Chapter 719: Sea Tribe Ooku

Mime private 719
The Tower of Miracles, this is a majestic arcane tower with a height of one hundred thousand feet.
Looking up at Lantern Festival, the entire body of the Arcane Tower is made up of water elements. From top to bottom, there seems to be an endless stream of water flowing down, until the bottom of the Arcane Tower disappears in the lake, and I remember the last time I was in the magic net. The Arcane Tower is made up of hurricanes.
This change in overall appearance changes every year in a cycle of ten years.
Because every year there are different great arcane masters who sit here, according to the main rules of these great arcane masters, the arcane tower itself will also make corresponding changes. At this time, the person in charge of the arcane tower should be Edwina, the great arcanist of the sea clan.
As soon as the Lantern Festival approached, it was stopped by a guard in the lake.
At this time, in the clear, light blue lake, the six-armed naga, a follower of some great arcanists, were responsible for patrolling. One of them was even a legendary eight-armed naga, which was 20 meters high. Looking down at the Lantern Festival above the water.
"Tier 3 Arcanist Lantern Festival, please ask Master Edwina for instructions."
Yuanxiao took out a scroll with the challenge contract and threw it out.
"Wait here."
The eight-armed Naga grabbed it in his hand and manipulated it on the thick identity watch on his wrist. In the end, a hair broke and turned into a small clone, and he walked into the Tower of Miracles with a contract scroll. Refused to say more.
A trace of joy flashed in the Lantern Festival pupil, and his luck this time was really good.
If it’s a human great arcanist, I don’t know what means the tower of building blocks can use to make this challenge a little more troublesome. Now it’s a sea clan great arcanist, he must be very happy to see the two third-order arcanists of humans. Fight to death and death.
The Arcanist challenge this time, Shiyou will soon begin.
As long as the rules allow, as a great arcanist from the sea clan, he would be very happy to see humans killing each other. The city of miracles is mixed by rules to maintain balance, but it does not mean that different races can really work together. In.
Sure enough, an aqua blue arcane wizard flew out soon.
"Big man. The master wants to see him."
The Arcane Elf babbled.
The eight-armed Naga gave way. In fact, he was just a decoration. Even if it was a powerful divine body, the arcane tower in the city of miracles would not easily hurt the great arcanist here. Not to mention that the deities of the gods cannot come.
"Humans, come with me!"
Arcane Elf beckoned his hand and said.
The Lantern Festival followed closely, and the moment he walked into the Arcane Tower, the whole person seemed to be in the ocean of water, and inside the Arcane Tower was a huge water world. The mountains, rivers, earth, stars and everything in the world are composed of different forms of water.
In the entire water world, there are at least 3,000 different forms of water and 12,960 combinations.
This entire huge water world is made up of at least one water system law fused with various magical waters. When a person dies like a lamp extinguishes, the law will return to the heavens and the earth. The gods who can leave the substantive law after death are at least moderately divine. .
All the way to the center of the water world, the thousands of waterfalls here turned out to be upstream.
The Arcane Elf jumped into the waterfall with a cheer, beckoning to the Lantern Festival before being swept up, and Yuanxiao followed the Arcane Elf and stepped onto the waterfall. The countercurrent waterfall swept him straight up to the top of the water world.
Here is an island composed of water and clouds, with a water tree in the center of the island.
The water tree has three thousand branches and twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty leaves. This is the body chosen by the actualized water system law, and the lazy beauty with a fishtail under the tree stared at the water system law with blinking eyes.
"One of the sea clan royalty, mermaid."
Yuanxiao secretly said in his heart.
"Master Edwina, I brought it."
Arcane Elf said respectfully.
"The Lantern Festival saw the Great Arcanist Edwina."
The Lantern Festival performed a wizard etiquette.
"Hey! Wizards of water mana, there are not many wizards in the magic universe."
Edwina turned her head and smiled with interest, "You are indeed a Tier 3 Arcanist qualified to challenge, but you should also know that the challenge requires a price, what price are you going to pay to waste me and the tower of precious blocks? time."
"The tower of building blocks, I use a legendary magic planet fortress on the gaming table."
The Lantern Festival said indifferently, "As for Master Edwina, I send my friendship..."
Lantern Festival spread out his right hand. The illusory world of birth and death continues to shine in the palm of his hand.
"Such a strong arcane origin..."
Edwina left the water with an instantaneous technique, and the fishtail turned into a light veil on her legs and walked in front of Yuanxiao, staring obsessively at the illusory world composed of arcane arts in Yuanxiao's hands, without blinking her eyes. long time.
She saw it. This is an arcanist at the tipping point of Tier 3 peak.
The Lantern Festival was just too low in strength and didn't start contacting the rules. It was only a matter of time before becoming a great arcanist. If you can make a good future with this person, you will have one more ally, and the price she paid is just to suppress a tower of blocks within the rules.
"Do you know what privileges the Great Arcanist has?"
Edwina asked suddenly.
"Member of the Arcane Empire."
Yuanxiao thought about it and replied.
"No, those are just foreign objects."
Edwina solemnly said, "It's the Arcane Tower. Have you seen this water world? This is a world of laws transformed by the Arcane origins before the fall of the Great Arcanist of the water system. Only me, who is also the Great Arcanist of the water system, Can inherit and control the world.
If I die, my arcane origin will also be assimilated into a water-like world.
At present, there are a total of 101 such worlds in the entire Arcane Tower, representing 101 different Great Arcanist routes, but our Arcane Empire has only 56 Great Arcanists, and the remaining 45 arcanes No one has inherited the original world.
This also means that we can only play half of the true power of Miracle City.
Now you know what it means to be a great arcanist, that is part of the control of the miracle, and this is the important part of our negotiation with the gods. Now, please explain how your honorable bishop status is. "
"Glory to the bishop is due to the exchange of knowledge."
Yuanxiao said frankly, "If I need to, I can take an oath. I will never surrender to any gods. What I will do is always to conquer magic above the gods, so I cannot be sent by the gods."
"I believe……"
Staring at the Lantern Festival for a while, Edwina smiled and said, "You wait here, I will inform the Tower of Bricks, this time tomorrow I will judge your arcane challenges, the winner will get glory and the loser will lose the Olympics. All the positions of power in the empire."
What she didn't tell Yuan Xiao was that if Yuan Xiao was really a spy sent by the gods, he would definitely die miserably when he inherited part of the control of the Arcane Tower, and the Arcane Tower was not so easy to be deceived. (To be continued.)
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