Chapter 294: Black Sand Pirates

PS: PS: Thank you Yueye Leiying 588 for your reward, thank you Xinghe, Bingbing is so bad, the sky is wide and the sky is in the wind, and there is no fairy god, defending? ; For the festival, thank you everyone for your tickets and subscriptions for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Chapter 294:
"It turned out to be tracking me this way, but I didn't expect to meet Sand Pirates here."
The Lantern Festival suddenly smiled.
The black sand bone lizard at the front is alive, and it must have some natural and mysterious connection with the one I bought. It is through this connection that the living black sand bone lizard is used for tracking, and then they can follow behind. Find yourself in the sea of ​​bones in the black sand.
I have to say that this is really a simple and very practical method.
The black sand bone lizard puppets sold, the store absolutely did not do anything, even the savvy buyer could not find the slightest abnormality, so even if the customers who bought the puppets died in the sea of ​​black sand, it was their lack of strength. .
"Damn it, how did that kid do it."
The five sand thieves stopped the black sand bone lizard puppets and gathered together and connected to each other through the interface of the puppet's tail. They could form a local area network to communicate in the chaotic black sand bone sea.
As sand pirates, they believe that they already know the Black Sand Bone Sea very well.
Everyone’s puppets have been modified and have strong experience in identifying quicksand vortexes and spell traps. Compared with ordinary puppets, they are much faster in the sea of ​​black sand bones. This is also why they set off half an hour late and are confident to catch up with their prey. Protection.
But now the puppets can't hold it anymore, they still can't even find the shadow of their prey.
The Lantern Festival ridiculed and prepared to take back the eyes of the wizard and ignored these people. He did not use puppets at all, but used Xuanming divination with white eyes to observe the danger by himself. He took the shortest route, so he was able to lead three hundred miles for at least ten hours. Distance.
"Brother, are we really going to take refuge in the Pirates of Black Sand?"
One of the fourth-order necromancers said melancholy.
The word Heisha Pirates, after reading the lip technique, saw that the Lantern Festival came to interest. As far as he knew, this was a force entrenched in the Heisha Bone Sea, originally composed of professionals who were expelled by the Shadow Bone Fort. It has always been a confidant of Shadow Bone Fort.
He even had a speculation that the space debris of the dead bone scorpion cub had been discovered.
Black Sand Pirates can come and go without a trace, and can even escape the siege of the Shadow Bone Fort again and again, and from time to time they sneak out to attack the Shadow Bone Fort. The black sand pirates are still active for more than two thousand years.
There are only three possibilities for them to do this.
The simplest is that the Shadow Bone Fort deliberately indulges, even they deliberately cultivated, specifically to expel other professionals, so that their family dominates resources, this is also the secret guess of many professionals.
The second is that Heisha Pirates have a stable base in Heisha Bone Sea to maintain their development.
Maybe they found a small relic during the War of Extermination. That's why he can avoid the shadow bone fort strangling again and again, and in his opinion, this stable base is likely to be the space debris of the dark dragon scorpion cub.
The last possibility is that the mage tower of a certain professional of Black Sand Pirates has additional space.
It was an unexpected surprise for him to hear the news of Heisha theft here.
"Huh! Of course you have to take refuge in the Pirates of Black Sand."
The sand thief boss said proudly, "That is the place that all of our sand thief aspire to most. If it were not for their sudden loss of a lot of manpower this time, my relative would not secretly remind us to take this opportunity to join the Black Sand King."
"Black Sand King, that's a professional who is only one step away from the seventh rank. Then we don't have to be afraid of Shadow Bone Fort."
Another fourth-order curse mage said with joy.
"Brother, why did they suddenly die a lot of people. Let's not be treated as cannon fodder."
Tier 4 Elemental Summoner couldn't help but ask.
"We really have to be careful about this."
The boss of the sand thief was silent for a moment and solemnly said,
That’s why we have to take the prey with us. If we count the fat sheep we have caught, if we catch up with the previous one, exactly five, in case something goes wrong, the King of Black Sand The chills of the men will not touch us."
Yuanxiao touched his chin thoughtfully, broke a finger and left it inside the black sand puppet.
As for his own shadow transformation, he has come to the outside of the puppet. It only took a minute to disguise the puppet as if he was overused and was about to be destroyed. At this point, a severed finger has continuously increased into a flesh and blood puppet.
Fifteen hours later. The five sand thief saw the prey almost buried in the sand.
The black sand bone lizard puppet opened its abdomen, and five sand thief rolled out against the ground and carefully surrounded it.
The fourth-order elemental summoner recited the spell silently, and two fourth-order stone elements drilled out of the ground, and one of them rushed up and threw the black sand-bone lizard puppet with its tail in the middle of the air and smashed it on the sand. A stone knife in his hand has been cut on the soft belly.
After a few stabs, the Tier 3 puppet has been broken open with its soft belly.
A figure curled up in a coma fell out of it. Qiqiao bleeds, not to mention that the whole person is still convulsing. The boss of the sand thief only glanced at it with a chill and rose from the soles of his feet, vigilantly looking around and shaking.
This kind of injury is too obvious, it is clearly a fatal sonic injury.
In the entire black sand bone sea. There is only one kind of life that can cause this kind of damage, and that is the wailing bone snake of level Black Iron LV8. This is a rare species of black sand in the skeleton of the body, known as one of the top ten nightmare species in the black sand bone sea.
Once the wailing bone snake is in combat form, as long as it crawls, the bones and the black sand will make a sharp sound.
This kind of sound contains a special sonic curse, which can easily cause the effect of spell interruption when the legal system is casting a spell. The magic backlash reveals a flaw in the spirit sea, and the only end is to be tortured by the sonic curse and become a fool.
The most troublesome thing is that this species usually gathers at least ten.
Faced with two of them, they will run away. Five of them may die. If ten of them are superimposed on the sonic curse, even if they can escape, there will be only one dead end, and there will be no way to survive.
"Brother, look at the traces, they are gone."
The last spirit mage of the five sand thiefs investigated for a while and whispered.
A few sand thiefs breathed a sigh of The sand thief boss sealed the Lantern Festival with several sealing spells, shrunk it and threw it directly into the belly of his own black sand bone lizard puppet, and had already left in less than ten seconds. This dangerous ghost place.
No one noticed that the black sand bone lizard puppet driven by the spirit mage walking at the end had a little more.
It was a black spider the size of a millet grain. Find the black sand bone scorpion puppet’s abdomen in the scaly armor gap, a little bit of venom sprayed from the mouth to corrode the scaly armor, until it penetrated into the puppet’s body and melted away. The super corrosive liquid directly caused the puppet’s power. paralysis.
"damn it……"
The spirit mage was ready to climb out of the puppet with a low curse. He now needs to put away the puppets who don’t know what's wrong, and then retrieve a spare puppet from the inventory to follow the team. In places like the Black Sand Bone Sea, if he falls behind A very troublesome thing.
You can't see a hundred meters away if you can't see your five fingers, and you can't get too far away from your body.
According to the rules of their team, they usually slow down every five minutes. The five puppets stop for a few seconds to confirm their safety at close range. They have just confirmed once, and it will take at least five minutes for the people in front to find out that he has fallen behind. Up. (To be continued.)
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