Chapter 10: Undercurrent surge

  The contract has been sent yesterday, no accident will sign the contract in the last two days, and then it is to promote it~~~~
  I am really happy to be able to sign up! The number of words even signed is 100W~300W, everyone can rest assured.
   Signing really happy! Everyone, please use the recommended ticket to wake up~~~~~
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   10, undercurrent surge
"So I need support, I need support!" The Los Angeles Police Commissioner lying on the hospital bed roared angrily at the phone: "This group of people has EMPs and electromagnetic weapons! Just like this you still want me to believe that they are a group of only light The firefighting gangster?" During the chase on Sunset Boulevard, the helicopter he was riding on fell during an EMP attack. His life was only a broken leg and a few ribs, but there was no life threatening.
   "We have carefully reviewed the report you submitted, but we are sorry that we will not approve your proposal for the National Guard." The California Governor, Sacramento, California, coldly rejected the police chief’s request. He was sitting at a round conference table, two men, one woman and three mysterious men in black suits and sunglasses sitting opposite him.
   "How can you do this? Now that the police force of the Los Angeles Police Department has been hit hard, I can't even send police to investigate even the psychiatric riots!"
   "Considering that the Los Angeles Police Department has indeed suffered significant losses, I will urgently mobilize some of the police forces from the surrounding cities to come to support, which can help you maintain local order."
   "What I want is not to maintain order! But to catch this group of terrorists! They are still at large, and almost everyone has weapons!"
"The National Guard will not be dispatched. We judge that the other party's electromagnetic weapons may have flowed out through abnormal channels, which means that they may not have more. Then in this case, the damage they can cause is very limited. Then Well, I have another meeting." The governor hung up the phone after speaking.
   The big screen of the conference room was repeatedly playing the chase battle last night. Although the video was not very clear, it can still be seen that the battle was fierce.
"EMP, electromagnetic weapons, and the guy who looks like an iron man." The governor stared at the three mysterious men in black. "What happened in my jurisdiction, you guys Do you want me to sit back and watch with the help of an empty paper from the Ministry of Defense?"
   "It is true." The woman sitting in the middle said, her voice looked hoarse. "Not only you, but all departments including the FBI will receive similar notifications and will not participate."
He said that the woman took out a laptop and tapped it a few times, then turned the screen to show the governor, "All the news media are all of the same caliber, and the processed live video is playing. The public will not know about this incident. The truth. Even if there are people who saw the live broadcast through the news for the first time, their weak remarks will not cause a wave."
   "What about me?" The governor's voice was low, with a hint of anger. Some people messed up on their own sites and caused great losses, but suddenly a group of people jumped out saying that you can't control this matter, and we are not going to tell you why, such a thing can't be as calm as the Bodhisattva.
"As shown here," the woman pointed to the big screen behind the governor. "You know there are EMPs, electromagnetic weapons, and a guy who looks like an iron man who is not afraid of gunshots." She repeated the governor's words, intonation There is a hint of irony in it. "In addition, I can tell you that this is related to a top secret plan of the Ministry of Defense. You see, you know much more than the people."
   "You..." The governor was on the verge of an outburst, but his eyes glanced at the signature of the man of the Ministry of Defense's order that he could never afford, and he suddenly paused on the chair.
Seeing what he looked like, the woman nodded, put away her laptop and stood up, said to the governor: "In short, this matter, our Cybertin company will fully take over, and we will deal with it." Remove the sunglasses to reveal a glamorous face with a wild face, but her left eye is a mechanical fake eye with a red light flashing!
   United States, Washington, DC.
   "These Cyberbots are so deceiving!" With a bang, the FBI anti-terrorist operations director lifted a chair and smashed the door-just a few Cyberbots had just left from here.
  A black police detective with shaved head wearing sunglasses said: "They totally treat us like a fool."
   "Isn't it?" A young detective lay on the chair frivolously, looking up at the ceiling: "But since the Ministry of Defense has ordered it, we really can't participate."
   "Damn it!" The anti-terrorist operations director hit the table with another punch. "There must be something behind this thing! I don't believe that the Ministry of Defense has any plan to bypass us to find such a group of unscrupulous companies!"
   "Sibertin did hire a group of mercenaries, all veterans, and provided them with excellent weapons and equipment." The black police detective said: "I think this matter will not end so simple."
   "If you really want to investigate, it's not impossible." The young police detective may feel uncomfortable lying down and raise her feet to the conference table.
   "Oh? What's the solution?" the supervisor asked.
   "You know, there are some coincidences, isn't it? For example, at some time, our agents who were on vacation in California were suddenly accidentally stirred into a mysterious incident and the like..." The young detective began to cut her nails.
The anti-terrorist operation director smiled with understanding: "Speaking of it, your new partner is called Ellison? He put a fart on the elevator with me yesterday, and it stinks. This makes me a very bad manager. Happy..."
   "Oh! That's a big sin! It's light to punish him for going to California for a month to think about it." The young detective yelled exaggeratedly.
   "And our administrator responsible for collecting weapons will have diarrhea tomorrow..." Black detectives also participated.
   "Then Ellison relied on consciousness when handing over the gun!" The young detective picked up a file and began manicure.
boom! The supervisor's face changed, and he hammered the table. "And you! Hayden! In a formal meeting, you are sitting indecently! You also pack me up and go on vacation in California!"
   "Eh? Me?"
"Well, dear Savannah, my mother really can't have dinner with you tonight." On the top floor of a tall and luxurious office building, a beautiful woman wearing a smart shirt and a step skirt is talking with her daughter On the phone, she was about twenty-nine or nine years old. She was noble and elegant, like a goddess, with a slightly curly red hair tied into a ponytail behind her head.
   "Yes, I know. But a big thing happened suddenly in the company, and my mother had to deal with it. Xiao Shawana, you will understand her mother, right." Meifu picked up a towel and wiped her hand.
   "Yes, it's a big thing." As the beautiful woman glanced at the screen next to it, the video of the battle on Sunset Boulevard that hadn't been processed was awesome.
   "No way, this thing embarrassed my mother. Because a lot of work must be started in advance." The beautiful woman walked out of the window and looked down upon the city.
"My dear, my mother is not upset, but very worried, so it makes people feel cold when she talks." The beautiful woman walked back to the desk again, and she threw the towel she wiped into the trash can. The towel was covered with blood.
"Okay, when this thing is over, Mom will take you to Disneyland to have a good day." The beautiful woman picked up a glass photo frame from the table, which was a photo of her with a cute three-year-old girl . But unlike the bright smile of the beautiful woman in the photo, her face is as cold as playing cards.
   "Um, um, okay, I love you, goodbye baby." The perfect woman hung up the phone and looked at the spreading blood on the ground. She tilted her head. Looking along her line of sight, a corpse that looks exactly like her is falling to the ground, UU reads the book www. has a blood hole in his forehead, and the expression on his face is always fixed on the boundless fear.
  Opened the office door, Shi Shiran walked out, a business card fell out of her handbag, the lady took the business card and looked at it, which read: Catherine Weaver, CEO of the company.
  On a wide wall directly opposite the office, a large Z-shaped mark is inlaid with large gold-plated text, with the middle written: ZEIRA.
   "It's a traffic accident, yes, a tank truck that transports liquid nitrogen." On a fire helicopter painted white, the fire brigade was looking at the scene of the tank truck's accident. A person dressed as a captain is calling to report to his superior, and a person next to him is holding a camera and taking pictures of the scene.
   "Okay, let's go down and take a closer look." Then, the captain patted the driver's shoulder and motioned him to descend.
"The storage tank broke in two, and the liquid nitrogen has all leaked out. Huh, I felt a chill on the plane. It is estimated that this section of the road must be dismantled and rebuilt... wait for what is it!" The captain suddenly exclaimed. , "God is a person! He fell outside the truck cab and has been frozen into ice! Look at the dress...cop?"
"Well, it is probably related to yesterday's terrorist attack. In addition, we found the body of the truck driver and a body of a middle-aged Oriental man one kilometer away from the scene. Are the Chinese or Japanese? Not clear. Okay... yes... then we started spraying foam to heat up." After talking about the captain, he hung up the phone and picked up the wireless intercom next to him and said aloud, "Start spraying foam!"
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