Chapter 1421: Terrible transcendent immortality

   Chapter 1421
One hundred and four immortals joined forces, but a combined attack has destroyed the power of destruction and death
Without spirituality, the manifested Destruction Tianmen collapsed on the spot.
Without the existing benefits, the originally stable soul-sealing battle formation was instantly torn apart.
The remnant thought that swallowed the giant's ancestor was directly destroyed, which means that the secret to immortality could not be found alive by the seal. In this case, it is naturally important to fight for the immortal artifact, maybe some inheritance of the swallowed giant's ancestor is hidden.
No one noticed that the field of will on the verge of destruction is riddled with holes, but it is not destroyed.
"It's about to appear..."
In the Devouring Grinding Plate, Yuanxiao carefully took out the time and space runes and pasted them to the mysterious space in the center of the Devouring Grinding Plate.
The rune disappeared, and a gleam of light passed across the entire swallowing millstone.
As for the outside of the Devouring Millstone, the one hundred and four immortals had already been upset at this moment.
The three major alliances started a frantic killing without leaving any hands.
But a closer look at them all left a bottom line, that is, the hands-on methods did not reach the level of destroying the deity and the clones together, so that even if the deity falls, the clones can still reshape the deity in their respective universes.
This bottom line should be negotiated before they compete for the immortal artifact.
It is the existence of this bottom line that they have no scruples to let go and decide the final winner.
Everyone who just did it was immortal and didn't notice that the domain of will has not disappeared.
If it does not disappear, it means that the Cannian that swallowed the giant's ancestor has not disappeared.
Immortal artifacts and the temptation of immortal inheritance, let the immortal beating on the scene forget their lives, and have been wiped out in a short period of time. More than 30 of the weakest immortals, the Yuansheng Alliance and the Sun Moon Alliance face a large number of dead enemies Immortal had to work hard together.
Under this kind of desperation, the peak of immortality will also fall, the first one is not someone else but the weakest wealth god.
At the moment the of wealth fell, the of the underworld and the of stone were severely wounded almost at the same time as they were hit hard.
"Stop it all, Fortune Tianzun is really dead."
Underworld Tianzun roared in anger.
Their three immortal pinnacles had made a very strict covenant as early as that year, including a contract in which one person fell and the other two were severely punished. Judging from the backlash against them by the long river at this time, it can be seen that the Fortune Tianzun is really dead.
The deity has fallen, and as long as the clone can be resurrected, the covenant will not go back in this situation.
The occurrence of backlash only means that the deity and the clone are dead.
Just now the last blow to destroy the Tianzun of Fortune Tianzun's deity, clearly did not use the means of extermination, which shows that there are existences they don't know have been around, taking advantage of the instant that the deity of Fortune Tianzun's deity and even the clones were destroyed.
But in the next instant, Underworld God Tianzun knew that nothing would work.
The half-step immortality of the Sanren Alliance did not believe what he said at all, but thought he was delaying time.
The furious underworld Tianzun relentlessly began to kill.
Do not hesitate to use the immortal artifact of the Shanzhai with a full blow, and one immortal fell on the spot. It was the complete fall of all the clones. The remaining sixty-nine immortals of the Sanren Alliance were stunned and finally stepped back and stopped.
"You are crazy, you broke the bottom line?"
The usurper Tianzun asked angrily.
"The deity of wealth has fallen, it has fallen completely."
Shi Wang Tianzun hissed.
"It's impossible. It's not clear who was there with my method just now, and it will not kill the clone through time and space."
The usurper Tianzun shuddered and retorted, "Can't show evidence."
He did not believe the words of Shiwang Tianzun at all. The fall of Fortune Tianzun was his final fatal blow, especially now that the Loose Alliance occupies an overwhelming advantage. When all the immortal peaks are driven out, this immortal artifact is designated to fall into his hands. .
Now that I say that, I must be unwilling to get immortal artifacts after failure.
"How could this be?"
Mingyue Tianzun pointed at the back of the usurpering Tianzun and exclaimed.
The usurper Tianzun first subconsciously thought that Mingyue Tianzun was diverting his sight, but then he saw the image from behind him reflected in the pupils of Mingyue Tianzun, and the last immortals behind him disappeared silently.
Surrounded by the power of destruction and death, the will will be destroyed once it leaves the domain of will.
Therefore, the usurper Tianzun turned around and looked with his eyes, and saw that the immortals on the periphery of the Loose Alliance were disappearing one by one. From their bodies, phagocytic black holes that grew from small to large exploded, allowing these immortals to be swallowed without resistance. destroy.
At the same time, a burst of swallowing power came from the usurpering Tianzun's body.
This made him feel dead, the godhead in his body was wrapped in the tree of true spirit, will and law, and the neural network broke out, and directly abandoned his body to escape, and in the next moment, several swallowing black holes formed in his body to tear and swallow the body.
Looking at the surroundings, it is not just him, all immortals have left only the fastest twenty-one escaped at this time.
And without exception, all of them abandoned their bodies for the first time.
Not far away from them, the swallowing black holes began to reunite, and the ancestor Cannian, the ancestor of the swallowing giant, which had completely disappeared in their cognition, had recondensed and even the aura of the whole body became even stronger.
"Unexpectedly learned the means to destroy Tianmen."
Usurpating Tianzun trembled.
Destroying the Tianmen is to release countless tiny white holes into the body of Cannian, the ancestor of the swallowing giant.
But I didn't expect this Can Nian to do the same thing, completely dissipating at the moment of destruction, and then I don't know how to enter their bodies and start devouring them from the inside. No wonder the Heavenly God of Netherworld will say that the Heavenly Lord of Wealth has completely fallen.
It turned out not to be a It's just that he only understands now but it's a bit late.
Abandon the body, but also abandon most of the immortal power.
Temporarily reorganizing the body, the strength of the body is definitely much weaker than the one that has been used for countless years, plus there are only 21 people left now, and all of them will fall here if one fails.
The most important thing is how strong the ancestor of the devouring giant would have swallowed so many immortals.
In this situation, they have almost no way out.
"We still have a way out..."
At this moment, Underworld God Tianzun excitedly spread the voice.
Usurpering Tianzun took a closer look and found that the ancestor of the Devouring Giant, who had reorganized his body, did not become stronger at all, but was weaker than the first time. On the contrary, the aura of Devouring Grinding Pan at this time was surprisingly powerful and was continuously rising.
The ancestor of the swallowing giant was shaking the swallowing millstone unwillingly at this time.
It seemed that he was also puzzled. The power he had swallowed ran to his baby uncontrollably. You must know that this was the only baby he was reluctant to eat, but this baby seemed to be competing with him for food.
"Seize the opportunity and escape..."
The people who usurped Tianzun’s voice transmission first fled toward the extreme edge of the will domain, taking out some immortal materials and discarding them behind them. As long as the ancestor of the swallowing giant greedily swallowed them, they could take the opportunity to escape from the black holes on the surface of the will domain that swallowed the river of time. Get out. (To be continued.) 8
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