Chapter 309: Diamond star rain

The Lantern Festival frowned.
With Frost Mirage and spiritual fear, the Tier 4 spell combination he had high hopes had no effect on the Diamond Man. This is the fate of encountering the nemesis, and even the consequences of not understanding the enemy, which directly leads to the very strength that can only be used. One point of combat power.
"The Mage Tower is deformed..."
Faced with the rushing diamond team, Yuanxiao commanded calmly.
In less than two seconds, an enlarged version of the 15-meter Lantern Festival was already standing on the surface of the swamp, and its size was reduced to three meters before it stabilized at this size. An ice-blue flame flashed out of nothingness, and the blood of the demon hunter was opened. .
"Mana Burn..."
An ice blue energy ray hit the diamond priest as soon as the Lantern Festival spoke.
"Damn human."
The Diamond Priest punched the mana and burned, grabbing a diamond man next to him and slamming it with all his strength. The other diamond men followed suit and slammed into it with a cannonball composed of five diamonds carrying thousands of tons of impact.
Lantern Festival didn't rush to start evasion, and energy barriers similar to space faults flashed one by one. They have a certain chance to directly deflect the enemy's damage. If they cooperate with the black core iron's anti-gravity, there is only one result.
A violent collision occurred, and the five diamond men were dragged by gravity and flew out more than ten miles away in the air.
The diamond priests were humiliated. In a vacuum environment, this was the trouble. If they were not careful, they would run away far away and couldn't find the focus point, especially because their diamonds mastered disordered gravity instead of directional gravity.
"Warblade of Azzinoth..."
The Lantern Festival said indifferently, the two-meter-long crystal egg knife, a certain amount of diamond debris was compressed into the spiral water ball inside the blade, a shadow space transmission has been torn apart and the space was close to behind the diamond priest, the egg knife slashed at seven times the speed of sound. The high-pressure water line fused with diamond chips is ejected.
With just a single blow, the entire diamond team was seriously injured.
The diamond priests were frightened, and their destructive power just now almost exceeded their tolerance for damage sharing. Damage sharing is not omnipotent. If the enemy's attack can kill a diamond in seconds. This injury can only be sustained alone.
Earth escape!
The diamond priest gave an order, and all the diamond men went underground and disappeared.
Shadow Spider!
The Lantern Festival Wizard Tower deformed again, the Demon Hunter form was very energy-intensive, and the Shadow Spider Monster form was relatively better. Taking advantage of this opportunity, layers of shadow cobwebs blended with thought force threads were laid all around.
As long as this kind of net exists, every move of the Diamond Man is under his control.
The only difficulty is that the shadow cobweb is not like the thought force silk thread that can last for a long time. It only takes three minutes at most to re-arrange, and he obviously cannot allow more mana to be wasted to arrange it next time.
Through the shadowed spider web against the ground. The Lantern Festival locked the place where the Diamond Man appeared.
Ten diamond men converged underground and surrounded them in ten directions. When they drilled out of the ground, they were just 100 meters away from the Lantern Festival. Each of them broke their left arm and grabbed a diamond spear formed by their left arm and threw them out.
With a slight difference, the Lantern Festival used the mana threads in the air to calculate the evasion route and dodge.
Ten diamond spears at five times the speed of sound interlaced in the air, and the turbulent gravity accompanied the heavy earth elements, which directly formed a mud ball with a radius of 200 meters to enclose the Lantern Festival. Within this range, the mud ball contracted the turbulent gravity inside. Disperse all energy and make people unable to resist.
A black shadow rushed out with the transformation of the shadow, and a turning point had already fallen three hundred meters away.
"The trap is complete."
A smile appeared on the corner of Lantern’s mouth.
Inside the fog of dark war, as long as he is not standing on the ground. The Diamond Man couldn't even find his shadow. He kept standing on the ground just to give the Diamond Man a wrong impression and deliberately expose his behavior.
Golden Shadow Clone Technique!
A shadow of the wizard tower fell on the ground, and the actual body of the wizard tower was hidden in the air.
The shadow clones freeze the swamps with large-scale freezing techniques. The swamps mixed with ice element diamonds cannot escape from the ground. Every time they drill out of the ground, they must break the ice. In this unfavorable situation, they will definitely choose to break out. trick.
Diamond star rain!
Divided into five directions, five diamond men were thrown high in the sky.
But a closer look revealed that none of the five diamond humans had souls in them. They were just an empty body that was thrown into the sky, and their soul core had been firmly protected by the five partners on the ground.
The diamond human shell flew to a height of five hundred meters. The whole began to melt and decompose to form tiny blades.
The tiny blades composed of countless diamonds fell to form a torrential rain, and the dark fog of war was torn apart to form a gorgeous diamond star rain. This large-scale terrorist attack was enough to crush any opponent in one blow.
Most importantly, the five diamond men standing on the ground formed a layer of diamond enchantment.
As long as this barrier is not broken. The target in the enchantment cannot be teleported. With the combination of the diamond enchantment and the diamond star rain, the diamond people do not know how many more powerful beings have been killed.
"What a nice view……"
Yuanxiao exclaimed invisibly in midair.
With just one blow, the avatar of the wizard Taying that he had left in place was torn into fleshy flesh.
The diamond priest gave a low growl and waved his fists excitedly, but soon he realized that something was wrong. At this time, the bodies of the companions scattered into diamond blades should have begun to gather and regroup.
But now the bodies of these companions scattered into blades are firmly attached to the ground and cannot move. If the Diamond People can see the mind power, they will find that they have been firmly wrapped in a layer of mind power and stuck to the ground and cannot reunite.
A little red light flashed in the darkness, Dong Xiang grabbed a diamond blade and ate it on the Orbmon.
"be cheated……"
The diamond priest roared.
Angry diamond men gathered around the priests. They sat together on the ground and waited without looking for enemies. The super defensive power kept them from worrying about the enemy's attack. This kind of rogue waiting was an incomprehensible killer move.
"Hehe! Don't blame me then."
Yuanxiao appeared in shape, holding the thief's utmost intent in his left hand, and an oversized package in his right hand had already been covered. Large pieces of diamond blades were wrapped in a package to shrink them. He was not afraid that these diamond people could still live.
Sure enough, the Diamond Man couldn't help it, and a flying spear shredded the thought power package.
As the package took away all the diamond blades, it was shattered and reshaped the diamond man's body. Amid the excitement of the diamond man's roar, they did not notice the mockery in the Lantern Festival.
Naturally, the thought power package was deliberately crushed by him, because many diamond blades in it were no longer real.
The copying power of Kuwa from the Mirage Brigade directly copied a part of the diamond blade body and mixed it in with fake and real. Let alone the connection with the copy, the five diamond people are monitored for every Light is the key Letting the copy effect disappear at any time is enough to severely damage the Diamond Man.
Regaining his body, the Diamond Man attacked again.
As they dispersed, Yuanxiao canceled the effect of the thought power of the replicas of the five Diamond Humans, and suddenly lost most of their bodies. The Diamond Human’s super defensive power revealed flaws, and the soul core was no longer perfectly protected.
The egg knife slashed at seven times the speed of sound, turning into five continuous high-pressure water lines in mid-air.
This is the ability of slashing to cooperate with the fruit of surgery. It transmits the attack through space in the field of the fruit of surgery, ignoring the distance and attacking the target. The five diamond men did not react to the soul core that had been crushed.
But it was not enough. The Diamond Man’s super survivability would not be considered dead as long as a little soul escaped underground. If they were frightened and unable to come out, the battlefield time ended but a tie.
The pitch-black light penetrated the five diamond men at the same time. Mikasa, who had been waiting for it, used his sword skills and thoughts to be ashamed. An absolute hit smashed the five diamond men's last soul origin, and made a fatal blow in just a moment. . (To be continued.)
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