Chapter 1407: The transformation of the sacred tree

Reference 1407
"What exchange can you offer?"
After thinking about it again and again, Duobao Tianzun finally sighed.
He has suffered too much due to bad luck over the years. If he can’t make up for it, he might change his name directly. Although he has decided to abandon the treasure tree, the material of this divine object is immortal even if it dies. grade.
"If you produce the materials, I will refine a fake artifact for you."
Yuanxiao said indifferently, "Besides this, I will give you a twin with the same fate, I don't know if you have heard of it."
"The immortal fetish twins have the same fate?"
Duobao Tianzun exclaimed in disbelief.
"You are dreaming, of course it is half-step immortal. There are only a few immortal twins in the entire multiverse."
Yuanxiao said indifferently, "Although it is half-step immortal, if the clone is refined, it can also work, but after the deity and clone are all fallen, after the clone is reborn, the strength will be knocked down to half-step immortality and need to be re-trained, but as long as it can Surviving, there is still a chance to rise.
Based on your current luck, at least 30% may fall in the near future. "
"it is good!"
Tianzun Duobao gritted his teeth and agreed.
He didn't know that Yuanxiao was also secretly relieved at this time.
This time, he was completely aware of the shallowness of these immortal insights. The longer the multiverse is in the long river, the weaker the overall strength is. These immortals living in the lower reaches of the long river have no access to the top secrets of the multiverse.
What's more, no one would have thought that he could use the law of fate to transform the magic seed to secretly calculate the Luobao God Tree.
Otherwise, these immortals must be united to cultivate the God of Fallen Tree. With the God of Fallen Tree, they are really likely to rise from this point. Although they have reached a consensus with Duobao Tianzun, a copycat immortal artifact cannot be refined overnight. .
Even if there is a tenfold acceleration, it will take a full 30 years.
It takes three years for a hundredfold, four months for a thousandfold, and at least a four thousand times acceleration can be refined in one month, and the immortal divine power that this time acceleration needs to consume is enough to make him feel heartache to death, it seems This time I can only feel sorry for Duobao Tianzun.
An immortal who is drained of luck will be very unlucky to do anything by himself.
Just a little push, and Duobao Tianzun will die miserably.
In the box, Yuanxiao and Dubao Tianzun signed the immortal contract witnessed by the long river of time. This is one of the most reliable contracts among the immortality of the multiverse. When signing, as long as there is a little reluctance, the contract cannot be successfully concluded.
The content of the contract was delivered to him in advance, the Luobao God Tree.
As a price, he first gave Duobao Tianzun a half-step immortality level to the twins, and waited until he came out of the time and space secret realm, and then spent 30 years to refine a copy of the immortal artifact for Duobao Tianzun, and Duobao Tianzun needs to be here Prepare immortal talents during this period.
After the transaction was completed, Duobao Tianzun left with full perseverance.
On the other hand, the Lantern Festival carefully entered the Primordial Universe with the Luobao God Tree, and then came to the Infinite God Tree at the center of the Origin Sea of ​​the Primitive Universe. The Infinite God Tree, strictly speaking, was originally the body of his clone of the God of Wisdom.
This sacred tree was finally transformed into a sacred tree with six golden levels, namely, the Medicine Sacred Tree, the World Tree, the Wisdom Sacred Tree, the All-Knowing Ancient Tree, the Elemental Ancient Tree, and the Wishing Sacred Tree. With the various abilities he mastered, he merged the treasure The sacred tree is not impossible.
Once integrated, the infinite sacred tree will undergo earth-shaking changes.
First of all, the infinite sacred tree can gather the cornucopia to attract treasures by itself, and then allow these treasures to grow on their own on the treetops.
Secondly, he can master the ability to absorb his fate, which can definitely improve his law of fate.
Then, his deity can also master the natural power of the cornucopia.
With this kind of talent, combined with the Great Detective Divine Art and the Great Refining Divine Art, what treasures in the Temporal Secret Realm can hide from him.
Finally, the infinite tree has the potential to evolve into an immortal tree.
This means that his clone of the of wisdom has enough potential to become immortal just like his deity.
It is even said that at the moment, integrating the immortal tree to obtain a part of the immortal power, coupled with the obtained various creations of magic seeds, and thus the arcane law of evolution, the avatar of the of wisdom can completely step into the half-step immortality before his own deity.
At that time, he could use his clone to pretend to be the deity to see Destiny Tianmen.
The heart of the tree split, and the Lantern Festival threw the Luobao God tree into it.
As time speeded up, the Infinite God Tree began to forcibly swallow the Luobao God Tree that was getting weaker and weaker because of its luck.
The door of time and space opened, and the Lantern Festival returned to the Yuansheng trading box.
At this time, the last transaction has ended. What follows is a half-step immortal competition among the scattered people, from which the strongest leader is selected, and this person leads the other scattered people to compete for the resources of the time and space secret.
One of the immortals teleported to the trading hall.
"My dear deities, this seat is usurping destiny."
The old Tianzun, who was as old as withered tree bark and bones, said loudly, "The last time my disciple opened the space-time Secret Realm, my disciple was lucky enough to get the first place, so this time the old man will host the competition of the little dolls."
The voice fell, and he had a step.
Out of nothing, the void creation in the hall formed a huge star field that was reduced.
It is really huge, and the space opened up instantly is at least 100 million light years in diameter.
The Lantern Festival instantly knew that this old monster had this method is definitely the pinnacle of immortality among scattered people, and what he mastered was the law of fusion composed of the supreme laws of time, life, and death. Judging from the title, this person might control the lifespan of sentient beings.
"You Tianzun can send your own representatives."
The usurper Tianzun motioned.
Lantern Festival is the fastest, breaking into the star field instantly and being teleported to a star by space.
The wizard's eye splits open, and the Great Detective Magic scans all around.
I saw that he was on a huge white dwarf star at this time, and there were other huge white dwarf stars tens of thousands of light years away. Each white dwarf star appeared one and a half steps immortal, and hundreds of cryptic wills were secretly concentrated on him.
"This competition has a total of four levels."
The voice of usurpering Tianzun appeared out of thin air, "The first level is destruction, the second level is survival, the third level is insight, the fourth level is the means of exploration, and the last level is wisdom. The combined first level of the five levels is this time the Loose Alliance. Team leader."
"Do not hit!"
After thinking about the Lantern Festival, it became clear.
If you really want to fight, it is very likely to cause deaths and injuries, and the most important thing is to be seen clearly. The two hundred and a half steps of immortality of the two major alliances will not be tested in public. If there are too many methods exposed, it will obviously Be targeted to make preparations.
Therefore, it may be enough to compare the results, and not to use too many methods to be targeted.
"Now start the first level, smash the specially condensed white dwarfs under your feet."
Usurpering Tianzun said, "According to the degree of crushing to determine your overall score, you have ten seconds to complete all of this, don't underestimate this level, these white dwarfs are easy to crush but it is not easy to crush them completely..." To be continued.)
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