case of Xiao She.
In layman's terms.
This is sickness, and it must be named after Xiao She.
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