Chapter 419: Artificial God Kingdom

Chapter 419:
December 31, 165, the 300th Era of the Golden Age.
The Lantern Festival walked out of the wizarding tower of retreat and meditation. One day will be the day when the School of Miracles begins. After missing this day and waiting for the next year, he will be over thirty and lose his entrance qualification. Tomorrow is a critical turning point for him. .
The Demon Hunter King who hadn't seen him for a long time finally remembered that his disciple called him to meet.
The wizard tower in the center of the City of Demons. Under the guidance of the first tower spirit, the Lantern Festival came all the way to the top of the wizard tower. Under the leadership of the arcane elves, as soon as he opened the wooden door of the Demon Hunter King’s study, he felt a burst of blood covering him. The wonderful taste of boiling, almost lost consciousness.
Yuanxiao resisted the discomfort in the bloodline and respectfully saluted the Demon Hunter behind the desk.
The desk, with two hands growing on both sides of the desk, stretched out in the air and grabbed a chair across the desk and placed it opposite the Demon Hunter King, beckoning to the Lantern Festival to sign him to sit down and wait for a while.
"Activate life..."
The Lantern Festival was secretly surprised.
In addition to the activated city of Taroto, this was the first time he saw the activated life, but he didn't expect that even the Demon Hunter would only have a desk in the study that was activated. From this aspect, it is worth comparing Taroto Is the puppet great arcanist.
"Well, now you can see how good I am! But you, a mentor, are so powerful. I almost thought I saw a demon lord."
Tarotao’s voice came from the Lantern Festival’s ears.
"Don't talk, be careful to be discovered by your tutor."
The Lantern Festival used spiritual power to transmit the sound.
If it hadn’t been for Taroto to repeatedly promise him, today the Demon Hunter King would look for him, and he would definitely prepare gifts for him to choose, and Taroto could help him pick the best gift, so he wouldn’t let Tarot. Ozo appeared here in his ears.
"Don't underestimate me, he can't find it."
Taroto said angrily, "Look at the crystal ball in the hands of the Demon Hunter King. That guarantee is the gift you got today. Anyone who is eligible to enter the Miracle Academy must be given to the disciple of the legendary professional as a mentor. A gift"
"There is still such a statement?"
Yuanxiao said in surprise.
"If you enter the School of Miracles, the Demon Hunter King is also good for him. It depends on what he is willing to give you something. At that time, we all opened up our own treasure house. Give the disciple a chance to enter the private treasure house to select treasures. I don’t know. Has this custom changed now."
Taroto explained.
After sitting for half an hour, the Demon Hunter King opened his eyes and released the black crystal ball in his hand.
"You surprised me as a teacher. I didn't expect you to merge the blood of the ghost mantis again."
The Demon Hunter King applauded and handed the black crystal ball floating on the table to Yuanxiao.
"Let the instructor laugh."
The Lantern Festival received the black crystal ball and couldn't see what was full of doubts.
He can feel it. It was this black crystal ball that made the blood in his body boil from the moment he entered the door, and it seemed that all the blood vessels he possessed were contained in it.
"Tomorrow the School of Miracles will start. This is a gift prepared by the instructor for you."
The Demon Hunter King smiled, "Originally, this thing was prepared long ago. Today, seeing you have more blood of the ghost mantis, I will re-refining this seed at will. Now you drop a drop of the original blood to try refining. , If it’s not suitable, I will make it again."
"Thank you mentor for the gift, this crystal ball is a seed..."
A drop of blood dripped from the Lantern Festival with a trace of doubt.
The black light rose, and a suction from the crystal ball sucked him in.
"How much can you achieve in the future. The rest is up to you. The wizard’s path can only be walked by yourself. I didn’t understand this principle before. When I understood it, I had already made too many detours. I hope you don’t let this time. I am disappointed."
The Demon Hunter sighed quietly.
Yuanxiao looked around. This is a circular space with a diameter of fifty meters. The surface material of the space seems to be some kind of crystallized soft substance. Just standing on it, the blood veins in the body almost burst out like burning. .
"Ultrain detects an external data connection, does it start to transmit..."
Yuanxiao ordered.
Pieces of drawings and text explanations are instilled into Ultrain. Yuanxiao finally understood what it was.
This entire black crystal ball is actually a special module that merges with the Wizard Tower. It was originally owned by a wizard of at least Tier 7. This one in his hand was clearly made by the Demon Hunter King using a special method to make it He used it in advance.
"It turns out that this is the real wizard tower!"
Yuanxiao was horrified after finishing the data in Ultrain by accelerating the world.
The wizard tower before the seventh order. It just has the most basic deforming ability.
Once the wizard tower reaches the seventh step and incorporates this special module, it can completely activate its full potential to cause earth-shaking changes, and only the wizard tower in this state can provide enough energy to open the bloodline arms.
The Demon Hunter knew that he had a blood weapon, so he gave him this unique treasure for every wizard in advance.
"The special module artificial kingdom is opened, and the system starts to load..."
"Search for the wizard tower, is it allowed to be loaded into the artificial kingdom system..."
Cold beep. The stunned Lantern Festival began to wake up. He didn't expect the wizard to have achieved this point. Starting from the seventh level, the wizard tower was transformed into the kingdom of gods, even if it was just transformed into a fur, it was no small thing.
With such a step-by-step process, it is no wonder that once you reach the legend, you can have the power of killing the gods.
"Confirm loading."
Yuanxiao said flatly.
The wizard tower inside the body flew out uncontrollably, and as soon as it came out, it shrunk to a size of one meter. It fell on the crystallized ground and was transformed by black silk threads. However, for a moment, the entire wizard tower had initially merged with the artificial kingdom. One.
"Your mentor is really nothing to say to you!"
Tarotao jumped out of the Lantern Festival’s ears and said in amazement,
This kind of man-made god’s kingdom technology has appeared as early as that year. Floating islands, floating cities, and void fortresses are the initial I did not expect this. It has reached this level in hundreds of thousands of years."
"How to say?"
Lantern Festival said puzzled.
"You know what material it is! This is made by the blood of the shadow demon and his demon heart."
Tarotao squatted down and felt the crystallized soft ground solemnly, "This kind of demons can assimilate the blood of any creature and pretend to be any race, and it fits perfectly with the blood of your blood fusion talent."
The Lantern Festival took a breath of air, and the demons equivalent to the true gods did not have such a thing as a godhead.
The only thing they have is a demon heart that continuously strengthens the original bloodline and evolves, which accounts for almost 90% of the value of a demon corpse, and such a demon heart equivalent to the true is actually the man-made heart in his hands. The basic building materials of the Kingdom of God.
I am afraid that even the Demon Hunter King would not be able to produce a few treasures of such a value. (To be continued.) Happy reading every day
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