Chapter 1500: Weird suicide

Chapter 15oo
After half an hour of gust of wind and rain, Gemini Tianzun was still able to separate his mind. ww ㄟ w
Not only because he also has a brain, but also because he himself is a avenue of will and psychic. As the avenue of one of the strongest universes in the multiverse like the Golden Universe, he needs so much willpower and computing power to control every action in the entire universe. .
But at this moment, Yuanxiao's computing power is not worse than him.
What shocked him even more was that Yuan Xiao’s right hand and his natal device had been clashing for so long. Even if the five fingers were fused with the immortal artifact, the other parts should have been burned to ashes long ago, but the reality is that Yuan Xiao only has his right hand. Some charred.
Even if the flame is weaker, the burnt black will disappear immediately.
Is this really the resilience of flesh and blood?
According to his judgment, Yuanxiao's body itself has not lost to the immortal artifact.
Unless the immortal power is taken off, the Lantern Festival will not be injured even if it resists hard. It is no wonder that he can bite off the flame spear, even if it is only a temporary weapon that he temporarily transformed with three thousand immortal gods to confuse the Lantern Festival.
As long as he thought of this, Gemini Tianzun felt that he was doing useless work.
Although his attack is fierce at this time, it is precisely because the destructive power of each fierce blow will not pass the immortality. It is impossible to destroy the body of the Lantern Festival that is comparable to the immortal artifact.
If this continues, he will be consumed here alive by the Lantern Festival.
This is clear only if Yuanxiao has gradually adapted to his offensive rhythm, and even occasionally counterattacks.
If this continues, he will just die worthless.
After a confrontation between the Flame Spear, the Gemini Tianzun turned the Spear and pierced it directly into the heart. The strength and blood of his entire body were drawn away by the Flame Spear, and even the will and true spirit burned into the Flame Spear.
At this moment, the will and true spirit of the Gemini Tianzun even sublimated to immortality.
A message from a distant unknown space was clearly sensed by the Gemini Tianzun. Originally, he was going to be a fatal blow to the Lantern Festival. The moment he received this message, he completely changed his thoughts of death.
The flame war spear forced the Lantern Festival back, and Gemini Tianzun pierced time and space with a spear.
Even though it was the surrounding seals, a gap was broken at this moment. Yuan Xiao thought that the Twins Tianzun was going to escape, and the Vulcan's battle robe unfolded to greet him, but unexpectedly, the Twins Tianzun took the initiative to wrap up. .
The space torn apart was just a drop of blood sent away by his best effort.
In order to send away this drop of blood, Gemini Tianzun even completely gave up his defense. He was wrapped in a Vulcan robe by the Lantern Festival and folded the flame spear into two with his right hand. The destruction of the natal array made the Gemini Tianzun similarly severely wounded. The spear gushes out and makes the Lantern Festival soaked.
Even the realm of will, can't stop these blood.
Yuan Xiao licked the blood at the corner of his mouth. This is the blood of the avenue, the blood flowing out of the cosmos avenue, which contains the horrible curse power, cooperated with the blood cursing biochemical virus that penetrated into his body, and frantically destroyed it in his body.
Gemini Tianzun has fallen, but this is not the way he expected to fall.
Lantern Festival said to himself.
Gemini Tianzun’s combat power was unexpected, and the natal array weapon was equivalent to the power of an immortal artifact. Although the Gemini Tianzun’s final blow was completely confident to block, the least and least injured injury would be ten times more serious than now.
The curse of the blood of the avenue is nothing compared to that kind of injury except that it is a bit difficult.
At that moment, what happened when Gemini Tianzun was preparing for a desperate blow?
Why then?
Why did you change your mind at that moment?
Gemini Tianzun didn’t know that he had a Vulcan battle robe, so it seemed to him that it was entirely possible to pull himself to die together. What was born to him made him think it’s more important than killing himself. He would rather give up the opportunity to kill him and give the golden universe. The deity sent back a message.
"The original ancestral land..."
After being ruled out several times, Yuanxiao locked the original ancestral land.
Because he stayed behind in the clone of the original ancestral land, he wiped out the Cthulhu Soul Puppet Legion at the same time. More accurately, the Cthulhu Soul Puppet took the initiative to die. The process of actively sending death is very regular, just like a password that spreads across time and space with life. A message that only they understand.
This is the case with Gemini Tianzun's clone, and the same is true for the deity now.
What did they discover in the primitive world?
Immortal protozoa?
Isn't this bug not just a war weapon that the wisdom and gods want to transform?
All these doubts make Yuanxiao stand in the void and keep thinking.
"Begin to purify..."
Lantern Festival said to himself.
"The brain began to control the purification of the body, the molecular sacred flame decomposed all external forces that did not belong to the subject, the Great Devouring Divine Art began to swallow, the Primordial Pot captured the true spirit of the Gemini Tianzun and the fragments of the divine soul and began preliminary analysis..."
The movement of the brain made Yuanxiao wake up.
The original pot itself is made by the ancestors of the phantom fog giant, and the strongest of the ancestors of the phantom fog giant is the complete spiritual swallowing. The true spirit and the will that continue to consume living creatures are perfectly integrated to control their own huge phantom fog giant. body.
The original pot blended into the heart, naturally retaining this terrifying ability.
Gemini Tianzun probably couldn't even think that the true spirit and spirit of his own secret method burned and destroyed could still be captured a little.
In it, maybe he can find the secret he wants to know.
"City Lord, what are we going to do?"
Deep Sea Tianzun’s water body approached the Lantern Festival and said respectfully, if it was said that it was only fear because of the devil species of good fortune, now the respect is really being overwhelmed by the power of the Lantern He clearly knows if it was just now. He is bound to die in the face of Gemini Tianzun.
"Seal the entire flame oven."
Yuanxiao said flatly.
It's just that the Gemini Tianzun almost made him capsize by using his natal array. After changing the gold will deity, there should be a way to enter the sacred tree of origin directly from the golden universe. It would be too dangerous if the passage here is not sealed.
Star Pirate Lighthouse, Yuan Xiao waited for the brain's calculation results for seven hours.
The result was a little disappointed. The relevant memories about the natal device he wanted were available. Since the Gemini Tianzun condenses his own natal device all the time, the memory of this part is almost everywhere in the memory and it is easy to find.
On the contrary, there is no clue in the existing memory about that secret.
Gemini Tianzun has thousands of reincarnations in the universe. The memory contained in the true spirit of such a long life can be imagined. In addition, the true spirit itself has only some mixed fragments. It is not different from trying to find the memory you want from it. A mortal finds a needle in a haystack.
The possibility of getting the desired memory directly is too low, so you can only try another method.
For the original ancestral land, what I know best is not the golden will but the wisdom and evil.
That night, the Lantern Festival 6th continuation secretly summoned seventeen immortals in the city. Most of them were the deputy captains of the nine star thief kings, and the rest were the heads of the star thief clusters second only to the star thief kings. The four star thief kings joined forces to suppress it and it was too late to resist these immortal demons that had already been planted.
Leaving the deep sea Tianzun guarding the pirate king city, Yuanxiao took the remaining three immortal peaks to prepare to return to the golden universe.
It is conceivable that this time he was completely torn apart with Golden Will.
On the surface, the golden will is limited to the rules and cannot deal with him, but secretly, outside the rules, he will definitely remove him by any means.
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