Chapter 926: Celera

Mime private 926
One by one, the thunder beasts fought with each other and fled in the thunder light. ◇↓◇↓ novel. ¥f
They don’t expect to escape at all, they just need to run faster than their counterparts, because they know exactly what they’re chasing behind. They are the natural enemies of the legendary Thunder Beast clan. Swallow the blood worm.
No matter what kind of thunder system law, it will be swallowed by these bloodworms.
As long as it is slower, the blood will be drained and turned into mummy in an instant, and then thousands of blood worms will appear immediately.
In just a few days, there was no living creature in the entire Thunder Beast Plain.
There was even an old antique of the main level, who was hunted down just after breaking through the barrier, and finally found that the problem rushed outside the forbidden area of ​​the thunder beast, and was swallowed by the swarm before breaking the barrier. .
Without the presiding of the Thunder Beast clan, the barrier of the Thunder Beast Forbidden Land began to shatter.
Hundreds of millions of bloodworms turned into red clouds and rushed to the forbidden land.
Even though it was the Lantern Festival who caused all this with one hand, they felt a little bit astonished at the results of this time. The law of fate was indeed one of the most terrifying laws, and it was possible to achieve this with the help of the disaster blood pool.
The calamity blood pool emptied, and hundreds of millions of blood worms flew in.
The large amount of thunderweed invested in the pool has unparalleled attraction to these blood worms, and when they rush into the blood pool, the power of disaster will turn these small bugs into a part of the blood pool and extract them. Among them, the original bloodline of Thunder Beast.
When the last bloodworm disappeared, Yuanxiao immediately opened the perfect door and teleported away.
The Lantern Festival did not last long, and the Thunder Beast Plains ushered in a lot of high-level Thunder Beasts. The Thunder Beast clan is not only found in the First Heaven Realm. They choose to come now only because they are also afraid of the power of blood worms. Now the blood worms disappear naturally. Anxious to investigate the truth.
No matter how they investigate, they can't find the slightest clue.
At the same time, the Lantern Festival has returned to Upside Down Mountain.
Although the disaster blood pool is completed, it still takes time to fully integrate all disaster powers.
The final product. At least it is a high-level artifact.
And all disaster puppets, three thousand without exception, are at least inferior artifacts.
In the end, the pool full of blood is the top cursing medium.
The lightning disaster star who soaked in the blood pool to absorb the original blood of the thunder beast will surely become the new of doom when he comes alive again. The of doom in the magic universe has fallen, and his godhood and priesthood are just left to the lightning disaster star as a reward.
"Profuse-blasphemy priest, it turned out to be like this."
After the Lantern Festival carefully sorted out the memory of Pirate Xianzongwu, secretly surprised.
First, you need to choose a god.
Then, self-hypnosis is required. Mold yourself into the most devout believer of this god.
This kind of believer is the most important wealth of every god.
Through the contact with the gods and the use of this channel to steal the magic and powers silently, until they are discovered, they will be immediately released from contact, and then change their identity to carry out a new round of deception.
It is simple to put it bluntly, but it is not easy to pretend to be the most devout believer without a specific secret technique.
More importantly, it was the secret technique that cut off faith and escaped tracking after being discovered by the gods.
Without this, the blasphemy priest was driven to death by the gods in minutes.
Half a month later, the Lantern Festival began its first attempt to steal divine power.
Try the goal, the goddess of wealth.
He has a feeling. Pirate Xianzongwu's most precious thing was hidden in the shelf where the flashing gold coins melted.
Wearing the Scourge Radar on his head, the Lantern Festival began its first attempt.
Scourge radar, as long as it is filled with divine power crystals, it will immediately have the main god-level divine mind scanning and detection ability. With this support, it can steal the divine power of the main god-level wealth goddess. Otherwise, although the profane-blasphemy priest is powerful, it can only steal the same-level gods. Of supernatural power.
However, this Scourge radar really looks awkward.
Not to mention wearing a helmet, there are countless crystal eyes on it.
"Super brain, swallow him for me."
Yuanxiao ordered.
The infinite snake in the spirit sea swept out and swallowed the Scourge Radar in one mouthful.
Infinite snake. It's not just things that can only swallow magic civilization, things like science and technology civilization are not rejected. After all, the fundamentals of all power are different manifestations of laws and energy, and the most essential is the same in the end.
The devouring is over. The Lantern Festival finally got rid of the helmet.
The magic enchantment was arranged, and the Lantern Festival began to pray for the first time, praying to the goddess of wealth as a believer.
Ultrain suppressed the self-consciousness and began to shape false consciousness to pray.
"Find the faith and sacrifice channel for the goddess of wealth, and begin to blend into it..."
Day by day, the Lantern Festival has achieved more and more results.
From the first order priest. He has become an archbishop in a short period of time, and this is a legendary high-ranking position in the faith civilization. At this step, he has reached the end of believers, and one step further is that the Pope himself cannot deceive him.
"Starting to stop..."
Yuanxiao ordered again.
Faith is transmitted to the kingdom of the stars through the temples of faith and civilization.
A part of this transmission process can be intercepted through secret techniques. It doesn't need to be too much, dripping through the stone is enough. In theory, as long as the probability of being discovered is very low, as long as you are not greedy, a drop of divine power begins to condense from the endless void.
Goddess of Wealth, Divine Art, Infinite Treasure!
The bookshelf formed by the melting of ten flashing gold coins began to slowly melt under the action of the magic arts.
It melted completely, and ten crystal sands the size of a needle tip appeared.
"this is……"
Yuanxiao said in amazement.
"Compared with the existing data, no corresponding target can be found..."
"Analyzing the legend records, this thing is most likely the seed of Celera grass..."
The Lantern Festival was shocked instantly.
This is a magical civilization, a legendary forbidden artifact.
It's not clear how it came from, but it seems that it was made by a forest elf named Sella.
This kind of grass once destroyed an era of reincarnation.
Once this grass is absorbed by it, it will take root, germinate and mature for a whole life, and then split into countless spores after death. These spores will immediately reappear as long as they come into contact with energy. After a lifetime.
In the era of reincarnation at that time, the protagonist of civilization was the forest elves.
The whole clan was swept across the heaven, human world, and abyss by Celera grass in a short time. The entire golden continent was covered by this grass. Only a few forest elves escaped from the golden continent, and all the rest were covered by gold. Will overthrow everything and obliterate it.
That was the only time that Golden Will was forced to end an era of reincarnation early.
This shows that Celia's bad name.
Therefore, even if Yuanxiao looked at these seeds, his hands tremble a little.
Fortunately, there is a mysterious sealing substance on it.
This thing must be dealt with properly. In this last era of reincarnation, even if these Celestial grasses are released, it will not lead to the miserable situation of the forest elves, because the golden will will surely come in an instant and eliminate all related matters without leaving a hand. (To be continued.)
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