Chapter 444: City beast spirit

Mime private 444
"One, two... one hundred... one thousand... one thousand and fifty-seven..."
Meng Ge stared and counted over and over again. ..
The weakest energy fluctuations of the previous fierce curse spirit bodies can be comparable to Tier 7 professionals, and a curse can severely damage them. The defensive power has not been dealt with, and it is an unknown number. He can only stare here when he can't think of a way.
Qian Kun Zhou was about to ask something, and the whole person was shocked.
Thirty miles in front of them, the city beast lying underground, the tortoise's head opened two mile-sized eyes. Judging from the point of sight, it was the place where the four of them were hiding, and even a hint of it could be felt. The joy of silk.
Is this city beast still alive?
Lantern Festival denied this speculation for the first time. The most likely reason was that the dead city beast was resurrected in another form.
"Oh! I knew you would definitely come here."
The immature laughter sounded behind several people.
Yuan Xiao turned her head fiercely, and behind them was a cute little tortoise the size of a fist.
"The spirit body of the city beast was resurrected, and it turned out to be a curse spirit body."
Lantern Festival scalp numb.
"You are here to play with me. If you don't play, I will control them to eat you."
The little turtle nodded and chuckled.
You don’t need to ask about the Lantern Festival. It’s the evil curse spirits that Meng Ge just counted out. At this time, he realized that he had neglected the evil cursed spirits he first encountered. Normally, such things are negative. It is difficult to give birth to a sufficiently high level of wisdom due to power.
But the other way around. Once advanced wisdom has evolved. This kind of thing must be very difficult.
"Why don't we play hide-and-seek? You control them to hide and stay still, let's find them."
Yuanxiao said without hesitation.
Failure to do it directly indicates that the little tortoise has a very high mind. If he waits for a game to play, it will endanger their lives, so it is the correct way to do it in advance, depending on whether this little thing is fooled.
"Hide and seek, it seems interesting. Let's play!"
The little tortoise said crisply. "I will give you one day to find me. If you can't find this game, it won't be fun. Then you will start playing the game I set. Hide and seek seems very interesting but it is not my favorite game."
Just a flash, the little turtle has disappeared.
The pupils of the Lantern Festival contracted sharply, and his consciousness accelerated a thousand times. He caught the movement speed of the evil curse spirit body. This monster turned into a stream of soul particles in an instant, moving with more than fifty times the speed of sound and disappeared.
"Let's go!"
The Lantern Festival turned around and raced against the beast that was thirty miles away.
The evil curse spirits scattered around the city beast were all shrunk into the city beast's body and disappeared at this time. At this time, we must hurry to find the parent strain of the amorphous fungus. I'm afraid this is their only chance.
When I got close, I discovered that the mouth of the city beast was like a bottomless black hole.
The Lantern Festival led the way soaring into the beast's mouth. Begin to use the same-origin tracking team skills to perceive the same-origin breath, and the straight-line distance of twenty miles away allows the Lantern Festival to easily lock onto the target. The strain mother is in the heart of the city beast.
Entering the body of the city beast from the esophagus, it didn't take long for it to reach the position closest to the heart.
But there is a straight line more than a mile in the middle, which is separated by layers of muscles, bones and almost solidified liquid metal plasma. It is really not easy to break a channel through it in only one day.
A spiral waterline, high-frequency oscillation cuts a layer of esophagus with difficulty.
But immediately afterwards, the damage he suffered was immediately restored. If this is to be neglected while piercing the tunnel, I am afraid that it will be directly wrapped in metal flesh and blood. It will be a matter of whether or not I will survive.
"Shadow Worm."
Yuanxiao motioned.
Shadowworm nodded, his bloodline shadow heavy worm, in addition to the special clone ability, the strongest point is that there can be a limited substitution between the deity and the clone. Using his clone to open the way is the most suitable.
The Lantern Festival broke off a finger and squirmed and transformed into a clone that a small spider handed to Shadowworm.
"what is this?"
Ying Chong said in doubt.
"If you can reach the other side, I can take other people to teleport over."
Yuan Xiao explained that if it weren't for the spiritual power to pass through the esophagus, why would he bother to use the devil's bloodline talent to teleport directly, and now he can only use Shadow Worm to send it to a coordinate for positioning.
"I understand."
Shadowworm's clone took the spider and lay on the back of his hand, biting it still.
Meng Ge transformed into a five-meter-high Behemoth behemoth. A pair of three-foot-long claws blessed the concussion spell. The two claws were raised with both hands and the whole person was rapidly spinning like a golden top.
When the rotation speed reaches the limit, a pair of sharp claws burrows directly into the esophagus of the city beast.
Like a drill, the tough metal esophagus tore a metal channel ten meters in diameter and more than fifty meters in length. The energy crystals engraved with magic runes spread across the channel to prop up a channel.
Mengge revolved frantically again, tearing open the next passage with the concussion spell.
Shadow Insect and Qian Kun Zhou followed carefully. It would be best if they could pass through the esophagus in this way. If the passage did not penetrate the magic circle of Qian Kun Zhou and could not hold it, Lantern Festival must immediately pull Meng Ge and Qian Kun Zhou out.
At this time, Shadow Worm will use its instant explosive power to penetrate the remaining channels as much as possible.
Half an hour later, the entire esophagus burst through, but the trouble just started at this time. The coagulated flesh behind the esophagus is not a cavity at all, there is only a small safe range, and there is still an unreachable distance to approach the heart.
"Unlucky, why there is no facility space in this city beast."
Qian Kun Zhou cursed in a low voice, the energy spar he had placed in the magic circle was not endless.
"Very simple."
Yuanxiao said casually, "This city beast is researching virus strains, and only opened up a space in the The other layers of flesh and blood are insulating layers to prevent the spread of the virus. There should be one to kill the city beast. His wounds reach the heart, and the amorphous fungus all over the plane leaks from there."
"Then why don't we find the ready-made wound passage."
The panting brother Meng said with a grinning golden mouth.
"The four of us are not strong enough. It is more dangerous to take that path."
Yuanxiao explained.
The fatal wound that can kill the city beast is absolutely demi-god-level power. The power of the law is entangled in the wound. Even though the curse of the Dead Sea has existed for tens of thousands of years, the weak law power contained here is not easy to deal with.
Walking from here is hard but safe.
After changing that shortcut, one will be killed if it fails, but Yuanxiao doesn’t know. Later, the Huo Lingxian and others have found the passage on the turtle’s back. Now they are fighting for who will reach the heart first. Important laboratory.
After they succeeded, they had to face the chase of the curse spirit body and escape from the city beast. (To be continued...)
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