Vol 2 Chapter 1058: Tombkeeper Legion

1058, Tombkeeper Legion
While fighting in the direction of New Atlanta, before leaving the battlefield due to false positives, the second and sixth battalions of the Butcher Brigade now returning are undergoing final rest. The Grey Soldiers took the time to take a final break, eat something, and load the weapon with bullets.
The herald soldiers sent by Colonel Dickson had already sent three or four people, and they urged the two battalions to fight as soon as possible. Obviously the situation was not ideal.
At this time, a signal soldier suddenly ran over to the second battalion commander Major Opamba said loudly: "Major! We received an identification code! From a brand new Terminator unit, they asked to join us and join together Battle of New Atlanta!"
Opampa frowned for a moment and said, "Over the division, has Colonel Dickson's communication resumed?"
"not yet."
"It's weird...Why is the communication of this Terminator force alone unaffected? And, I remember that there are no other troops nearby. Not only that, the Terminator force will take the initiative to ask us to join us? Nonsense! Command all The army is ready to fight! Let this unit stop moving immediately!" Opamba said aloud.
A total of more than 1200 people in the two battalions acted immediately. They began to look for bunkers on the spot, and the guns were loaded and faced forward.
Soon, a black force of robots appeared in front of them! I only saw that most of this robot force is a tattered robot. This type of robot is very large, at least more than four meters high, and it seems to be made of scrap car parts. The shapes of the robots are not the same, but the common thing is that they have a large red sensor in the chest position, which looks like a single eye growing on the body.
But the most terrifying thing is that each of these robots is bloody! There are a lot of human limbs hanging on them, and there are even a few robots that put a few heads on their tops, which looks like their heads! These robots also use wire to tie some living people to themselves as shields! These people were bruised and bruised, and they were screamed by the tight wire tightly!
"God! What is this! What is this!" The soldiers from the Grey Army suddenly exclaimed.
"No! Those people...that's our people!! It was our people who were caught by these monsters!!" The soldier with sharp eyes suddenly exclaimed.
This robot force is getting closer and closer, and some skeleton-shaped robots similar to ordinary people also appear in sight! Awesome t-800! However, these t-800 are not the same as the Skynet t-800 they are used to. They are not covered with active bionic skin. Instead, they are welded with countless rusty iron hooks and barbs. Also painted some greasy patterns on the body with blood! This dress matches the appearance of the metal skulls of these robots, which makes people shudder! !
Each t-800 has an iron chain attached to its waist, and there is a prisoner covered with scars and holding a simple gun! These captives screamed and wept bitterly, following the t-800. Some people have already lost consciousness and fell on the ground like a rag bag. Whenever this time, those huge garbage robots will grab these people, regardless of life or death, they will tear the body and shatter the limbs. Plug in yourself! !
Opamba looked at this robot army, and his face suddenly turned blue! Because he saw an ugly old man in front of the legion. This old man had two iron chains on his hands. The chain was locked with two men whose arms were cut off, their eyes were cut, and their tongues were cut off. Butcher division, the 7th Battalion Commander Etan of the Blood Hand Brigade, and the 9th Battalion Commander Nsilu! ! !
"Open the fire... open the fire... open the fire!!! Open the fire!!! Destroy these monsters!!! Destroy these monsters!!!" Opampa shivered and shouted with boundless fear.
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! ! The grey soldiers opened fire! I only saw that the horrible robot army also began to accelerate. Those garbage robots looked tattered, but the height of four meters could span several meters in one step. The speed was not slow at all!
"Don't! Don't shoot us! We are our own! Our own!" Those who were by garbage robots as shields cried out loudly.
"No... no! This is what forced me! This is what forced me!" The captives t-800 tied to him shouted with weapons while shooting indiscriminately.
The entire battlefield was completely surrounded by a cloud of sorrow, and the sound of crying even overshadowed the sound of gunfire! It's a hell-like scene! !
The soldiers of the Grey Army were shaken. When have they seen such a horrible, so savage robot army? These garbage robots have rushed in front of their positions. Each robot is equipped with two or three machine guns. This unnamed machine gun fires a lot of green bullets! These bullets hit the person and immediately began to corrode at an alarming rate. Even if the person hit by the bullet was scratched a little, it would emit a scream of sorrow, and then melted into a odorous green liquid!
They certainly did not know that this bullet was the corrosive bullet Tang Yu got from the world of "Lordless Land 2"! Originally used to deal with the Terminator, but I did not expect that hitting people can also produce such terrible effects, this is unexpected surprise. Coupled with the horrible outfit of this robot army, the morale of the second and sixth battalions of the Grey Army completely collapsed immediately!
After seeing these garbage robots rushing into their defense, grab their comrades like a chicken, and then lively insert them on the barbs on them! See those captives who are treated as shields by garbage robots being screened by their own firepower! No one can bear such a mental blow!
First, one or two people escaped, then more than a dozen people escaped~EbookFREE.me~, then an entire company escaped, and finally evolved into a total defeat! If the second battalion and the sixth battalion could gain a firm foothold and fight against these robots, it would not have been so embarrassing, but they now have no will to fight!
How can the soldiers running around get past those robots! One by one, catch up and kill! A large number of Grey Army soldiers chose to surrender on their knees, and then these robots were tied to the body with iron chains, pulling them together to continue toward the battlefield of New Atlanta!
"桀桀桀桀...... The great master needs help!! The humble tomb-keeper, always serve the master! 桀桀桀桀...... The master has given me such a powerful force... The tomb-keeper corps, always ready … 桀桀桀桀!!" The tombkeeper smiled uncomfortably, limping to keep up with his robot army.
Behind him are the four scavengers who were caught by him before. These scavengers wore grim armor made of waste materials, and a crazy look flashed in their eyes!
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! ! boom! ! boom! ! A blast of gunfire and explosions came! In the tomb squadron, including 200 t-800, and more than 500 "Borderless" worlds, the garbage loader designed by Heberon Company is like a rusty but powerful giant axe. Cut into the rear of the butcher's front! !
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