Chapter 942: Energy mechanical life

Chapter 942
In the Hunter Guild mission area, many people have already gathered around before the Lantern Festival walks in.
Cards were handed over like flowing water.
The Lantern Festival took it blankly, and looked down at the card that all contained part of their identity information, including the level of the adventurer's badge, their strengths and strengths, and the final profit distribution ratio during the adventure.
These things resembling business cards, the gods on them are basically six-star adventurers.
Among them, only those who pass the speed assessment are basically required to distribute 20% of the total income, and not a single person divides 20%. For example, if a team has five adventurers who are good at speed, five of them will get 20% of the total.
If it is an elite adventurer who has passed the assessment for speed and vision, 30% of the total will be allocated uniformly.
Usually only one pass will not enroll more than five people.
As for those who passed all three assessments, none of them.
If nothing else, these people came up and handed out business cards because the badge on his body was the leader's badge.
The last 50% should belong to the leader's badge holder.
Thinking about it carefully, this situation is not surprising.
They are all Silver Tier 6, and their combat effectiveness is relatively not weak.
Then, to explore the ruins of the heavens, force is not the most critical, because here you can encounter things that cannot be solved by force at any time. At this time, you can get rid of danger with a fast speed. Whether it is path exploration or anything, it is a must-master ability.
If you have a good vision on the basis of speed, you can discover the treasures in the ruins of the heavens.
Such elite adventurers should be able to divide more.
But the most precious of the ruins of the heavens are the ruins. Only the leader adventurer knows how to deal with these ruins. This is the most important ability during the exploration of the ruins of the heavens. I am afraid that each one will be the team leader. Half of the income is reasonable.
By the time he came to the mission area, the Lantern Festival had received tens of thousands of six-star business cards.
Only a handful of five-star adventurers will send business cards, but these people without exception have special abilities. As for the seven-star ones, there is no one. Obviously, the seventh-tier silver adventurers have fallen short of the sixth-tier silver level.
Although there are many gods waiting in the mission area. But the internal space is larger.
At the end, here are the doors.
According to the written explanation inscribed on the door, the tasks received here are all directly through the Supreme Mastermind, even if the gold is not confirmed by everyone at the same time, no information can be obtained from here.
The tasks received, and even the final handover, are handed over to mechanical intelligence.
"You guys wait a minute!"
Instructing Mikasa and Dong Xiang to wait, Yuanxiao pushed open a door with no one inside, and the door was closed and it lit up.
The opposite wall in the empty room lit up.
A brave young girl in battle clothes. The energy manifested from the wall.
"The product of energy mechanical civilization."
The pupils of the Lantern Festival shrank. This is an energy mechanical technology that today's technology and civilization cannot master.
"Hello, I am your receptionist aye1161!"
The girl bowed respectfully and said, "Since you are here to receive the first mission, do I need to explain to you the specifics of the entire celestial ruins mission system or directly start receiving the handover mission?"
"Introduce it! But can you change the name, the number is very strange."
Yuan Xiao leaned against the wall and said casually.
"If you are willing to buy me with heavenly deeds, you can change my name."
The receptionist aye1161 girl's eyes lit up and said cautiously.
"How many?"
Yuanxiao asked casually.
"One hundred thousand points."
The receptionist girl aye1161 blushed and said, "But if you buy something that I will not suffer in the long run, we belong to the protection class that is not allowed to be destroyed in Celestial City. I can help you complete the task of receiving, handing over, and operating. All the trivial things like buying and selling."
"One hundred thousand, I'm out."
Yuanxiao thought about it and wanted to throw the badge.
One hundred thousand is a lot. But it's worthwhile to get a peace of mind and effort, not to mention that he himself is proficient in alchemy and puppet alchemy, and is also very interested in the products of energy mechanical civilization. Anyway, his heavenly merits are easy and not distressed.
"Ah! Ok..."
The receptionist aye1161 girl excitedly took the adventurer badge.
She was just holding a glimmer of hope, but she didn't expect that the professional hunter in front of her could actually do such a large amount of heavenly feat.
The heavenly feat was crossed out, and a crystal flew out of the light curtain behind the receptionist aye1161 girl. The girl cautiously caught a few steps forward and handed it to the Lantern Festival with the adventurer badge, and then began to explain the use of the crystal.
The entire crystal is the control core of the energy mechanical life.
The core is immortal. Even if the physical energy body is destroyed, it will only lose a piece of data. If you don't want to lose data, you must store and update the data at close range. In this way, the core being immortal is equivalent to having an immortal body.
Regardless of being a technological product, the receptionist aye1161 is a serious first-tier silver being.
As long as enough energy is stored and distributed. It is equivalent to having a pathfinder puppet that can take unlimited risks to death. Only a leader-level adventurer is eligible to use one hundred thousand celestial merits to purchase one. This is definitely one of the top man-made mechanical life in the universe.
"Master, please give me a name."
The receptionist girl aye1161 said excitedly.
"Yuan Ling."
Yuanxiao said casually.
"Yuan Ling pays homage to the master."
Yuan Ling bowed, then waved the light curtain on the wall and began to change projection.
A table is projected in front of the Lantern Festival.
"Master, this is the application form for the adventure team."
Yuan Ling explained, "There are three grades of applications for the adventure team, the first type is five people, the second type is ten people, and the last type is 100 people. The first type does not require a deposit, and the second type is a 100,000 heavenly merit deposit. A one million celestial merit deposit."
"What's the difference?"
The Lantern Festival frowned.
Yuan Ling shook his head apologetically, "This is actually just a demonstration of strength. After all, a leader-level adventurer can form an adventure team, but other gods have to see if the team is worth to come here to risk adventure. , The incarnation of the gods died once and suffered heavy losses.
If the loss is caused by the commanding problem of the captain, these bonds are used to compensate the team members for the loss.
I suggest that the owner choose the second grade, so that you can recruit better players. "
"It's up to you and build a ten-man team."
Yuan Xiao agreed, and Shen Min touched and started filling out the form.
The so-called filling in actually means that they are good at it, so that the adventurer has a basic understanding of the adventure squad he wants to join, and at the same time he will get a very advanced heavenly contract scroll.
God adventurers are essentially working for the heavens to repair the damages in the heavens.
In this case, the celestial will does not allow intrigue to kill each other, different adventurer teams can conflict, but the respective teams must be stable, otherwise the entire process of clearing the celestial ruins will be chaotic and disorderly. (To be continued.)
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