Chapter 1024: Specialty resources

Chapter 1024
"what happened?"
Nagiri Erina asked worriedly.
"I do not know either."
Yuanxiao said solemnly after a slight meal, "But I know this thing makes me feel very familiar, so this time I have to catch it anyway. No matter what secrets are hidden behind it, I will uncover it step by step."
Extraordinary combination magic-law cage!
The shadow space flashed, and the three thousand time ice seal magic and arcane arts flew out of the shadow space's seal. These pre-prepared magic level arcane arts, matched with his arcane field, are his strongest at present One of the hole cards.
A series of great origin magic and great fusion magic spread at the same time.
In the void, the original illusory law and energy are forcibly manifested under the combination of the two supreme divine arts. The law merges the energy into a chain of laws, and then the activation technique is branded on the chain of laws through the great branded divine technique.
The chain of laws that had no life originally had life temporarily under the brand of activation technique.
The chains of the laws of the law of shadows, taking advantage of the king-level fierce beasts to fall into fear, entangled motionlessly, when the royal beasts woke up and wanted to desperately break free, they had already been drained by the law-chains through the great devouring magic technique.
The law has a ready-made entity, which is a means of real gold.
Although the chain of the Lantern Festival is just a copycat, it is only a means developed by simulating the power of gold in the spiritual illusion of the Myriad Souls Tribulation Fruit, but it is more than enough to deal with a silver seventh-order royal beast.
With a scream, the royal beast tried to split into plant forms again.
Lantern hummed coldly.
The law chains that bind the king-level fierce beasts, watching the king-level fierce beasts split and escape, layers of frost spread on it, and the cold air of the ice of time has long been prepared to condense inside the law chain to complete the final ice seal.
The Law of God's Domain is unfolding, and the entire iceberg is wrapped in it and has been collected into the Infinite God Kingdom.
Trapped in the kingdom of infinite gods, let alone the seventh silver rank, even if the main is trapped in, don't want to escape easily.
"Super Brain..."
Yuanxiao said indifferently, "Dismantle its soul and true spirit for me, and smash its body to crack all genes. This is the current top priority. This time I allow you to use all the super brain computing power."
"The mission begins."
Ultrain fell silent, but Yuanxiao knew that Infinite God's country was already busy.
This king-level beast must know some vital secrets, and it is not a coincidence that this king-level beast appeared here, because as the king-level beast was caught by the law chain, the Lantern Festival saw this thing and his A line of fate between.
There is a certain existence that connects him with the fate of this king-level fierce beast.
No matter what he did and wherever he appeared, this king-level fierce beast would eventually appear in front of him along with his fate. Yuanxiao felt that if he could uncover the secrets of this, his three million-year frozen mystery might be Unfold the truth at the tip of the iceberg.
"Let's go!"
The Lantern Festival pondered for a moment and said, "The fierce beast has been removed, let's see what our resource points are?"
Nageri Erina nodded, and the space of the imaginary car that turned into a ring fluctuated across.
A full hundred worms, Pu screamed with excitement as soon as he appeared, jumped on the ground and rushed into the huge pit created by magical bombing, and fell into the swamp in the pit. The mouthparts like the opening of the horn began to swallow here Swamp.
"These swamps are resource points."
Nakiri Erina said in amazement.
"That said, I was destroyed a lot by my magic."
The Lantern Festival was also speechless for a while.
The resource point, he thought that it might be minerals, living creatures, some natural treasures, etc., but he did not expect that the swamp where the king-level beasts stayed was a resource point, but he didn’t know what precious things were in the swamp. .
After waiting for a while, the first worm crawled out of the swamp in the void.
After opening the mouth, a rhombic crystal spurted out of the body after a while, and a silver droplet was sealed in the crystal. Obviously, this droplet was the special resource in the swamp and was extracted by the worm.
After spraying the rhombus crystals, the worms began to spray swamp mud next to the swamp.
Then, return to the swamp again to start the second round.
"Refining one drop at a time, judging from the worm ability, it's really not an ordinary thing."
Yuanxiao said in surprise.
A small drop of water was covered with a thick layer of crystals of the void seal of the worm.
It can be seen that the water droplets inside are either extremely volatile, or extremely unstable and pose a certain danger.
Spread out his left hand, and the arcane magic weapon in his palm turned into a small bowl.
The ice of time in the small bowl was atomized, and the seal crystal was peeled off a little bit, and finally the silver water droplet fell into the small bowl and bounced like a marble. Every attempt to volatilize was stopped by the mist of the ice of time.
Great avatar magic!
A clone was separated, and Yuanxiao ordered the clone to swallow the silver droplets.
The clone did not die, but fell into a deep sleep state.
After a few breaths, the clone woke up and sent a message to Yuanxiao's body that was enough to shock him.
This drop of silver water made him realize the law of water system that originally only had Silver Tier 3, and his life skyrocketed to Silver Tier 4. The moment he swallowed the water droplets, a variety of laws spread out in the spiritual sea like a formula.
"this is?"
Nakiri Erina asked in doubt.
"Wait, I ask the avatar of the of wisdom."
The Lantern Festival talked about transiting through the primitive world and sending the second silver droplet extracted from the worm.
The omniscient ancient tree is indeed the omniscience ancient tree, as long as there are relevant records, it can instantly give accurate answers by inferences.
The silver drop is the embodiment of the soul and the law.
To be precise, a life that has mastered the law, after death, the law will return to the world because of the Supreme Law Daoist Only the method similar to the ancient gods can not dissipate and form a Dao that can assist in understanding the law. fruit.
Where there is no way, the Taoist law here has been deliberately suppressed.
A large number of dead beasts did not return to the heavens and the earth. Instead, they gathered invisibly, gathered together by some unknown means, and left the essence to form an insight that can be directly absorbed and mastered.
It is no wonder that the resource point will be judged to disappear.
Because it hasn't been collected for a period of time, the law of gathering mysterious power within will return to heaven and earth again.
In the battle, the strong man made is actually flawed.
Because they lack sufficient accumulation, they can only master the laws corresponding to their own blood.
But with these resource points, it is different. This can help them master a variety of laws to make up for the lack of accumulation. Of course, the number of resource points will not be many and will be pre-occupied by high-level beasts with keen instincts. Not an easy task. (To be continued.)
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