Chapter 349: Antimatter bomb

Chapter 349:
Star of Entrepreneurship, Yuan Xiao looked at the creeping shadow in his hand and took back the fantasy sandbox.
No entity is immune to gravity, and the ability of these ghost mantises to survive in space is a windfall.
A full ten thousand ghost mantises flew from the planet Pandora, combined to reach the sixth peak, and because of the ability of the infinite snake gene evolution, they swallowed Pandora creatures and grew enough to immune Eva's suppression of external forces.
This is more than that, the Infinite Snake can grant various spells to its puppet through the dominating magic net.
In the story world, there is no contact with the main body of the demon web, and the curse of the dead soul can only be bestowed on the infinite snake's own spells. Once in the golden continent, at least four spells can be used according to the fourth rank.
In the combat command room, the Lantern Festival showed his colonel's pass unimpeded.
"Aren't you going to rest?"
Lieutenant General Cook heard the door opening and turned around and asked casually.
"I'm a little insomnia, come and see how the battle is going."
Yuanxiao sighed.
Lieutenant General Cook responded casually. He is now thinking about ways to attack Pandora in addition to anti-matter weapons.
Anti-matter weapons are too powerful, and the crust of Pandora is not particularly strong. He is worried that even if Eva can be destroyed, the overturned land plate will likely sink the superconducting ore veins underground.
Yuanxiao stared at Lieutenant General Cook maliciously. It would be nice if he could control this person.
Although Lieutenant General Cook is just an ordinary person, he is wearing at least a set of nano armor and at least a few defensive equipment such as force field shields. Even if he wants to break this layer of defense, it is not easy.
As for mind control, the characters in the world of the plot are shrouded by the will of the world, and the stronger the overall strength, the higher the resistance (including influence).
If you want to control the thoughts of important characters in the plot, it is better to catch them and transform them into puppets.
The planet Pandora projected on the sand table was constantly calculating data under the manipulation of Lieutenant General Cook. The Lantern Festival didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but after several calculations, Ultrain knew that this general was more powerful than he thought.
The emergence of nanotechnology. Nanochips that assist the human brain are naturally not a problem.
Lieutenant General Cook has absolutely transplanted this kind of thing, otherwise he would not calculate where the human brain should place antimatter bombs to destroy Pandora. Judging from this projection of constant calculation data, Star of Entrepreneurship has only one antimatter warhead. .
"It turns out there is only one antimatter warhead."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
Lieutenant General Cook raised his head and stared at the Lantern Festival in surprise.
"Look at the analysis of this constantly simulated projection model."
Yuanxiao explained.
"You are smarter than I thought."
Lieutenant General Cook said in surprise. "In fact, destroying the planet Pandora requires three antimatter bombs to be pushed into the synchronous orbit of the planet Pandora. The super-strong light radiation finally released is enough to kill all life without harming the stars."
"But we only have one now, so we stopped after the nano weapon failed."
Yuanxiao asked.
"Only one."
Lieutenant General Cook said helplessly, "The rest must wait until the Earth Headquarters sends real space warships, but you have to understand one thing. When they come to conquer Pandora, it has nothing to do with us, and we will even do things at a disadvantage. Evaluation of incompetence."
"Can't it just cover the main land?"
The Lantern Festival frowned.
"This is fine, but I am afraid that Eva will not die under this level of light radiation."
Lieutenant General Cook sighed.
"Why must Eva die?"
Yuan Xiao asked suddenly.
Lieutenant General Cook was taken aback for a moment. He didn't understand how Yuanxiao would ask such questions. Eva could transform humans into puppets under his control. How could such terrifying things allow him to continue to exist.
"Jack...soul transfer...immortality..."
Yuanxiao said feverishly.
Lieutenant General Cook felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He thought of the human traitor Jack recorded in the intelligence.
If you can really control Eva, immortality will no longer be a dream, clone a body to transfer consciousness, which is like the devil's temptation to an old man like him. Looking at the projection of Pandora's planet, his eyes were full of greed.
"We can destroy life on land first and see what Eva responds next."
The Lantern Festival bewitched, "Even if you can't control Eva, when the reinforcements sent by the earth arrive, they won't have the Pandora natives to clean up. At that time, we are not allowed to say anything. They may not be able to resist the attraction of eternal life."
"I start to like you."
Lieutenant General Cook applauded and said that he couldn't wait to start gathering all the executives of the entrepreneurial star.
"Drop antimatter bombs now."
Mickey was shocked.
"Yes, it just doesn't wait one more minute to project now."
Lieutenant General Cook said firmly.
A smile flashed across the corner of the Lantern Festival's mouth. Of course, Lieutenant General Cook was so impatient that it was his masterpiece.
Since death fate has advanced to real fate. He hasn't stopped exploring this talent, and one of the clever uses has been explored under various attempts, that is, he can let the power of death entangle some people without breaking out.
Just like Lieutenant General Cook, this character himself blessed the will of the plane, and he couldn't kill it with the ability of Death Diary alone. But he can entangle the power of death in the middle of Cook. These powers are not enough to make him die, but they are enough to make him feel that he is dangerous.
This is enough. A person who feels he will die at any time will definitely be anxious.
When people are in a hurry, they can’t wait for a lot of things, and it’s easy to make a decision in a hurry, even if the decision is ultimately wrong.
The Valkyrie Kongtian fighter plane. Star of Entrepreneurship is the best aerospace fighter.
It was only less than ten The Valkyrie Kongtian fighter plane had approached Pandora’s low-Earth orbit. The black anti-matter warhead was thrown from the bottom of the tank, and it exploded in less than a tenth of a second, terrifying. The light radiation directly tears through the atmosphere and covers less than half of the planet.
If someone stays on the surface of the planet at this time, they will find themselves ignited by light radiation in an instant, and the grease in the life body will turn the whole person into a torch, and anything that can burn will be ignited by light radiation.
In less than two seconds, the once blue planet Pandora had become half a fireball.
If you count the other half of the planet destroyed by nano-weapons, the entire planet Pandora can’t find many living trees except Eva. Once the human beings who really set foot on the interstellar launch, it’s not a primitive planet that can resist.
"Success, Eva... Show me your abilities!"
Lieutenant General Cook laughed, not feeling that his emotions were very different from usual.
An unmanned shuttle flies to Pandora. At this time, the air temperature on Pandora is at least one hundred degrees higher. Only these drones can cross the heat waves to detect first-hand results. (To be continued.)
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