Chapter 335: Phantom Set

♂Go ÷ small? →,. Chapter 335
"Thank you for not doing it."
Mickey sighed in relief while looking at the six who were fairly calm.
"What is this?"
The little giant tugged at the collar around his neck and said angrily.
"It's just a preparatory method to prevent you from defecting. As compensation, I can improve the benefits for you."
Mickey said helplessly.
"What's the advantage? What should I do if I accidentally broke down during the battle."
The insect asked indifferently.
"No, this thing is super hard and malleable."
Mickey explained, "Sufficient weapons and equipment, including the newly researched gene cell harvester, which collects cell essence from the hunted animals, can not only strengthen your super avatar, but even strengthen your human body."
"Why don't anyone use such a good thing."
The worm does not believe.
"It's not that you don't need it. It's that ordinary people will collapse when they use genes. Your own genetic endurance is beyond ordinary people, so you can bear it. Just try it and you will know the benefits. As long as it is not betrayal, the company has no reason to hurt you.
Mickey explained seriously.
"When can you give us something."
Lantern hummed coldly.
"Tomorrow morning, some preparation time is needed."
Mickey said seriously.
"We accepted this reason, but things are not so easy."
Yuan Xiao suddenly stepped forward and carried Mickey on his shoulders and walked into the lounge and said, "It seems that I still didn't tidy you up yesterday. Today I will let you know what the end of the man who betrayed you and gave you happiness."
"Damn it, don't you guys be jealous?"
The little giant looked at the closed door with red eyes, staring at Mikasa and Dong Xiang and said angrily.
"Are we followers? He is a wizard. I will be very happy if you can kill this woman."
Dong Xiang said coldly, pulling Mikasa into his lounge.
"How about it, I'm good at acting!"
After a fierce battle, Mickey chuckled in circles on the Lantern Festival back.
"The performance was good, all three of them were fooled."
Yuanxiao sneered.
Killing these three people never thought that he had made this collar himself. Once it is put on, it is not that simple to take it off. He just played a half-truth with Mickey.
Things like gene harvesters were originally specially equipped for them.
It's just that this thing passed through his hand, if someone really injected it into his body. When the time comes, the infinite snake gene contained in it will make them look good, but it is not necessary to make a puppet, otherwise the sharp drop in strength will not do him any good.
In a blink of an eye, a week has passed, and I have become familiar with the manipulation of Avatar.
Early in the morning of the day, Mickey solemnly walked out of the lounge to give everyone a task.
"This is your task."
Mickey said seriously. "From now on, you must protect an Avatar driver named Jack, and ensure that the Avatar he controls can smoothly blend into the Nubuat tribe. During this period, you must ensure that he and this person can be in smooth contact."
Yuanxiao stared at the avatar girl projected by the projector. He had seen this Namei in the movie.
It was not someone else, but because he had a great trust in Jack and had a deep influence, and finally married Jack to form a tribal princess in a family of different races, but I didn't expect that the rda company could already do this.
But if you think about it, it’s not surprising at all. Rda definitely has this intelligence capability.
It only requires countless monitors of rice grains scattered in the dense forest. Unless they are close to the breeding tree of the Nami people, it is difficult for them to completely clean these miniature monitors. Without this base of Hell's Gate, it would not be able to stop the attack of Nubuat in stealth.
"This is Nateli from Namei. Her parents are the spiritual leaders of the Omatikaya tribe, and this woman is the spiritual leader of the next generation. You need to create a little coincidence to let this soft-hearted little princess rescue Jack. "
Mickey pointed to the projection and explained.
"How to ensure our safety."
The giant wolf asked, they are not the protagonist of the plot with the life-saving talent of real luck.
"Now enter the neural link cabin and control your super avatar to follow me."
Mickey stepped forward and beckoned.
After a while, six super avatars followed Mickey to the weapon arsenal outside the secret base.
"These are your equipment."
Mickey pointed to a metal boot with the sole of his foot exposed, "This is a Phantom boot made of Namei bone extract and superconducting ore. It can greatly reduce your weight and at least double the overall speed."
"It's a good thing."
Yuan Xiao sat on the side and nodded in satisfaction with his shoes. This is what a powerful force should have.
"This is the Phantom Armor. You will know the effect when you wear it."
Mickey pointed to a huge belt and a wide diagonal shoulder strap and introduced.
The belt was tied, the wide oblique shoulder metal strap was fastened, and three operation instructions flashed in the electronic eyes.
The belt fused with superconducting ore can produce a gravity repulsion shield, which is enough to block the fatal blow of the leader-level Nami. The only weakness is that there is no difference when the gravity repelling shield is opened.
This means that once it is turned on, it cannot be attacked, and it will even collide with the surrounding dense forest when it moves.
As for the metal shoulder strap, an optical stealth system is loaded, which restores the surrounding scene like a 3d projection to achieve visual stealth, which can avoid some pandora attacks that rely on vision and reduce trouble.
The last function is to hide two injections inside.
One of them is the extracted Pandora biological cell extract. This can provide recovery when injured, and the other is a special stimulant that can improve some body data in a short time.
"Next is your weapon. Everyone chooses freely but don't affect the action."
Mickey pointed to the weapon rack and reminded.
"What are these things made of?"
Yuan Xiao grabbed a three-meter-long sharp bone stick with a blade at one end and asked.
"You are the best, you have a good vision."
Mickey was surprised, "These are all captured Nami equipment. Don’t look at the original but lethality is terrible. They come from the bones of alien animals made through special technology. I remember that the leader-level Nami used this bone stick to smash rockets. Not damaged."
"Cut, it's really I don't know if it was a collusion at night."
The little giant murmured, and finally chose a hideous shield with horns on its surface.
Mikasa and Dong Xiang didn’t hesitate to choose a pair of sharp bone knives. The giant wolf chose a repulsive grenade and a row of flying knives all over the body. Only the insect man chose a horror bow and arrow used by the Namei to fight the plane. A short knife.
"Well, the next thing is the most important."
Mickey patted and opened the tablecloth to show six watches that looked like metal wristbands. "This is the most important gene cell collector. With this, you have a complete set of Phantom suits. Are there any questions now?"
"No, we can go to the battlefield anytime."
The Lantern Festival waved a handmade bone stick, and the sharp-pointed blade cut open the alloy table as if torn a piece of paper. (To be continued.) WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day
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