Chapter 434: Tianwu Fantasyland

Chapter 434:
"What a little monster..."
The Thunder Wine Demon flying in the sea of ​​clouds was almost choked. This was the first time he saw his Dao Soldiers completely eliminated by a Tier 5 wizard. Once the Thunder Dao Soldiers evolve to the limit, they have advanced combat intelligence, which is not at all. Freshmen can handle it.
Before waiting for the surprise, Thunder Brewer's eyes widened again.
Because soon after the Lantern Festival killed the Thunder Giant, two Thunder Giants were completely destroyed again.
"The speed is faster than expected, this magic civilization is not easy!"
Lei Jiu Demon murmured.
The huge sword under him suddenly magnified ten times, and three more figures appeared in a flash of lightning.
"Congratulations on winning the top three."
Thunder Wine Demon laughed.
Yuanxiao looked at the other two people, it was the blood of God Leviathan and Fire Spirit Immortal. Both of them must have completed the same results as him in killing giants. The current ranking is based on the three people who have the fastest speed. fast.
"Senior, how is the ranking calculated!"
Leviathan asked, whose skin, hair, and clothes were all gray.
"The Lantern Festival is first, Leviathan is second, and the Fire Spirit is third."
Thunder Brewer replied.
A smile flashed across the corner of the Lantern Festival’s mouth. This number one is not just a talk. At least for a period of time, there will be a lot more privileges and resource allocation. Even a month after school starts, he will have the first command for the freshmen of every major civilization. right.
"I look down on you."
Leviathan squinted coldly.
"The freshman offensive and defensive battle is the number one I will grab."
Huo Lingxian smiled.
"Then it's all by means."
Lantern Festival said lightly.
Both of them are better than him. It's just that the world of the sky is conducive to the performance of the vacuum burst that makes him a bargain. I believe they think so too. That's why I don't care at all.
But it's a month before school starts. He has enough confidence to rise to at least the sixth-order peak. At that time, it is still unknown who wins and who loses. Compared with ordinary people, his accelerated world is a thousand times faster in consciousness, and his growth rate will never lose to anyone.
What's more, both of them were restrained by him to some extent.
Leviathan's necromancy spells, encountering his almost infinite vitality, don't know the result.
Fire Immortal's fire spell, the fire immunity of the ring of the sun can weaken part of its power first.
The only real worry is how to deal with the elementalization of the body that a seventh-order wizard must master.
The three people didn't mean to talk deeply with each other. They all had their own pride and could not admit that they were inferior to others. Talking too much will only lead to conflicts and enmity. The new offensive and defensive war is related to the interests of everyone. Before this, there must not be too much disagreement within the magical civilization.
Taking advantage of the time on the way, Yuanxiao couldn't help but hungry and swallowed a grain of Tianwu rice.
It's just a grain of rice the size of a thumb. It melts in your mouth and swallows it like a mouthful of hot magma. Every cell in the whole body is burning and absorbing the energy of Tianwu rice to continuously strengthen. A total of 1,000 grains of Tianwu rice will be eaten to transform the body to the seventh stage. .
His mind was dizzy, and countless fragments of memory filled in.
"Tianwu rice can form a Tianwu physique."
The Thunder Brewer glanced at him and said indifferently, "As long as the damage of this physique is black iron, it can be weakened by about half. There are a total of nine treasures in the Miracle Academy. Various specially cultivated plants are one of them. Please check your Spiritual Sea."
The Lantern Festival spirit power enters the spirit sea. There was a bubble-like space in the sky above the spirit sea.
"That's Tianwu Fantasyland."
Leijiu Demon continued, "The more Tianwu rice is eaten, the more Tianwu illusion will grow. You can divide a trace of spiritual power to participate in battle in Tianwu illusion. The object of the battle is the memory left by the fall of ancient professionals in Tianwu rice. phantom."
When Lei Wei Tan and Huo Lingxian heard this explanation, Leviathan and Huo Lingxian couldn't help swallowing a grain of Tianwu rice.
"Thank you senior for your advice."
Yuanxiao said respectfully.
"Before there is a stable source, it is best not to take more than one pill a day, otherwise three years later, I am afraid that I will starve to death. The law of hunger all over the academy is very powerful, especially if you wizards have followers, it is even more terrifying if you devote yourself to training and consumption."
Thunder Wine Demon nodded and reminded.
Yuanxiao nodded and agreed, but he had another thought in his heart.
The devil wizard Gelbin is now his puppet. The 1,000 grains of Tianwu rice in this person's hands naturally belong to him. It is important to eat a Tianwu physique in advance with a double share. The only pity is the astrological wizard Jerry's. The treasures disappeared with death in the inventory.
The first-born Tianwu fantasy realm, the Lantern Festival splits a trace of spiritual power into it to experience it.
As soon as the battle started, it had already come to a void battlefield. Before the reaction, dozens of warships with scientific and technological civilization around had already fired a salvo without any effective resistance at all and died instantly.
The pain of a little bit of death, even a little bit of mental energy being crushed, made Yuanxiao snorted.
When the Tianwu Fantasy Realm died, the price to be paid turned out to be the devotion of mental power.
"What a real fantasy."
Lantern Festival said with joy.
Reality means that the experience gained is real, far from something that can be compared to the virtual world. Every student of the Miracle Academy who has experienced in the Tianwu fantasy realm has extremely rich combat experience among the major civilizations.
The Lantern Festival entered the Tianwu illusion time and time again, and was instantly obliterated time and time again.
These death experiences fully let him realize the power of foreign objects. A true powerhouse is definitely not only a strong individual, but also a powerful power and wealth. Otherwise, the legendary powerhouses will not open up their own civilization. .
Individuals become stronger, conquer the underground world, build civilization, the three forming a cycle is the right way.
Time passed quickly during the cultivation, and Feijian stopped shortly after.
The Lantern Festival felt that there was nothing in her body, and a sea of ​​clouds that Ji Ling woke up and settled firmly under her feet.
When I looked around, I realized that I had come to a sea of ​​clouds that I couldn't see at a glance. In the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, there was a huge mountain of unknown height, but I could faintly see floating islands surrounding the surrounding layers.
"This is Wanjie Mountain, the main campus of the School of Miracles."
Lei Jiu Mo solemnly introduced, "The School of Miracles has five branches, namely, the five civilizations, the fairy tale civilization, the magic civilization, the martial civilization, the science and technology civilization, and the biochemical civilization. The five civilizations are subdivided into many subsidiary civilizations.
The three of you completed the assessment ahead of time, so I speeded up and arrived Counting the time, the other four civilizations should be coming soon. The chief examiner with a few people around means that there are a few people in advance. After completing the assessment, those who can complete the assessment ahead of time are your three future opponents in this session. "
Thunder Wine Demon was right, but four chief examiners leading the team have flown from the horizon in a few minutes.
There are four people from Xiandao civilization, two people from martial arts civilization, six people from science and technology civilization, plus two people from biochemical civilization, plus three people from magic civilization. There are only 17 people in total. The five main examiners are silent, and the candidates present can only talk to each other. Looking at each other is full of war.
Until the five chief examiners shot almost at the same time, the candidates who were embarrassed were left behind.
The Lantern Festival carefully calculated the time. From the time he left the cave world to the present, the time is no more than two hours. This shows that the Thunder Wine Demon's cave world definitely has time acceleration, but I don't know how many times the specific acceleration time is.
In the chaos of the examinees, the five chief examiners nodded and began to exchange teams. The freshman assessment has ended, and it is time to lead their respective civilized freshmen. (To be continued...)
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