Chapter 578: Death Knell at Dusk (Wed/Fri)

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The seven great arcanists were in the center, and an altar was gradually arranged at the position of the crystal platform.
Placed in the center of the small altar is the heart of a demigod.
The owner of the heart is a demigod who specializes in the law of despair. Although the heart has been taken away from the most important source blood and laws, it still cost a lot of money to buy it and finally get a reward.
"Nana, get out of here."
Lantern Festival said seriously.
"You must be careful."
Although Nana is concerned, she still obediently leaves. If the Lantern Festival fails, she must do two things outside. First, use small black hole bombs to blow up the space passages of the underground palace and the demiplane, and secondly offer a huge reward at the School of Miracles. Come to help.
After half a day, Yuanxiao was convinced that she was ready for everything.
The altar and the heart of the demigod have been prepared, and all that is left is to activate this heart. Lantern Festival carefully takes out a drop of origin. Leon has obtained a lot of origin for many years with the Ring of Fire Crow, but he is limited by his strength. .
The origin of hell, there is no better stimulation for the heart of the dead enemy devil.
Although he couldn't see the invisible law, Yuan Xiao sat aside but could see that the devil's heart was being corroded by hell's origin, and a desperate mood permeated the surroundings and even made him think of suicide.
At the critical moment, Yuanxiao cut off his control of the body.
Ultrain controls the entire body to get ready to go, staring at the gradually boiling spatial fluctuations around it, ready to seize the opportunity. Once this small mirror-like desperate mask world merges with the real space, it must seize the moment to take away the virtual godhead.
The space is constantly rolling and twisting like boiling water, and a layer of darkness gradually covers the entire space.
At the moment when the two worlds were completely merged, Yuan Xiao grabbed the virtual from the crystal altar, but a little black true spirit was faster than him, rushing out of the death knell mage into his spiritual sea.
Just delaying this little time, the world of desperate mask has been separated from the real space again.
The underground space returned to calm again, but whether it was the altar where the devil's heart was placed or the Lantern Festival, it was already like a phantom that could only be seen and could not be touched. Only in the corner was a miniature puppet controlled and monitored by Nana waiting silently.
In the spirit sea, this is the second time that Yuanxiao has faced an invading enemy.
Unlike the last time he was seized, this time was countless times more dangerous than the last time, even though the power of the Hell Soul Washing Sutra was immediately activated. But the evil thoughts of the dead remaining on his body could not stop the destruction of that little black true spirit.
Even if it was a second personality, it was killed in seconds when it just appeared.
In the entire Spirit Sea space, there is now only a spiritual phantom with a clock pattern imprinted on the center of the eyebrows. The worldly giant python persists. Although the soul that has been condensed and refined with soul dust all the year round exceeds the same level, it is only a matter of time before it is breached.
"A matter of time..."
The Lantern Festival soul trembled. The heart feels and provides this discovery to Ultrain for analysis.
According to Super Brain’s monitoring of the Sea of ​​Mind, the imaginary mind is like a clock on the eyebrows that is constantly walking. The faster the time goes, the faster the real spirit wins the house, the more crazy it is. This shows that the real spirit of the Deathstroke Master cares about the walking time.
A drop of the original blood of the time dragon, under the control of Super Brain, becomes invisible and enters the sea of ​​spirit.
The bloodline illusion, has formed a time dragon phantom flying to the soul illusion, the death knell mage's true spirit stopped seizing the house for an instant as if being stimulated, but the next instant it was like a complete madness at the expense of burning the true spirit's origin to accelerate the seizure.
Time to breathe!
It's not that time goes against the current to delay time, but is aimed at the true spirit of Deathstroke Mage to accelerate time.
The mind is imaginary like a clock between the eyebrows, and the hands complete a circle in an instant. At the same time, the Lantern Festival seemed to have heard a certain crazy curse that existed before death, and the imaginary soul that had been struggling to support suddenly couldn't feel the power of seizing the house.
Yuanxiao woke up and frowned.
For a little bit of perception, the true spirit of the Deathstroke Mage could not be found. Through the observation and playback of Super Brain, it was found that the true spirit of the Deathstroke Mage was swallowed by the black clock phantom at the moment it was accelerated by time and disappeared.
The black clock phantom, the Lantern Festival just watched the time in the body and the dragon blood was boiling.
The two seem to be mortal enemies, but did the Lantern Festival feel any danger, especially since this thing has been embedded in the imaginary eyebrows of the soul, no matter whether there is danger or not, you must try to perceive it. If there is a danger, you can only notify Nana for help.
Mental force touched the black clock phantom. Countless light and shadow memories rushed into the soul of Lantern Festival.
This memory is too many and too complicated. If it is an ordinary Tier 8 wizard, the original memory will probably be obscured in an instant, and he will completely regard himself as the death knell mage in the memory. But the Lantern Festival itself is not an ordinary eighth-order wizard.
Thousand times of consciousness acceleration, he is a Tier 3 arcanist, all of these determine the amount of his memory is astonishing.
The memory of Master Deathstroke can be difficult for him to digest for a while, but it is impossible to erase and assimilate his memory. The final deadly trap left by Master Deathstroke is just a priceless inheritance for the Lantern Festival.
I don't know how long it took. Yuanxiao consciousness returned to the body and opened his eyes.
A mirror appeared in front of my eyes, I saw the left eye is a silver hourglass belonging to the time dragon, and the right eye is a black death knell that is constantly swaying. This is not an ordinary clock, but a projection of the death knell of the legendary universe.
The hourglass of time is the strongest time artifact at the end of the long river of time.
This Xeon artifact itself is controlled by the only Time Dragon in the world. This time killing a death knell mage, the Golden Will directly gave this projection, and it was not until this time that his time dragon bloodline truly awakened.
There will only be one real time dragon in the entire universe. Others may have seen more than one, but in fact they are all just an illusion brought about by the appearance of one at different points in time.
If he did not take away the crystallization of the idea of ​​the Time Dragon ~ it would not take many years for this dead Time Dragon to resurrect, and once resurrected, it would inherit the power left over in the long river and restore it to its peak state.
But no one expected that the crystallization of Time Dragon's thoughts would be swallowed by him successfully.
This is equivalent to killing the only Time Dragon completely. Yuan Xiao has been worrying about whether a Time Dragon will come out one day, and then pursue him for killing the same kind. Now it seems that this worry can be put down.
But another trouble!
Yuanxiao blinked his right eye gently, the projection of the death knell at dusk, this is the source of power that every death knell master has, and a kind of power that overcomes each other with the time dragon. Getting this is a great advantage and also represents a great trouble. .
The death knell at dusk is the supreme that will eventually destroy the golden continent in the legend.
At the same time, this is also the supreme fetish of the golden public enemies in the evening battlefield. The death knell mage is equivalent to the messenger of the evening death knell, while the time dragon is the messenger of order in the golden continent. The power of the two is now entangled. I really don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse. .
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