Chapter 918: Celestial Axis

Chapter 918
One layer of heaven, the core of the heaven, the chaotic yin and yang upside down the mountain.
The earth is an infinite black and dangerous abyss, and the sky is an infinite suspended mountain range being lifted up.
In the predominance of the golden story world, there was once a legend of Pangu opening the sky.
The fresh air rises and the muddy air sinks.
In the Nine Heavens, the world of upside-down pyramids grows wider and wider.
The axis in the middle of the pyramid is the two turbid qi that rises and sinks.
As the clear air rises, you can easily go to the upper heavens with the help of this place, but the turbid air of each heaven sinks is extremely dangerous, it is not easy to enter the lower heavens, this passage is in the hands of the gods and absolutely cannot be retreated of.
After ninety years of traveling in the sky, the Lantern Festival finally arrived here.
A long distance away, you can see Mie Shenyuan.
According to legend, it is through here that gold breaks through the shackles of the heavens, so that it can reach the human world without any suppression, otherwise, if it goes through the astral kingdom, it will be crushed to the peak of the demigod.
The mountains in the sky are upside-down mountains with the peaks downwards and the bases upwards like sky islands.
It seems that it is more appropriate to call it a hanging island than a mountain.
But in fact, these are really mountains instead of islands. Because the magnetic field here is reversed, the sky is the ground, and the earth is the sky. You can already see cities built on the hills and turned down. .
Around Mie Shenyuan, a dense array of patterns can be seen.
It was these golden formations that protected the gods from being disturbed by the heavenly beasts.
Surrounding the rising Qing Qi, there are six inverted mountains at least one light-year in size.
Five of them belong to the five civilizations of human gods.
The wizarding civilization is located on the Inverted Mountain, on which the wizard towers are surrounded by numerous elemental auras.
Technological civilization directly transforms Diandoushan into a mechanical factory.
Biochemical civilization, the whole upside down mountain is full of biochemical nests that are constantly creeping.
The martial arts civilization is a mountain of evil spirits.
The immortal civilization, pavilions, towers and pavilions are endlessly beautiful.
The last upside-down mountain is the alien gods among the underground aliens who have made friends with the human race.
Six upside-down mountains. Wound into a ring to form the core of the big array.
Before getting closer, an eye flashed in the void.
The golden pupils were shocked at first glance at Yuanxiao, but after a closer look, they found that it was not the golden will. But a golden eyeball, if nothing else, this would be one of the legendary golden artifacts, the Void Demon Eye.
Void Demon Eye, Void does not refer to space.
It's the emptiness of the human heart. The Void Demon Eye is best at seeing through the human mind. Of course, here is only the split body of the Void Demon Eye. Nor will he rashly pry into the hearts of the gods, but detect and detect the past gods to prevent the invasion of the beasts.
"True Human God, you can choose a major city to settle in."
The icy voice of Void Demon Eye passed by and disappeared.
The Lantern Festival put away Xiaohongmei Tianzhou, and he turned upside down without waiting for how far he flew forward.
Among the six main cities, he should go to magic civilization most.
It's just the main city of magic civilization. At this moment, I believe that there are already a lot of fire gods' eyeliners. Every new new may be monitored layer by layer, so he might as well go to other main cities with the disguise of the golden battle suit.
Immortals and martial arts are eliminated in the first place.
On the contrary, both technology and biochemistry can be considered.
With his mastery of alchemy and life-making skills. Both in science and technology civilization and in biochemical civilization can be mixed very well, as long as it is not too vicious to show the bottom of the fight, absolutely no one can tell that he is a fake with magic civilization.
If it is a technological civilization, he can pretend to be genetically modified people.
A genetically modified person is the ultimate transformation of a flesh and blood body by fusing various biological genes. This is the best way to disguise the various blood vessels he possesses.
But after thinking about it carefully, Yuanxiao decided to go to the main city of biochemical civilization.
Biochemical civilization, by virtue of the talent of genetic recombination, he can also disguise well, just using pure divine power. Don't use the extraordinary mana that combines mana and divine power, the possibility of being seen through is very slim.
The flesh and blood puppet was the perfect faith puppet in his plan.
But it was only once, with the continuous improvement of vision and strength. The lack of flesh and blood puppets began to appear, that is, the power of belief provided by flesh and blood puppets is very small, and it can be transformed and strengthened with his current methods.
A few minutes later, the Lantern Festival came to the upside-down mountain of biochemical civilization.
Choosing here, in addition to the most suitable factor for strengthening flesh and blood puppets, the other is that the gods of biochemical civilization are very unique. Therefore, in the entire mountain range of one light-year, there are huge mountains of flesh and blood scattered and separated for biochemical transformation and experiments.
Just throw it away, and the Lantern Festival throws its own wizard tower.
His wizard tower itself is composed of his own flesh and blood cells, but this time it is not a tower shape, but turned into a mountain of meat as a cover. He needs at least a few biochemical results to offer technology exchange to others.
The gods are just the beginning for him.
But the future is not easy to go.
The five Supreme Laws are being practiced at the same time. There is no such crazy in ancient and modern times. Now that Dao Guo can no longer provide more help, it is not easy for the heavens to find something that can assist in the cultivation of the Supreme Law.
The law of dreams is okay, the infinite kingdom of God is flooded with the laws of dreams.
The law of time is also OK. As long as you sacrifice divine matter, you can get more time dragon blood. The higher the purity of the blood in the body, the more the law of time will be awakened. Now he gets a lot of godheads from the magic universe. of.
The shadow swallows, this is a little troublesome, but there is no need to worry.
When there is a chance, go to the shadow world to find the heart of the shadow ruler and master it absolutely at a rapid pace.
The real trouble is the law of fate and the law of arcane.
Not to mention the law of fate, this is the most difficult law.
The law of arcane is not better. Arcane is a law to analyze everything in the universe. It is easy to say at a low level, but the more you get to the higher level, the closer it is to the essence of everything in the universe, the difficulty increases geometrically.
Especially as the strength increases, the effect of time acceleration will become lower and lower.
The law of time ~ ~ the strong will be better.
However, the real strong seldom will carry out large-scale time acceleration for cultivation.
In simple terms, time accelerates an ordinary person easily and abnormally, but time accelerates a god, its energy consumption, etc. will increase countless times, so the higher the level of time acceleration, the slower, and ultimately the can only rely on time to slowly increase.
With a real time of one hundred thousand years, it is almost possible to achieve great power.
But the Lantern Festival will not wait so long, because since he has traveled through the future to see the future golden continent, as the law of time and destiny become stronger, the more he can feel that the peaceful days of the entire golden universe are getting shorter and shorter.
One hundred thousand years is too long, and his goal is to at least become the main with self-preservation power in ten thousand years.
To do this, you need to do extraordinary things and be extraordinary people.
PS: Thank you Xinghe, the protagonist →_→, potato book madness, devil ~ sky strike, contradictory counterattack, Tianmen star sc, lost heart, extreme lonely dream, blood blade emperor father, dawn in the dawn, stars 255 Reward. (To be continued.)
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