Chapter 69: Mass escape

   Chapter 69
   "What did you do?" Snape turned and said coldly.
   "It's important to save people."
The Lantern Festival removed the curse and obstacles in front of him and said indifferently, "Didn’t the professor smell those special ingredients in the liquid medicine? It is obvious that the wisteria vine juice used to boil the medicine today is fake, and the purchasing department of the college should sort it out. Up."
   Snape's face changed again, and he grabbed a purple test tube that had survived the experiment.
   "It's not purple vine juice, this is purple moque's juice."
   Snape tasted a bit of anger and roared, what they brewed today is a complex body decoction that treats the skin damaged by magic. After the most critical ingredient is replaced, the serious corrosion consequences are in sight.
   "Purple Devil, this is no longer a material falsification, but a deliberate targeting of Hogwarts."
   Lantern Festival suddenly realized and whispered.
   Snape had no time to continue questioning. It was his responsibility to fail to discover the material in advance. The only unfortunate thing was that the 24 monsters boiled the soup so fast that he did not expect such a disaster to happen.
   It's important to save people.
   Snape was no longer entangled, and rushed into the material storage room next door to start distributing potions.
   Lantern Festival's pupils shrank and winked at the other apprentice wizards. They had waited for this day for half a month.
   In a sense, Snape was the real pharmacist.
And they are just cheating with the help of Ultrain’s analytical control power. First of all, their innovation in pharmacy is very limited. A true wizard pharmacist, Ultrain will always only serve as an aid, rather than being a recipe for refining pharmaceutical agents. leading.
   Their plan is to control the entire Hogwarts with drugs, and Snape's pharmacy ability is the biggest obstacle.
   With this opportunity created, they needed to detect Snape's true level.
In the shortest possible time, the right therapeutic decoction was prepared. Snape didn’t want to keep his hands this time. Otherwise, the little wizard in the classroom would be killed or injured. By then, the whole Hogwarts might have to be killed. So closed.
   "I'll help Mentor Snape, you guys get more water to dilute the medicine."
   Lantern Festival glanced at the other wizard apprentices, followed Snape over the blood and entered the material storage room.
   Gass smiled, and the wand in his hand directly controlled a piece of iron to hit the faucet in the corner. The spouting water was evenly sprinkled to the classroom under the control of the magic power to dilute the potion that caused the disaster to a certain extent.
   When the medicine is diluted, the corrosive power will be greatly reduced, so as not to cause death and trouble.
   But correspondingly, due to the dilution of the medicament and the sprinkling of water, almost every little wizard was covered with the liquid diluted by the water stream. Although it temporarily saved his life from danger, the whole body corrosion caused by this made the pain more severe.
   "You did a good job, Slytherin will get 10 points for it."
   Snape said without looking back, that the correct way to deal with the Lantern Festival bought him precious time.
   Snape dispensed the potion very quickly, even surpassing Yuan Xiao’s imagination. After receiving the formula that Snape handed over, Yuan Xiao’s expression was calm but his heart was chilling. He underestimated Snape in this world.
   The world of Harry Potter is not a golden continent after all, it has its own unique material system.
   Although he has mastered a lot of basic pharmacy in the Wizard Tower of the Red Scorpion, there is an essential gap between Snape and Snape in the world of Harry Potter, using the world’s exclusive materials to make potions.
  The first plan was forced to suspend, and the Lantern Festival began to plan the second backup plan.
   There is not much danger if the first plan fails, but once the second plan fails, they will have to flee in this world. The best result is to be thrown into Azkaban, and the failure of the mission will be the end of the obliteration.
   The smelly potion was evenly sprinkled on the injured little wizard under the control of magic.
   The highly corrosive decoction was restrained, and all that was left was to heal the burns of the whole body. Nowadays, these little wizards have already lost their clothes one by one, and even the entire body surface has been corroded and the cortex has become a muscle monster.
   Snape's eyes twitched, even though he was treated in time, it was still the result.
   Such a major mistake, the Hogwarts Board of Trustees and the Ministry of Magic will inevitably intervene in the investigation, and he might be kicked out of Hogwarts at that time, which makes him doubt the true intentions of the black hand behind the scenes.
   The entire Hogwarts was on guard, and professors searched almost every inch of the college.
He lurked into the material storage room to replace the main materials of the medicine. Even Snape did not find the abnormality of the medicinal materials for the first time. Such all kinds of things made the whole Hogwarts jittery, and even many professors who knew the inside had begun to suspect that Voldemort was lurking in. Up.
   "It won't be Voldemort."
   Dumbledore said firmly in the principal's room.
   "I don't think it will be him either."
Snape secretly stroked the Dark Mark and said in a deep voice, "Splitting souls to make Horcruxes will cause mental problems. At this time, Voldemort will not do such meaningless things. Compared to Voldemort, I doubt the descendants of the Dark Wizard. , Their talent is too terrifying."
   "Find someone who is alone and use it to ingest spiritual thoughts."
   Dumbledore stroked Phoenix Fox's back and whispered.
   Snape nodded respectfully and left. This was the best and easiest way at present.
The girl’s washing room on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, the crying Myrtle looked in horror at the black robe figure that was full of the washing room floating in the air, and the black robe headed lifted his hooded hat with a fingertip. The black bat-shaped ring shoots out a thin black line.
   The speed of this thread is too fast, and Myrtle has been by the black silk thread before she escapes through the wall.
   The figures covered in black robes took off their hoods and looked at the ring of death entwined in surprise. They had no idea that Yuanxiao had a golden equipment that could capture the spirit body.
   Lantern Festival took back the fate silk thread, and while shrinking, the silk thread was woven into a net bag and shrank continuously.
   "We need an explanation."
   Wizard apprentice Black Forest waved his magic wand and pointed at Yuanxiao and asked, "Today we were just testing Snape, but you didn't say that your hands and feet would make such a big noise. You almost killed those naive little wizards today."
Yuan Xiao glanced at Black Forest indifferently, UU reading "The greatest white wizard of this century, the only wizard who can fight Voldemort, can suppress the Ministry of Magic's control of Hogwarts belonging to the pure-blooded family. It is also the holder of the Elder's Wand."
   "We all know these." Hei Lin suppressed his voice angrily.
"You still don't understand. We are not Dumbledore. Even if we stun them with potions, how can we control them? If we can't control them, you think the magic world of this world can allow us to do this." Yuan Xiao sneered. Tao.
   "Then what are we doing now?"
   Gas asked suddenly.
   Lantern Festival sneered, "Of course, he absconded. At this time, Dumbledore is absolutely suspicious of us. Our escape will be characterized as the perpetrators of today's murder, but they have not caught us at all."
"I understand."
  Gas was taken aback for a while and laughed, "In this way, we are not only absconding, but when we reappear one day, we can also be said to be Dumbledore's persecution. He framed us and drove us out of Hogwarts."
   "It seems that you have been observing me." Yuan Xiao smiled.
"what are you guys saying?"
Hei Lin said with embarrassment, and when he asked, he found that many people looked at him like an idiot. This look made him very bad, as if the question he asked was known to everyone, only he didn’t. The question, he couldn't help but reflect on whether he had overlooked something.
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