Chapter 357: Hell Dragon's Breath

Chapter 357:
One finger for the death of the seventh-order spell-any gate of the fourth-order spell, but the Lantern Festival was unscathed!
Tier 2 Spell Spiral Cutting-Tier 7 Talent Silver Dragon Scale Armor, Mickey is unscathed!
The seventh-order spell splitting technique-the fourth-order spell book fixed-point teleportation technique, the Lantern Festival was unscathed!
The cards continued to decrease one by one, and Mickey's mind gradually became heavier. .
According to her plan, prepare twenty-five seventh-order attack spells, and throw them one at Yuanxiao a round.
The Lantern Festival is placed at Tier 4, and the combination of multiple abilities that can be used to fight her is a combination of multiple abilities. If the abilities are dispersed and a single ability can support Tier 4, it is impossible to resist her Tier 7 spells and there is only one dead end.
But I didn’t expect that the Lantern Festival’s spells and props were all low-level, and many attack spells were not enough for her to tickle her. However, various life-saving spells and props appeared in an endless stream, and all the seventh-order spells she threw out could not hit the target. .
Seventh-order spell mercury dragon's breath-fourth-order water spirit gas!
Almost as soon as the two cards opened, Mickey couldn't help laughing with her mouth covered.
The phantom of the mercury dragon flashed, and a mouthful of mercury dragon breath directly penetrated the Lantern Festival water spirit gas. The poisonous dragon breath passed through the defensive card and hit his body for the first time. The whole body was poisoned by the gaseous mercury at a speed visible to the naked eye. Eroded into silver.
"Keep playing and you will definitely lose."
The Lantern Festival shook off a layer of flesh and blood on his body, as if he had shed his skin, he could bear the damage of the dragon's breath.
He understands now that Mickey's dark game is basically a kind of ability to torture and kill special classes, and special classes can fight higher. The basis of being able to leapfrog is the combination of various abilities and props. And Mickey's dark game separates these and cannot be combined.
I want to win Mickey here. Except for her strength and rank higher than her, she can only find a way to destroy the dark game.
"It's your turn to attack, I see how many life-saving means you have."
Mickey hated the voice.
"What the is a dark game?"
The Lantern Festival kept muttering in his heart.
In this dark game space, all power disappears once it is removed from the body, and the external power can only be released through a card. A card is like a permit that only allows the ability to be used once.
All this shows one thing, the whole dark game is actually an illusion.
If it is the real world, he has always been driving the real domain, and it is not so easy for the dark game to imprison his body. The only thing that can do all of this is the possibility of spiritual fantasy.
The most obvious evidence is that Mickey's release of the seventh-order spell is too simple. If it were not for the spiritual world, she would not be so simple to adapt the body to the power of the seventh-order spell.
"This world is a spiritual fantasy?"
Yuan Xiao raised his head and asked.
"What if you see through it, the spirit is dead, the outside is dead."
Mickey snorted coldly, but Yuanxiao caught her a little nervous.
"If it's a spiritual illusion, some abilities may be usable."
The Lantern Festival muttered.
"It's my turn to attack, I give up waiting for the next round."
Yuan Xiao pinched a blank card to engrave a skill and placed it on the dark ring.
"I'm afraid you can't wait for the next round."
Mickey hate to open a card, she doesn't believe that there are more ways to save life on Lantern Festival.
With the seventh-order dissociation technique, light green rays appeared in the dark arena and stopped in the air. If the Lantern Festival's defensive spells or props can't stop the dissociation technique, the remaining power will be resisted by the body intact. According to her judgment, the remaining life-saving means for the Lantern Festival are absolutely limited.
Ghost sneaks!
Yuan Xiao directly opened this card, and the talent of the ghost mantis directly led him to escape.
And the next card is a card that Mickey must lose.
The card was opened, and under Mickey's stunned horror, a huge wizard tower with a height of thirty meters appeared on the ring.
"Wizard Tower, the dark game is a spiritual illusion, so it can summon a wizard tower that cannot be brought into the story world. A fourth-order wizard tower can burst out at least a fifth-order power. You want to use this to release a large spell to win me!"
Mickey solemnly said.
Yuan Xiao nodded, his wizard tower was not an ordinary wizard tower.
"You can hurt me at most, but the Wizard Tower can only appear once."
Mickey disdainfully said.
"One time is enough."
The Lantern Festival spirit is attached to the magical wizard tower, and the tower body has transformed into a black dragon.
Just the moment it appeared, Mickey was stunned and trembling in the air. This was due to the absolute suppression of blood. The silver dragon was born much worse than the black dragon of in the dragon clan, not to mention the distortion of the wizard tower. Half of the Void Shadow Dragon bloodline.
The wizard tower in this state can activate part of the ability sealed to the fourth-order dragon ball.
"Hell Black Dragon... Dragon's Breath."
Yuanxiao shouted coldly.
The still black dragon from turned into a shadow and rushed towards Mickey.
Mickey didn't dare to underestimate the opening of the strongest defensive spell, a seventh-order spell in a different-dimensional space. This spell can receive her into a temporarily opened space and soak her inside. As long as it is not a space-smashing attack, she will not be injured.
The dragon's breath crashed into the space where Mickey had disappeared.
If it is a normal fourth-order black dragon's breath, it will not hurt the target at this time when the attack target disappears, but Mickey is just a mistake, that is, I did not expect that this breath contains the power of the void shadow dragon.
Mickey, who was staying in the space bubble and planning to go out for a while, had not yet realized that she had been sprayed with a breath of dragon.
"This is impossible!"
Almost without even thinking about it, Mickey had subconsciously removed the seventh-order spell from the different dimension space.
But the dragon's breath did not stay in the shattered space bubble as she wanted, but traced like a tarsal maggot. The unclear dragon body that had been injured by the sun's nuclear explosion at this time was corroded by the dragon's breath. The pain kept rolling in the air.
The dark game originally relied on Mickey's spirit to maintain, at this time the soul was hit hard and it was impossible to continue.
It’s just a disillusionment of around at Lantern Festival, she has returned to Pandora again, and not far away, Mickey is still tumbling in the air and hissing crazy, obviously there is no physical injury, but her The spiritual world is probably still being killed by Dragon's Breath.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, a huge ghost praying mantis jumped out in the shadow behind the Lantern Festival.
Casting spells requires a stable spirit. The continuous mental damage makes Mickey unable to cast spells at all. The only talented spells that are automatically released are only delayed for a while, and they have been completely cut by the ghost mantis in less than a few seconds. open.
The incision is more than enough. The worm aliens possessed and assimilated by the ghost mantis directly exploded and wrapped the crushed bodies of Mickey and melted into a mass. The super corrosive power of the alien blood mixed with the mercury body of the mercury dragon, and the two collided. The result is destruction together.
The body of the mercury dragon was destroyed, and the inability to provide enough support for the soul made it even worse.
I watched Mickey's body split in the air constantly struggling to reorganize, and finally fell like a dead body, until the sword arm of the ghost mantis rolled back into a treasure chest, and Lantern Festival confirmed that Mickey was really dead. Here. (To be continued...)
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