Chapter 610: Turn around

Mime private 610
"Empty blue clouds and water..."
At the edge of the recruit training ground, the corner of the Savage instructor's mouth twitched slightly.
He has a hunch that he will be taken advantage of this time. Although those are just a drop in the bucket for him, this is definitely the most difficult recruit he has encountered. Even the Wood Fairy in the previous years did not make him feel that way. Tangled.
But soon, he really got a little tangled.
The blood evil beasts in the domain are the purest blood evil spirits, and he also erased his spiritual imprint. As long as the blood evil beasts are killed, they can directly refine and strengthen the spiritual virtual image, and finally gradually Increase the strength of the soul.
The so-called one-year enhancement of the soul strength of a pearl is just his judgment of the absorption limit of the Lantern Festival.
Who can tell him how a ninth-order wizard has an extra plot world artifact in his hand.
Not to mention the artifact, it is still a very rare refining pot.
Not to mention the demon refining pot, where his supernatural power in the Lantern Festival urged this artifact, seeing the blood fierce beasts being sealed by the frost labyrinth, and then being put away by the demon refining pot, this kind of eating and taking for countless years He saw it for the first time.
"I'm going to see how much you can eat."
The savage instructor's heart moved, and more and more blood fiend beasts in the domain continued to be generated. At his level, the domain was equivalent to a real world generated by a single thought. Changing some of the laws couldn't be easier.
As the law changed, a large number of flying beasts began to appear in the blood fiend domain.
He wasn't afraid that Lantern Festival would take away more blood evil power, but to strengthen the soul too quickly and too much with external force would weaken the foundation, otherwise the gods of the silver peak true gods might not be unable to become gods with the resources they possess for a century.
Of course, the more important point is that he wants to take the opportunity to see what Yuanxiao can do under his pressure.
"Flying beast..."
The Lantern Festival frowned and said, his domain diameter is only 10,000 meters, and the rain cloud created by the cloud symbol can naturally only maintain a height of 5,000 meters, and this can only be regarded as a low altitude for the flying beast, and he can see through the reincarnated eyes The fierce beasts gathered above the rain clouds.
"I am no longer who I was."
Yuanxiao shook his body and split into five golden shadow clones.
Every golden shadow avatar came to the edge of the real domain, and a roar had turned into a metal beam of thousands of feet. Relying on the elementalization of metal, it is transformed into a pool of metal and recombined to form five metal towers scattered on five sides.
A large amount of magnetic steel powder flashed out of thin air around every metal tower.
These spatial magnetic steel powders quickly rotate around the tower under the metal manipulation talent of Metal Bimeng, and the wind law in the unreal field accelerates the rotation speed to the extreme. During this rotation, current begins to be generated.
At this time, the rain clouds in the sky were replaced by the thunderclouds of the sky that could fall into the sky.
When the sky and thunders fell, they were absorbed by the five iron towers scattered in five directions. The geomagnetic field within a few hundred miles of the entire large area began to gradually reverse, and the original downward gravity was reversed under the control of the magnetism of the earth.
This is more than that, the five golden shadow avatars transformed the iron towers to begin to perform ghost assimilation.
"The ghost assimilation begins..."
Yuanxiao orders Ultrain.
"Analyze the surrounding stratum. Start looking for stratum fracture points..."
"The ghost assimilation begins..."
In just a moment, abnormal cavities appeared in the surrounding earth. The soil did not disappear, but was transformed into a shadow form by the golden shadow clone of Lantern Festival through ghost assimilation. At the same time, these cavities began to vibrate.
The accumulation of various vibration points resulted in a local small earthquake.
The earthquake caused the earth in the real realm to break apart from the surrounding earth. At this time, the reversal of the geomagnetic gravity around has reached its limit, the gravity between the sky and the earth was reversed, and the earth that had split ten miles in diameter hit the sky along with the acceleration of gravity. .
The earth ten li in diameter entangled the thunder of Tiangang, and it continued to fall upward under the acceleration of reversing gravity.
The earth held up the sky and thundercloud. Smashed all the flying fierce beasts.
The specific destructive power of this blow can be compared to a 10,000-meter-high mountain with a diameter of ten miles falling from the air, and it is also entwined with Tiangang Thunder, and it is constantly accelerating under the pull of gravity. This is enough to be called a small Summoning meteorite.
Therefore, it was just one blow, and thousands of Tier 9 flying fierce beasts were torn to pieces.
At this time, the iron tower transformed by the avatar without a golden shadow was exploded into a burst of smoke and disappeared.
Lost the reversed magnetic field, gravity returned to normal, the earth ten miles in diameter fell down at a faster speed, and the tens of thousands of blood fierce beasts resurrected on the ground were directly torn to pieces by the second combo. Although this is not a spell, it is a bloodline. Comprehensive application of talent.
The Lantern Festival was relieved. The demon refining pot in his hand began to gather the blood evil spirit left by the blood evil beast after its death.
"No, the soul can't use this kind of thing too much."
Yuan Xiao thought about it for a while and muttered, the blood evil spirit can strengthen the soul, but it will make the soul contaminated with killing aura. This is a mixed blessing for a wizard who needs his soul to stay sane and sober. He is not a melee professional and does not need these fierce auras.
But this blood is really rare, but it can't just be wasted like this.
Shaking his body, the Lantern Festival turned into a shadow demon form of a demon hunter.
The sacrificial fire burned. Originally, this flame was only a little flame of the sun elves. With the increase in strength, the sacrificial fire was already useless. It is appropriate to refine these blood evil spirits into the sacrificial fire.
The Qi of Blood Fiend is a combination of killing thoughts, negative thoughts, and resentment.
Incorporating the flames at this time not only counteracts the side effects of making people lose their minds, but also enhances the power of the flames.
Yuan Xiao didn't know, his approach escaped a disaster.
The savage instructor originally planned to increase the difficulty again so that he couldn't easily hunt down the blood evil beasts, but he saw with his own eyes that he did not take this opportunity to increase the strength of his soul but to increase the fire of sacrifice. This performance made him really escaped.
Ten years...50 years...
The endless battle For fifty years, the Lantern Festival has not taken much time.
Fortunately, since 30 years later, the sacrificial fire of the demon hunter has absorbed too much blood and turned into a blood flame. The flame envelope can directly ignite the blood of the blood evil beasts and make them lose their minds and kill each other. A little pressure.
At this time, Tier 9 fierce beasts face blood flames, 100% will be destroyed and rationally killed each other.
Even Tier 10 fierce beasts will lose their minds by more than 30% in the face of the blood flames, and more than 70% will be affected by a certain amount of confusion.
"There are still fifty years..."
The Lantern Festival counted silently.
After fifty years, the 100-year period expires, and the blood flame should be enough to affect the Tier 11 fierce beasts so that they can distinguish between enemy and us.
If this is to leave the wild city for hunting, it means that the group of ferocious beasts below the eleventh level can be hunted on a large scale without taking a shot. If it is not for the infinite blood evil power in the field of the savage instructor, he will hunt it down. The fierce beasts have accumulated to this level without even thinking about it for more than a thousand years. (To be continued.)
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