Chapter 347: Nano weapon

Chapter 347:
At the launch port of the spacecraft, row after row of flying dragon battleships are ready to launch.
Each flying dragon battleship is equipped with ten scorpion attack planes. The first batch of drones that landed on Pandora were all anti-magnetic field-resistant drones. The results of humans who were transformed into neural interfaces really scared Lieutenant General Cook. .
Before knowing how to complete this transformation, human beings will not enter this planet at will.
Fortunately, Star of Entrepreneurship is a cargo spacecraft. During this time, the minerals carried by Hell's Gate are concentrated on the spacecraft, which is enough to cope with the initial battle on Pandora, and there is a fleet on the earth ready to come here.
"These can't destroy Pandora."
The Lantern Festival looked at the flying dragon battleship flying towards Pandora through the bridge window.
"Before the complete destruction of Pandora, we have to make one last attempt."
Lieutenant General Cook was silent for a moment and sighed, "In the first step, we will use nano-weapons. We hope that these nano-weapons can completely swallow the forest and beasts. If this step is not completed, we will use anti-matter weapons."
Yuanxiao nodded to express that he understood that, sure enough, human beings still did not give up on this planet.
Since the various species on the planet have been identified as Eva’s parasites, coupled with the fact that humans are completely unable to eat these things, destroying them is the only option. Next, if Eva can be removed, the Earth species will be transplanted. to here.
If the nano-weapon attack fails, only the more destructive anti-matter weapons can be used.
This means that mankind has completely abandoned Pandora and has since chosen to mine superconducting ore as an energy source to find other life planets. Lantern Festival is very clear that it is impossible to destroy the terrifying planet Pandora with some nano weapons alone.
At noon one day, the entire Omatikaya tribe was busy rebuilding the tree of reproduction.
As long as the seeds of the tree are planted, the tree that reproduces with the help of God Eva will re-grow, and it will re-grow into a towering giant tree in a few years. The Nami people of the tribe will not know that this action protects them from hurt.
One by one, the missiles loaded with nano-robots fell all over the planet in the pouring of the flying dragon battleship.
Only a few of them survived the disaster, the superconducting ore gathering place, the sky thunder rock range. Then there is a mysterious area near the sea, except for these places, the entire land of Pandora has been thrown with nano weapons.
Nano weapons decompose trees and keep splitting, even death beasts fall into the overwhelming wave of nano insects.
The terrorist and destructive performance of nano weapons is undoubtedly. According to calculations, the entire planet of Pando will be completely destroyed in just three days. These split nanoworms can form various nanomachines to mine superconducting ore and transform the planet.
"General, there seems to be something wrong with Nanoworm."
Researchers from the Shipbuilding Star spacecraft urgently reported to General Cook.
"What happened?"
General Cook asked urgently.
The researchers explained:
As the species that swallowed Pandora continued to divide, some of the nanoworms got out of our control, rewriting the programs inside as if a virus invaded, and even strangling and swallowing those intact nanoworms.

"God Eva. Only it has this ability."
General Cook was silent for a moment and said unwillingly.
Even though the nanoworms had already swallowed half of Pandora's planet at this time, the control of these same nanoworms was taken away by Eva. If such a large number of nanoworms can be used flexibly, it can even make up for the lost power.
"War...this is an endless war..."
When the nano weapon attack failed, Pound, the leader of the Omatikaya tribe, shouted angrily.
Every Namei is blinded. They are not celebrating the destruction of the gates of hell. How could the spiritual leader change his face so quickly. Although shocked, each Namei took up arms again. They would not doubt the God Eva passed down by Pound. Will.
The earth was shaking, and the Namee was shocked to find that large tracts of trees were broken.
Those who rushed out to surround them were all the strongest Pandora creatures, and the worst were hammerhead thunder beasts. There are not even a few death beasts, but more of them are banshee wing beasts flying in the air, one by one looking down and waiting for people to ride.
"These beasts are gifts from God Eva!"
Pound grabbed the bone stick and raised both hands and shouted, "From now on we have to adapt to new partners. Whether the enemy appears from the sky or the land, we must join hands with our partners to tear them to pieces and destroy them completely."
One by one, the Nameis chose their own mounts, and Jack recalled his lion and eagle wings.
In the air, a metal warhead with a diameter of one meter fell on the ground in the middle of the Namee.
The first person to see this was Jack. He just glanced at it and he was gone. As a former Earth soldier, the marking of the anti-matter weapon on the metal warhead couldn't be more clear. She flew high into the sky without even thinking about holding Princess Nateli.
"All the banshee wing beast knights all fly into the sky."
Jack yelled and had no time to say anything. He was a phantom knight, and the lion eagle wing beast was born to rule the banshee wing beast. At this time, the lion eagle wing beast was ordered to scream. All the banshee wing beasts have all skyrocketed.
Within ten seconds, the antimatter metal warhead on the ground exploded.
Jack, who had climbed to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, discovered that something was wrong at this time. It was located at the gathering point of superconducting ores. Humans would never even explode the superconducting ores. What would be the point of humans attacking Pandora.
What's more, ten explosions should be over for ten seconds. He was only scared to lose his judgment for a while.
The lion-eagle-winged beast lowered its height, and Jack saw the stunned scene.
The ground is full of white nanoworms constantly squirming and disintegrating thunder beasts and other beasts, Nami people left on the ground, etc., all have no bones and become part of nanoworms. The Matykaya tribe only survived more than a thousand banshee wing beast knights.
"I'm going to kill you."
A banshee wing beast knight draws a bow and shoots an arrow at Jack.
Without Jack's hands at all, a thunder and lightning in the eyes of the lion eagle wing beast directly burned the Namei into coke.
At this time Jack reacted, and the whole person's heart was cold when he looked around. Every one of these Nameis who were still alive looked at him with a trace of disgust, and completely lost the kind of respect and worship that he had once.
Jack finally understood that he had been pitted by a fake anti-matter bomb.
Because of his wrong judgment, he gave the wrong order. If he could find that this could not be an anti-matter bomb early, he would not order all the Banshee Wings to take off immediately, so staying on the ground Banshee Wings could save them all. The Nami.
The humans who secretly set this trap for him to jump in were deliberately letting him give the wrong order to lose the trust of the Namei people. (To be continued.)
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