Chapter 312: Read memory

Chapter 312:
In the Wizard Tower Laboratory, the hill dwarf Ogle looked around enviously.
"I really envy you wizards."
Ogle murmured.
"You are also a Tier 5 bloodline warlock. It is not difficult to build a mage tower with your family."
Lantern Festival said casually.
"Unless it is a seventh-order wizard tower, where is there a wizard tower so convenient to carry it with you."
Ogle stared and said sullenly.
Watching Yuanxiao ignore him, Ogle seriously asked, "It’s up to now, you should always let me know what you are looking for, for example, what use do you use for these bone fragments that are almost rotten out? ."
"They are the door keys."
Lantern Festival solemnly said.
He didn't tell a lie, these bone fragments were indeed the door keys.
According to data, Descartes, who was still a seventh-order wizard at the time, was an overwhelming and easy victory against the biological father of a seventh-order necromancer. He directly broke the mage tower in just a few minutes and captured everyone and executed the corpses outside the city. Leave it to the beast.
The seventh-order mage tower normally has at least one auxiliary space debris.
In the eyes of everyone who knows this record, this attached space fragment must have been obtained by Descartes, even if it was a fortune for the seventh-order wizard, he had no reason to cheapen others.
However, after reading the information for Lantern Festival, he didn’t think so. He was even 90% sure to come to an analysis result. The biochemical laboratory built by the seventh-order Necromancer in space debris during his lifetime was not destroyed, because the grave was hundreds of years ago. A small plague broke out in the city.
The plague is easily resolved, but the characteristics of the plague that attracted the attention of the Lantern Festival.
The plague in the cemetery city caused blue spots to grow on the skin, which is very similar to the kind of undead power to enhance the talent to devour blood and fetus.
In the eyes of most people, this is nothing at all. Who can associate the plague with 30,000 years ago.
But for him as a caring person, it may be a biochemical laboratory that was left from 30,000 years ago to the present. Although the results of Xuanming's divination were vague, it proved his guess. Now only the last step is needed to verify.
Holding a piece of bone, the Lantern Festival left-handed thief turned to Parker Notan's page with great desperation.
Member of the brigade Paeknotan. Her mind ability is not only able to read the memory of a living person through contact, even if a dead object is touched by her, a part of the memory can be read, but the longer the memory is read, the more fuzzy the memory will be, and the more time it takes. Only the most obsessive memories can be seen.
The lightning-like picture flickered in Ultrain. The vitality accumulated in the body is consumed for hundreds of thousands of years every second.
"found it……"
The Lantern Festival staggered and stood firm, took out the magic stone and started to replenish the soul energy consumed.
Just a fragment that disappeared in a flash is enough to lock the approximate range of space debris.
This kind of space debris merged by the mage tower, once the mage tower body is destroyed, it means that the original source is destroyed. The first cause is that the space opened up by the space debris will slowly collapse. Secondly, the specific location of space debris will drift in subspace.
If you don't have the strength above level 7, don't expect to enter the subspace at all.
In this way, if you want to enter this shattered world, you can only choose to open the space node directly from the real space, but this requires that no slight error can be made, otherwise it will be impossible to accurately enter the world of space debris.
From the initial outbreak point of the plague, we can know the specific location of the space debris hundreds of years ago.
If we can find the original site of the Mage Tower that no one knows in time and was destroyed 30,000 years ago as a clue, we can infer where the space debris has drifted in the subspace after hundreds of years.
"Are you sure it is here?"
Ogle stood in the woods outside the city, perceiving the surrounding space.
"Don't feel it, unless you are a seventh-order wizard or arcanist, don't even think about it."
Yuanxiao said with a smile. He also didn't expect that this space debris would have drifted outside the city in the past hundreds of years, but this would reduce the risk a lot than doing it in the city, at least not allowing people to contact the legendary wizard Descartes.
"Space positioning array..."
Ogle looked at the magic pattern array laid out by Lantern Festival in shock.
In fact, if they use space teleport spells to constantly explore the surrounding space, they will have a certain chance of entering the space debris, but using the space positioning array is a 100% chance, and the corresponding cost is naturally a terrifying cost.
"The one I accumulated before was useless."
Yuan Xiao explained casually, stomping a mana into the magic pattern array and searching the surrounding space.
The space positioning array is specifically used to find space debris, but the larger the scope of the one-time search, the more the value increases geometrically. Even if it is now only knowing the exact location can it be effective, it is worth at least tens of thousands of plane origin points.
A portal opened.
The Lantern Festival breathed a sigh of relief, and the tens of thousands of planes did not float here.
"Hurry up, time is limited."
Yuanxiao walked in first and reminded.
Ogle nodded excitedly and followed in behind. The disappearance of the space door has disappeared from the space positioning array into a piece of gravel.
"Damn it, this is the treasure you are looking for."
Ogle took a cold breath and said in a low voice. There was only a desolate gray land around him.
He originally thought that the Lantern Festival wanted to obtain the wealth of the space debris of the seventh-order Necromancer, but he did not expect that the diameter of this space was less than 500 meters. I am afraid that the whole space will disappear in a few years later.
"This is the center of space debris."
Lantern reminded.
Ogle suddenly realized that every space debris center is the most energy-rich. If it is the auxiliary space of the Mage Tower, it is usually opened into a medicine garden and a laboratory, and the value of it is naturally higher.
If you can't see it on the ground, it doesn't mean that there is none under the ground.
Many undead plant resources have a special habit of growing underground.
The Lantern Festival grabbed a large number of cards, and they fell on the ground and turned into skeletons. They gathered bones to form shovels, flying around and digging three feet in this barren ground.
In less than ten minutes, the industrious Hell Skeleton had found the entrance to the underground space.
After tens of thousands of years, the former entrance has long been buried in the thick dusty soil. The entrance opens without any magic trap. It is not surprising to think about it. The auxiliary space of the mage tower naturally does not require any defense measures.
Opening the entrance, the Lantern Festival landed lightly, but Ogle hit the ground heavily.
Here is a square metal room. The lights on the side walls suddenly lit up. A piece of light covering the entire room directly penetrated the two of them. Ogle's horrified body surface formed a layer of metal armor, but he found that Lantern Festival was a little defensive. Mean nothing.
PS: Thank you Xinghe, Mirror Swastika, and the rewards. There are only three changes today, crying. I went out to play during the holiday two days ago and I didn’t save the manuscript. (To be continued.)
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