Chapter 943: The weakness of Scarlet Lightning

In the vast universe, shock waves spread from time to time.
The nearby planets were constantly being swallowed up in these shock waves.
This is the battle between the Godkiller armor and Scarlet Lightning armor, and the battle between the God of Infinity.
The battle between them seems to be really unlimited.
All have almost unlimited energy, and all can recover infinitely.
There is no end to this kind of battle.
Gradually, in the battle, Lin Yi and the others became more adept at manipulating armor.
Although they had been training for half a year before, it was just that they were practicing, and there was no opponent to let them fight.
Now, in the battle, they are growing rapidly.
Over time, after fighting for a full five hours, they switched to the various armor abilities very smoothly.
When the creation slashed over again, the Scarlet Lightning armor quickly deformed and condensed into a shield to stand in front of him.
This time it completely blocked the attack of the knife.
Subsequently, on both sides of the armored body, two giant barrels with a diameter of 50 kilometers were formed.
The blood-red light flickered in the barrel, and then two energy cannons were fired.
This is the ability brought by Lin Dong's new disparate armor.
Boom boom
These two energy cannons directly blasted the body of Chuangshi Shen into two sections.
Although his body recovered quickly, it made him quite angry.
At the beginning of the battle, he clearly had the upper hand, and he could even sling these guys easily.
But after such a long battle, these guys were not only able to compete with him, they even stabilized him.
This made the creation a little angry, a group of reptiles, dare to compete with himself.
In his anger, he said: "Enough has been played, it's time to solve you."
As he said, his body quickly blurred and turned into a huge cloud with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.
In this state, neither Lin Yi's energy attacks nor physical attacks are effective against him.
Then, this huge cloud and mist quickly formed a hurricane.
This hurricane is not like a hurricane on earth.
This scale is much larger than the hurricane on earth.
The hurricane quickly swept toward the armor, and wherever it passed, the planets were swept in by the cloud.
At the same time, in the cloud and mist, an infinite voice came: "Let you see and see, what is a real cosmic storm!"
Lin Yi and the others saw that the situation was not good, and Wang Fan shouted, "Hurry up with Scarlet Lightning. The only thing that can compete with him now is Scarlet Lightning."
As soon as the voice fell, a blood-colored lightning that was hundreds of kilometers long condensed from the huge armored right hand.
Afterwards, the blood-colored lightning in the armour's hand spread rapidly, forming a blood-colored lightning net with a diameter of millions of kilometers, shrouded in a cosmic storm.
I saw the blood red lightning flashing continuously in the cosmic storm.
The storm was constantly twisting and struggling in the blood-red lightning.
This process has continued.
I do not know how long it has been.
Maybe a few hours, maybe a few days, a few months...
Finally, the blood-red lightning and the cosmic storm shrank a lot.
The blood-colored lightning returned to the armor of the godslayer, and the storm gradually condensed into an infinite figure.
At this time, the infinite said: "It is meaningless to fight like this. None of us can kill anyone, no one can defeat anyone. I admit that you are powerful and that you are qualified to challenge me. But that's all. You. I can forgive you for offending the gods, you can go now. And I, continue to do what I should do."
The battle between the two sides has been endless, and even Chuangshi Shen felt a little boring. So just let Lin also leave them.
Wang Fan said: "Then what you should do is continue to destroy Sector 231?"
"Otherwise?" Infinite jokingly laughed, "Do you think I am in this universe, what else can I do?"
"So our battle has to go on."
Wang Fan said.
The creation laughed and said: "When my body is in the form of cloud and mist, you can't kill me or prevent me from destroying sector 231. When I reach sector 231, you will not dare to fight with me anymore. . Because as long as you take action, the aftermath of our battle will destroy sector 231."
"So, I won't let you reach sector 231, and won't let you approach the earth!"
Wang Fan said firmly.
"Then try."
As Chuangshi Shen said, he flew forward quickly.
But the armor of the Godkiller teleported quickly, blocking him.
The Creation God didn't fight with him at all, and directly turned into a cloud and mist, bypassing both sides of the armored body.
The physical attack of the armor is useless to him.
Seeing this, Ai Li quickly said to Wang Fan, "Can't you control the space? Seal his space soon."
Wang Fan shook his head helplessly and said, "It's I have tried many times before, and skills such as space blockade are useless to him."
They can only follow the God of Creation and constantly think of ways to attack the God of Creation.
However, when the God of Creation is in a cloud state, he is immune to all attacks.
It seems that they cannot stop it at all.
This made everyone anxious.
In fact, there is some fear in the heart of the God of Creation.
When he turned into a cosmic storm just now, he originally wanted to swallow these guys.
But the lightning made his strength greatly diminished and consumed him quickly.
He always felt that when he saw this kind of lightning, he felt a sense of both familiarity and fear.
Therefore he did not want to fight anymore.
In fact, in his heart, he has been speeding up what this thing is.
After flying forward for more than an hour, he suddenly understood.
Then he turned around, looked at the armor of the Godkiller who was chasing him, and laughed: "I understand, I understand! It turns out this is Scarlet Lightning. Hahahaha..."
Lin Yi and others were stunned.
Before this guy was obviously a little afraid of Scarlet Lightning.
But now that he knew it was Scarlet Lightning, why did he suddenly laugh.
After the creation laughed, he went on to say: "In the Big Bang, three things were born first, called primitive creations. The first is me, infinity, your god; the second is lightning. .With it, you barely have the strength that rivals me. However, that’s all. Because in the entire universe, only I know the weakness of blood lightning. It needs to absorb the lightning particles in the universe to maintain it. That huge amount of consumption. If the lightning particles around it are shielded, it is just an ordinary lightning."
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