Chapter 475: Labyrinth of Destiny

Chapter 475:
On the roar of magic power, two different waves of magic power constantly collide.
The phalanx formed by the demon army, the huge magic power gathered under the tune of the legendary demon warlord to tear the space cracks, bursts of meteorite rain fell from the sky to the mage army, as long as they landed, a bronze-level hellfire with flames stood up. .
On the contrary, the Magic Legion, the unified splitting technique will almost completely decompose all the nearby targets.
In two different military formations, the space between ten miles is equivalent to a meat grinder.
When the depletion of the magic power of the leading forces on both sides reaches a certain level, the demigod maze demon will take action. These maze demon can use an approximate one-to-one ratio to force some demons and mages to be imprisoned inside the space maze.
Every time the Mage Legion encounters this spell, the three-hour maze will be very traumatized.
Unless personal power reaches the legendary level, a person who accidentally flies in such a magical battlefield will be torn to pieces. Yuanxiao leads the team to avoid the front line as far as possible and only provides magical support from a distance, but is finally stared by the demon warlord who controls the battlefield. On it.
Only a layer of black mist fell, and it was thrown into the space maze in an instant.
Lantern Festival immediately pulled out the information about this legendary demon spell. This kind of spatial maze is uncertain. Even if the maze demon that casts the spell does not know what kind of maze is formed, they only teleport the target to the legendary maze plane. That's it.
"Rules explained one, you must reach the arena through the labyrinth trap channel."
"Rule Interpretation Two, space spells are prohibited from being used."
"Rule Interpretation Three, the maze battlefield of both camps is eliminated."
The cold voice echoed in the air.
"This voice... It seems that the legend may not be false."
The Lantern Festival muttered.
Some people have always suspected that the maze plane is a maze that has reached the peak of silver. It has a plane of life manifestation. So far no one has found the specific location of this plane. Only know that the legendary spell space maze can randomly call different mazes to trap the target. .
With the same number of demon squads and wizard squads, fighting the demon at close range in the maze can almost win.
But what he wants is not a complete victory, but the six teams can only be injured but not killed.
"Sorry, mentor."
The Lantern Festival lifted up the spirit and the whole body squirmed slightly, transforming slightly from the form of the spider hunter. It looks more like a humanoid shadow spider monster, with the strength of his seventh-order wizard, it is enough to crush this 1,000-person wizard team.
The maze channels are full of traps, including magic traps, technological traps and even biochemical gas traps.
Generally speaking, these traps alone can reduce staff by one-third.
But the time butterfly plays a role again at this time. No matter what kind of trap the time butterfly flies over, it will not be triggered, and there is no time trap here. The six demon teams relying on the detection ability of the disc arrived at the arena without any loss of staff.
Said it is an arena, but it is actually a blank area in the center of the maze.
The acid spray of the abyssal worm, the cowardly explosive fireball, the powerful javelin throw of the succubus, the spiritual charm of the succubus, the rancid poisonous cloud of the spider slayer, the poisonous spider web of the spider slayer, six different six Tier demon spells are ready to release
As for the Lantern Festival himself. With the time butterfly in his hand, he started his first fate manipulation.
Time Butterfly replicated the dream world generated by the labyrinth. At this time, there were a thousand seventh-order mages cracking the traps along the way. These mages were a large number of quick masters, and they only specialized in a few spells in their lifetime.
A formed army of wizards has specialized defenses and a clear division of labor for offenses.
In the space maze, you can only fight separately. This is why the demi-god maze demon repeatedly uses this legendary spell. As long as the cooperation of these mage corps is disrupted, facing a single demon with no weakness, it will naturally lose more. less.
The magical brilliance one after another, ordinary traps can be directly exploded with spells and pushed over.
Really cause damage. There was only that kind of very hidden trap. A mage opened a repulsive shield, and a mass of liquid metal was protected by the repulsive force. A mass of biochemical poisonous gas descended from the top of his head, and the liquid metal turned into a sphere wrapped in airtight.
But this was just the idea of ​​the mage, and something went wrong when it was actually implemented.
Failed to cast spells, this is only a possible error for the apprentice.
A seventh-order mage, even if it is a seventh-order mage who has used a lot of burning potential secret methods, should not make this basic mistake, but the fact is when casting the spell. One of the magic runes that formed the spell model had a mistake.
This mistake directly caused a gap in the liquid metal overhead.
The biochemical poison gas was poured into the metal ball, and there was no place to hide in the sealed space inside. In less than a few seconds, only a magic robe and a few standard magic items were left. The whole body of this mage was completely melted.
If this mage knows well, he knows that he is not the most unlucky.
Someone who just walked through the corner and sneezed. As a result, the moment of loss of consciousness was headshot by a magic trap. Some even saw the illusion cast a spell at close range on the wall of the maze to blow themselves up, and all kinds of weird methods of death were flooded. In the maze.
Masters with high IQ seem to all become unlucky ghosts with zero IQ at this moment.
One thousand seventh-order mages. Before leaving the labyrinth and arriving at the arena, most of them have been wiped out. This is the first time that Lantern Festival has experienced the horror of the power of destiny. If you can use the traps of the labyrinth to help them, you can completely wipe out these mages.
After half an hour, the remaining two hundred mages walked to the arena one after another.
Seeing the neatly lined up demon phalanx, every mage felt a touch of despair, but what made them strange was that these demon didn't take the opportunity to attack them individually, as if they were waiting for them to gather everyone together.
213 people, the last mage arrived and everyone felt sad.
"Give you a Do your best to attack us."
The Lantern Festival stepped forward and said loudly that these demons could not win the battle unharmed.
Although the mages did not know what the devil was going crazy, but this was their only chance of survival. There was not even a mages to open up the defensive spell. All the mages concentrated all their magic power to cast the seventh-order spell of Flame Storm.
With more than two hundred seventh-order spells, the arena half a mile radius turned into a sea of ​​fire.
Even if it is steel, it will vaporize and evaporate or even be completely annihilated under this kind of flame. A flame storm that destroys everything is swept through. Although the six demon squads lined up desperately defended, they were burned to the dying.
At the same time, a layer of flame protection enchantment enveloped all demons.
The Ring of the Sun is extremely immune to fire spells. These mages collectively used fire spells just now. In fact, their true fate has faintly affected their judgment. Otherwise, the correct spell should be the freezing that most demons fear. (To be continued.)
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