Chapter 376: Puppet Conferred God (2/5)

Chapter 376:
Yuanxiao looked down at the first Taring that was constantly shaking in his hands.
The refining that lasted for three hours was completed this time without pretending to die.
"You are my new master."
An indifferent voice dragged Yuanxiao's consciousness into a spiritual space.
"This is my spiritual space."
A snow-white unicorn stood opposite the Lantern Festival and said indifferently, "From now on, you must keep in mind every word I say. We have five hours of spiritual space, and at most five seconds outside my body. Will be destroyed by the betrayed third tower spirit."
The Lantern Festival muttered, no wonder a tower spirit made by a bright unicorn can resist the erosion of gods.
"Then I'm going to start. It's up to you to inherit the knowledge of the previous master."
The single horn on the forehead of the first tower spirit lightly tapped the center of the Lantern Festival eyebrows, and a huge stream of consciousness was instilled into the Lantern Festival. The first thing that was instilled was the path left by the demigod Mage Taroto to the inheritors.
As a demi-god mage, he had thought of various possible situations and left preparations long before he started desperately.
One of them is that someone came here with the Dominator Net.
If the strength of the incoming person is strong, he can continue to suppress the evil spirits, if the strength is weak, there is only one chance to escape.
And this opportunity lies in the legendary weapon possessed by the third tower spirit.
Initially, the third tower spirit did not have this boarding body, but before deciding to experiment with the Red Eyes, Taroto specially refined the legendary great sword and gave it to the third tower spirit.
When this legendary weapon was manufactured, the demigod mage used his hands and feet while casting the activation spell. Once a certain spell is triggered, the legendary sword will be destroyed with the third tower spirit, and it will be enough to cause the wizard tower to lose the tower spirit and become useless. tower.
Once the mage tower loses the control of the tower spirit, the various alchemy golems and magic circles inside will be turned on by itself.
At this time, everyone in the Mage Tower is equal. The Lantern Festival must break into the sub-plane of the Mage Tower step by step, and artificially destroy the underground seal rune array that seals the gods in a secret place here.
In fact, the third tower had judged one thing wrong from the beginning.
It’s not the first tower spirit that controls the seal rune array at all. He only plays a role of inheriting knowledge. The second tower spirit that has been deemed to have long been considered dead is what really integrates into the seal rune array. Even if the third tower spirit gets rid of the first It is impossible for Taling to control the seal rune array.
You only need to contact the second tower spirit in the subsidiary demiplane. Can completely detonate the entire seal amulet array.
The explosion of the seal rune is enough to break through all the shackles of the puppet world. At that time, he can be randomly teleported to the surrounding underground world with the interplanetary teleportation array of the attached demiplane. This is the one left by the demigod mage Taroto. Way out.
The transmission of the first memory was over, and Yuanxiao quickly came into contact with the second memory.
And this paragraph. It is the true inheritance of the great arcanist, the demigod Tarotao.
The manufacturing method of flesh and blood puppets is only a war method mastered by a few legends in today's magical civilization. There are even the original creative ideas and manufacturing process of the Red Eyes. Taroto's original vision is enough to move the gods.
Gods need believers, and believers’ faith is the most convenient way for gods to improve their strength.
So as long as it is a silver civilization. They must all be faith civilizations built by the gods on the golden continent.
But on the other hand, too much refining beliefs will produce a kind of dependence on each other.
Since then, the gods cannot do without faith. The death of believers is a decline in their strength, which makes them have to separate most of their efforts to develop believers. However, leaving aside the use of faith, it will lead to a slow increase in strength, and it will only become a stepping stone for others. Foot stone.
The different camps and divisions of priesthood in the gods are influenced by believers to a certain extent.
The idea of ​​the demigod Tarotao is very crazy, he wants to create a flesh and blood puppet that can replace believers.
If his experiment can be successful, he can have enough faith in the blocked puppet world to become the true of the law system, and he will naturally no longer have to worry about the threat of gods by his means. But in the end Taroto's idea failed.
There are two methods of faith, the first is spiritual belief, and the second is various sacrifices of evil gods.
The self-sacrifice of the red-eyed people, in addition to producing some blood essence, the power of belief generated by the sacrifice is too extreme and negative power is too strong, the demigod mage Taroto accepts this kind of sacrificed faith, but in turn is affected by the spirituality The whole became a lunatic.
In a battle, the mage tower killed the master, but he was also seriously injured, which eventually led to the erosion and betrayal of the third tower spirit.
The blood moon totem suspended in the air of the puppet world is the demi-spirit fragment left by the demi-god mage Taroto after his death. In this respect, his experiment did not completely fail, but the final result was not what he wanted.
Yuanxiao sighed.
Demigod Mage Tarotao is definitely the genius among the geniuses of the Great Arcanist.
If it weren't for the influence of gods in the world of puppets, maybe he could really create puppets of faith if he continued his research, and he could definitely rewrite the pattern of gods in the entire Golden Continent. It is not impossible to even convert to a wizard to become the eighth wizard god.
But in the real world, there is no if, demigod Mage Tarotao is dead if he is dead.
People only remember success, not a loser.
What failure is the mother of success? The inspirational stories about success after repeated failures are all nonsense. If you think about it, there are very few people who can go from failure to success. In the end, almost all of them are lost to everyone in failure. Obscured.
For professionals. One failure means one step into the arms of death.
After sorting out the second memory, the third memory is the layout of the mage tower. The 17th floor of the mage tower is currently located on the thirteenth floor. The upper floors belong to the four-level weight of the great arcanist, and only reach the most Only the top level can enter the subsidiary demiplane of the mage tower. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
The memory of the first three paragraphs ends, and the remaining fourth paragraph is the knowledge inheritance of the demigod mage Tarot.
The huge knowledge of a demigod, Taroto didn't expect all the people to accept it from the time the inheritance was set, so the knowledge of this inheritance was reversed, and some knowledge of the demigod was passed on backwards.
The knowledge madly instilled, even if there is Super Brain to share the Lantern Festival, I feel overwhelmed.
Fortunately, the wizard tower completely mimics his construction, and even the control center is an enlarged super brain, dozens of times the memory storage capacity of the main super brain, and almost nothing is missing from the knowledge of the demigod to the occult wizard. .
Professionals of ranks one to ten, plus a total of four major stages, including secret method, legend, and demigod.
It is very satisfying to be able to get the most precious three stages of Lantern Festival at one time. The first tenth-level knowledge legend Taling is complete, and the last three most important stages he wants to get knowledge but must complete Nicolae Mai’s task. Now he gets Tarot. Ao’s heritage just made up for this part of the gap.
……(To be continued.)
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