Vol 2 Chapter 1008: Global layout

1008、Global layout
The core of the Hyperion Space Station! ! It provides a continuous source of energy for the entire giant space station, and the control center of the entire space station is also in this place. In addition to maintaining the operation of the entire space station, this core also includes command, communication, electronic warfare, detection and other functions.
This core command system can effortlessly command all the Hyperion robot corps throughout the planet Pandora to fight. And how many Herobot robot corps on the whole planet Pandora? Tang Yu didn't know it before. Later, through the core of Heberon's database, he knew this specific number of 336,939 units! In other words, this command system can easily integrate Tang Yu's planned deployment in the global army into a whole.
And the core electronic warfare system is equally powerful, not to mention that they are vulnerable to the electromagnetic interference of the 13th assault fleet, but that is a regular army facing that world. In fact, the core electronic warfare function of this space station is still capable of crushing most of the legions of the world of "Borderless Land." Not to mention, from the handsome guy Jack, you can cut into the rebel army’s communication system anytime, anywhere. figure it out. In the face of the world of Terminator that just entered the 21st century, it is even more so.
In the future, Tang Yu plans to clearly divide the command system of his robot army into five levels. The highest level is centered on this Hyberon space station. Of course, this space station will be renamed to "Guardian Space Fortress." Here, the overall command will be coordinated.
The second level is that Tang Yu is planning to launch six space stations in the name of scientific research. Li Xinghao has already launched the first one. The base on the back of the moon was quietly sent by the space station to build some g-1 engineering robots. After that, the Guardian Group will continue to launch and build the space station, deploy four on the Earth's equatorial orbit, and deploy one on each pole to ensure that all signals can be transmitted to every corner of the earth without damage.
The third level is the communication satellites launched by the Guardian Group. These communication satellites are centered on Tang Yu’s base at Aurora Island. The Aurora Island is also a command center on the ground.
The fourth level is the'commander' aircraft cruising in the stratosphere, responsible for regional command.
The fifth level is a tactical command robot that Tang Yu plans to develop and is responsible for the implementation of specific tactics.
Once the layout of these five levels is completed, the entire earth will be in Tang Yu's pocket. Moreover, under the promotion of Chen Gang, brain implant chips have gradually begun to become popular in the world, which is also one of the foundations of Tang Yu's global layout. This kind of externally sold chip has only a very simple function to help learning and memory, but it has been greatly sought after. The ability to remember it, who doesn't like it?
However, because of the high price, only a few people can afford to implant chips in the brain. It is worth mentioning that the leaders of major enterprises, groups, and organizations did not choose to implant chips for themselves, but gave the opportunity to implant chips to their loyal officers. It shows that they still have some concerns about this chip. However, as the function of the implanted chip becomes more and more powerful, the national implantation is the general trend.
At present, more than two million people have received chip implants. These chips do not usually have any intersection with Tang Yu, but once Tang Yu needs it, those who have received chip implants will become Tang Yu's eyes. !
In addition, now under the leadership of Moya, the order of religion is also steadily developing on the earth. After removing those cancerous tumors that were brainwashed by Skynet, the Order of God is gradually becoming an important force in Tang Yu's hands.
Under the instruction of Tang Yu, the order of the gods is now more concealed, and the very extreme teachings before have been revised. What the Order of God promotes is no longer extreme abolition of the existing order and establishment of a new order. Rather, from the perspective of human evolution, it promotes the coexistence of humans and robots, and the role of artificial intelligence in human development.
On this basis, the Order of God still promotes the of machinery and still advocates bringing an absolutely fair social system to mankind under the leadership of artificial intelligence.
After the reorganization of the Order of the Church, so many people with extreme thinking joined. With the efforts of Moya, the membership of the sect is still growing steadily. Those who are the most pious and loyal to the Order of God will undergo the most advanced brain chip implantation surgery and become ‘observers’.
The functions of the chips implanted by the observer are very powerful. In addition to helping learning and memory, they also have powerful computing capabilities and information retrieval capabilities. They can scan and even see through the targets within 50 meters of the surrounding area, and even see through You can directly hack into the nearby computer network system without resorting to other tools.
Each observer's implanted chip contains fragments of black day code, ensuring that they cannot betrayed, otherwise the chip will immediately melt down after detecting their abnormal behavior, and by the way burn their brain.
The observers share a network called ‘the way of sublimation~EbookFREE.me~ through this network, each observer is linked into one. They can communicate and talk with each other through this network, which is very covert.
In fact, even if Tang Yu's layout has not been completed, his position in this world is now unshakable. Even though the five permanent gangsters are far more powerful than Tang Yu, Tang Yu also has enough means to make them desperate. What's more, for Tang Yu, whose robot corps is increasing, his military strength will soon surpass those countries.
The development of Aurora Island has been very perfect, and continuing to expand Aurora Island is already a very cost-effective option. Therefore, under the planning of Li Xinghao, the Guardian Group began to strengthen investment in some third world countries, especially in Africa, where the Guardian Group opened a number of branches.
At the same time, in order to facilitate the expansion of the Guardian Group, Tang Yu decided to make the g-1 engineering robot public! It is directly announced that this is the latest research result of the Guardian Group, which can replace human labor for some high-risk areas. Now Skynet’s impact on this era has been almost zero. Although the advent of g-1 engineering robots will make the United States and other countries rekindle their interest in artificial intelligence and robots, and thus once again make Skynet research appear, but Tang Yu has made up his mind to solve Skynet once and for all!
It's now! ! !
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