Chapter 196: Sky Sword Slash

Chapter 196:
Deep underground in the 24 wards of Tokyo.
A blood cocoon beating like a heart, countless blood vessels are connected in series with the Kazuzu group that surrounds the entire Tokyo, from which the purest rc cells are drawn to evolve the most perfect form.
The number of Kazuko is too large, even Jin Muyan can only manipulate a small part.
Even because of the excessive swallowed number of Kazuyas, it gradually affected Jin Muyan's mind, and he was restricted to Tokyo where he couldn't leave. Only by abandoning these uncontrollable Kazuyas and evolving the most perfect body can he become the strongest ghoul.
On the blood cocoon-like heart, Jin Muyan's face was staring at the two figures next to him.
"Flute mouth young real, it's up to you to resist Dong Xiang and the black-haired woman."
Jin Muyan commanded indifferently.
Flute nodded bitterly, in fact he couldn't refuse.
Now she is no longer the kind and timid Ghoul from the antique coffee shop, but a Ghoul puppet that has been transformed by Jin Muyan and controlled by Jin Muyan in every move. The older brother who once comforted her when he was gentle and kind and sad has completely become another. A person.
"Jinmu, you can't go wrong anymore."
The last one in the world is not a whore, take 鞫ァ鞯餍餍魉≧m from Dixin Yisou龅Naolan17 Jichun 嗟testis secret feed?br/>
"I am not wrong."
Jin Muyan roared angrily, "They are not dead, they will all be alive in the new round."
"Yes, I believe what you said, there will be a new reincarnation in this world, and everyone can be resurrected."
Yong Jin Yingliang trembled almost desperately, "But in that kind of world, all the memories of this life cease to exist and start again. The people in the antique coffee shop will no longer have your memory. You killed them by yourself. How to face them in the next reincarnation."
A long time passed. Jin Muyan said firmly, "I am not wrong. The only thing wrong is this world. In the new world, I can recognize them again. No one will die. Even if it is not me, they will definitely die in the hands of that person."
Outside Tokyo, a red flame shot directly.
Kirishima Dongxiang incited a huge wings of ten feet behind him, driving two people to fly together without slowing down.
Her sustained flight speed is close to the critical point of the speed of sound. As an armed knight, her bloodline is also affected by the Lantern Festival bloodline. The benefit is the perfect combination of the Ghoul bloodline and the giant bloodline. Part of the giant can be easily displayed.
At an altitude of several kilometers, Kirishima Touka Hyukko closed his wings and slashed directly at Tokyo.
A long sonic cloud flashed across, and Dong Xiang's sword skill Tianxiang Sword Slash directly penetrated the wall of Kazuko near the middle of Tokyo, breaking through a thousand-meter hole into the city.
At this time, the belated voice echoed between heaven and earth.
The three figures, the shadows blurred at the moment of the impact, avoiding the shock wave and falling on the ruins of Tokyo, looking around.
It is densely packed with hundreds of thousands of blood cocoons, which transport rc cells to the connected blood vessels.
The Lantern Festival was horrified but shocked. Jin Muyan was able to achieve this level. These blood cocoons were filled with giant ghouls and the mighty ones among the Ghoul species. The last time Mikasa and Dong Xiang came here, they were besieged and killed by the Ghoul who had awakened from the blood cocoon. They didn't even see Jin Muyan's face.
Click... Click...
Pieces of blood cocoons burst open.
A human figure emerged from the cocoon. His body was covered with a full-covered Kagzi armor, and various Kagzi was waving behind him. With a speed beyond the visual capture of ordinary people, he was sent to surround him in all directions. His eyes were red and there was no sense of wisdom. .
Ghoul, originally only the half-heroes of the same kind who have not fully evolved will be violent.
At this time, all these heroes were in a violent state. It can be seen how many of the same kind they swallowed before they fell to this point. The number of foreign heroes swallowed is too many, and each foreign hero contains the spiritual will of the original canyon, which cannot be digested for a while. Can only be mad and become mad.
These cantonese heroes are not so much that they swallowed countless heroes?
But looking at it from another direction, they were not swallowed by the Ghoul spirit remaining in the Hebao.
"Blood Feather Storm..."
Kirishima Dongxiang flew up into the air with a cold drink, and behind him a pair of ten-foot-large Kazuko wings closed and drove his body to rotate at a high speed in the air. In the middle of the rotation, Kazuko feathers shot out like a rainstorm composed of sword blades.
Ten seconds later, hundreds of canyoners were torn into pieces by the armor.
Seeing the effect of his methods, Kirishima Dongxiang immediately planned to use blood feather storms one after another. In the Lantern Festival, he directly took over control of Kirishima Dongxiang's body. His strength has grown a lot, but this kind of thing is hard. The practice of fighting is unacceptable.
There are hundreds of thousands of blood cocoons in the ruins of Tokyo. The three of them are exhausted and don't even want to kill them here.
In a sense, these ghouls are dead without their wisdom. Even if you don't kill them, you can end the world as long as you get rid of Jin Muyan. It is not guilty of entanglement with these blood cocoons and consumes the fighting power.
A nano spider ring at the fingertips of Lantern Festival jumped to the palm of his hand, and directly began to call the miniature alchemy puppet spiders lurking in the whole city.
Thousands of ultrasonic detection spiders crawled out of the ruins, and the battle to destroy Tokyo could wipe out creatures, but neither the giant ghoul nor the ghouls had any ability to identify these metal spiders.
After lurking for more than half a year, the nano spider body called to directly summarize the investigation results of the past half year.
"Deep underground in the center of Tokyo."
Yuanxiao sneered.
Jin Muyan violated his transaction without authorization and tried to evolve, no matter what the reason, there is only a dead end.
It’s impossible to run from the ground, more and more blood cocoons burst one after another, so many ghouls can’t be killed at all, and it’s impossible to run across the ground. These ghouls’ Kazu is comparable to a very powerful excavator. .
As for flying from the sky, 30 meters above the ground is the Kazuz wall that blocks the city.
In the sky, on the ground, and under the ground, the Lantern Festival could not find a route to the core of Tokyo for a time. Although I had chosen a location close to the city center when I broke the wall and entered the city, it still has a straight line distance of at least two kilometers.
"Blood affinity..."
The Lantern Festival categorically said You immediately use shouts and hypnosis. "
He found a problem, all that came out of the cocoon were ghouls, and none of the giant ghouls.
Kirishima Touka did not dare to hesitate, took a deep breath and let out a clear shout.
From the giant bloodline of the giantess, she has the ability to call the brainless giant to control a certain amount of screaming. As armed knights and branded swordsmen, they can enjoy blood affinity and this natural power blended in blood.
Ghoul bloodline and giant bloodline are perfectly fused, can shouting also call these brainless ghoul giants.
With a cry, hundreds of brainless ghoul giants in a radius of several kilometers around suddenly awakened, directly tore open the huge blood cocoon that wrapped them, and instinctively ran towards Kirishima Dong Xiang. The ghouls along the way didn’t know. How much was eaten casually.
Although Jin Muyan imprisoned all the different types of Ghoul species, he was in an evolutionary state and could not have much power control. Naturally, he couldn't compare with Kirishima Dongxiang's all-out shouting ability. Seizing this opportunity, the Lantern Festival and the three began to force. Break through. (To be continued...)
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