Chapter 380: Demigod is not dead

Chapter 380:
The activated city gate was separated from it to open the city gate, and the two halves of the fangs and sharp mouths were still chattering. Geli Literature Network
The Lantern Festival walked behind the city gate and shut it with a bang, and a large number of eyes on the street looked over at once.
Houses with eyes, street lights with hands and feet, and rolling streets like a roller coaster. There are fish tanks, books, lamps, cups, pillows and even magic scrolls running along the streets. Little things sit on the rolling streets and scream loudly. .
Seeing the Lantern Festival appeared, several houses near the city gate suddenly stood up and surrounded.
Before the Lantern Festival had time to speak, he was overwhelmed by the babbling voices. These activating lives did not know how many years he hadn't seen anyone. The first few houses among them had already fought for his move in.
The sky was full of broken bricks and tiles flying everywhere, and some small-sized living beings kept screaming and avoiding.
The slight coughing even suppressed the voice of Activating Life.
In just a moment, all the living beings ran away clean, several fighting houses rushed back to the foundation and motionless, the broken bricks and tiles on the floor grew hands and feet on the ground and crawled back to the main body in a funny way.
Yuanxiao opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes, staring at a human-shaped puppet not far away.
Although it is only an activated puppet, there is magic in this puppet. Although it is only an apprentice of Tier 3 and not an official Tier 1 mage, this magic power contains the spiritual will that only real soul life has.
"Finally waiting for you."
The activated puppet sighed.
"I didn't expect you to be alive either, you are the demigod mage Master Tarot, right!"
Yuanxiao said bitterly.
"Although I am alive, there is no difference between being dead."
Taroto shook the puppet’s arm and said miserably,
The half soul has become a blood moon totem god, leaving only a little bit of the soul shards integrated with the divine nature to lodge in the activated puppet, relying on this activated city to hide for more than a dozen Ten thousand years."
"Junior Lantern Festival, I don't know what I can do for you."
The Lantern Festival respectfully greeted Taroto with the mage's courtesy.
"Come with me!"
Tarotao turned and led the way, and the Lantern Festival hesitated to follow behind.
As a last resort, he must blow up this plane, and then find the Demon Hunter King to suppress the evil spirits. Red-eyed flesh and blood puppets are too involved, and the relationship between master and apprentice is in the face of this level of interest, and Yuanxiao really does not want to risk death to test it.
In the castle in the center of the city, Taroto poured a cup of tea in the living room on the third floor.
Pieces of tea screamed to escape. Taroto took a bite, chewed a few times, swallowed and burped.
The corner of the Lantern Festival’s mouth twitched, after all, he couldn’t bear to drink it.
"I even forgot that living people don't eat this."
Taruo watched the Lantern Festival for a long time before sighing, "Tell me about the outside affairs!"
Yuanxiao talked about the changes in the puppet world, Taroto seemed to be thinking as if holding a teacup.
"I know what the third tower did."
Taroto suddenly said, "The deep underground space leads to the gluttonous hell. The power of the gods erodes this space, and those alchemy puppets are sent to dig out the materialized space cracks. If you come a little later I'm afraid Nie is already out of trouble."
"Also ask the adults to teach me."
Lantern Festival respectfully said.
"How do we make a transaction, I can pay you a satisfactory reward."
The corner of Taroto's carved mouth made a smile.
"I don't think I have a second choice."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
"You wait a while."
Taroto patted the chair under him, and the chair grew eight feet and walked down the third floor living room.
Lantern teased and prepared for battle. Killing him didn't expect that Taroto would intercept him here. Activating life is usually a little nervous, so unless it is for fun, creating activated life is deliberately made into mechanical wisdom.
Having been stuck in this city for hundreds of thousands of years, Taroto might have gone crazy now.
Fortunately, this lunatic now only has the strength of the third-order apprentice. Even with all the activated lives in the city, he still has a way to deal with it.
The windows of the living room closed suddenly, and the surrounding walls came alive from creeping, one piece of furniture grew hands and feet screaming and rushed down the stairs, but Yuanxiao fart-the chair under the feet and the ground under the feet grew a few powerful and infinitely active His hands clung to him.
The Lantern Festival’s limbs were grasped by four activated hands and passed through the wall and hung from the wall clock on the spire of the castle.
"You didn't even resist."
Tarotao flew in the air, sitting on a chair with wings, surprised.
"Do you want to seize the house or release the flesh and blood puppet to bring disaster to the world."
Yuanxiao shouted coldly.
"What a smart young man."
Tarotao said in surprise, "The shard of my soul has already been integrated with this city, so you don’t have to worry that I will take you away, as long as you obediently don’t resist, I will leave a mark on you. I will give you this whole revitalized city."
"It seems that you are going to poison the world."
Yuanxiao sighed.
"You shut up. Don't think I am reluctant to kill you."
Tarotuo screamed angrily, "How can you understand the pain of a demigod mage being trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years to become an apprentice-level activated puppet? I have been waiting for someone to save me for thousands of years, but I simply Can not wait.
Tens of thousands of years ago. I dream of waiting for a disciple to pass on all my skills.
But for hundreds of thousands of years, you don’t understand how long it is. I can count every stone in the city. I can count every stone in the city. I can see a living being and know all the things they are going to say next, the kind of pain and despair. How can I understand.
So I am crazy, as a noble mage, I will not hide the fact that I am crazy.
Since I died on the flesh and blood puppet. I want to spread the knowledge of flesh and blood puppets throughout the Golden Continent. When the gods begin to study the flesh and blood puppets red-eyed people who can provide faith, they will either complete my last wish to perfect the red-eyed people, or set off a war to destroy the entire world. "
"Really crazy."
The Lantern Festival was disappointed and said that Taroto in this state was impossible to convince.
"Tarotao, there is one thing you said wrong."
Yuanxiao raised his head and said in a deep I know the pain of loneliness better than you. You are only trapped in the city for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have suffered much longer than you, but with you Madman is not the same, all the pain will only turn into my motivation. "
"It's impossible, you didn't lie."
Tarotao said in a daze, "Is the Detecting Lie Rune Array broken? This is impossible. I will never believe it. You still stop resisting obediently. I must figure out how you fooled the detective. Lie detector rune array."
Two shadow knives flashed by the ghost mantis behind the Lantern Festival, and they cut open and grabbed his activated arm.
Since Tarotuo is not trying to seize him, it means that there is no demigod mage in the city to seize the house, so he does not need to have the slightest scruples. A great demigod mage who has already died should not be left behind. Living here tarnishes once greatness. (To be continued.) WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day
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