Vol 2 Chapter 1068: Lion and Sheep

1068 Lion and Sheep
The Guardian Group is back! ! Tang Yu may not have realized the weight of the Guardian Group in this world, even if New Atlanta is remote, but the soldiers of the Militia Regiment have mostly heard of the deeds of this group. Because in the years when the world was just beginning to be chaotic, the Guardian Group was once the most important weapon supplier of the leader of the resistance, John Connor. And then suddenly disappeared, but also added a hint of mystery to this group.
After the Sky Base Car was completed and the Southampton Port was opened, the soldiers of the Militia swarmed in to scramble to see the legendary equipment transmitted from the heyday of the Guardian Group.
The huge sky base car did not disappoint these soldiers, they were shocked by the huge volume and the huge double-mounted laser gun at the top! ! However, what excites everyone is the T-shaped mark of the huge guardian group on the base car! This T-shaped mark that looks like a sharp sword has always been very unique, because the T-word does not exist in the Guardian Group of Chinese Pinyin or the Guardian Group of English. So many people are also guessing the meaning of this T character, of course, they naturally can't think that this T is actually just Tang Yu's name.
With the mark of the Guardian Group, even the T-800, which is usually a symbol of terror, became cute, and even bold soldiers gathered to touch the new metal bodies of these robots. These T-800s didn't respond much, they just tossed, unless they were hindered by their actions, they would gently push them away.
After these new forces of T-800 joined, Tang Yu immediately mobilized half of the T-800 to the bomb shelter to carry the materials that can be used. The intelligence level of T-800 is already very high, and after being awakened by Tang Yu's mechanical field, it is no different from ordinary people! They accomplished the task very well, identified all available things, and moved to the port's loading and unloading platform to hand over to the soldiers of the militia.
Because there were so many things in it, Tang Yu just waited for three days. He roughly looked at the list of usable items sent to him by the T-800, except for the Spam which was estimated to be in millions of cans. In addition to canned luncheon meat, there are more than 40,000 US World War II M1 helmets that can be used after relining the lining. How much can you defend against stray bullets and shrapnel?
In addition, there are a number of bristles that can be used to make brushes. To say that this thing is actually a strategic material, because the bristle brush can be used for oiling, painting, etc. Compared to synthetic plastic brushes, the bristle brush is relatively soft and will not damage some subtle parts on the machine. Not small.
Other things such as gas masks, bandages, tents, etc. are all corrupt and unusable. But with this huge amount of canned food, Tang Yu has been very pleasantly surprised, to say that in this world of the end, what is the biggest? The biggest food! !
After leaving Christina to preside over the construction of the base 2 of Southampton, Kang Hao and 1,000 militia soldiers to fight and defend, Tang Yu led Zheng Hong and Fu Lan to the more than 3000 soldiers The captives and a large number of Spam cans returned to New Atlanta.
The last batch of militiamen who returned to the city had spread the news that Tang Yu had easily captured Southampton and seized a large amount of supplies. After Tang Yu returned to New Atlanta, he faced a jubilant crowd! Every militia group soldier who came back with Tang Yu became a hero. They were surrounded by countless people and asked about their heroic record this time.
And the 3000 captives became the object of rejection by the people. People spit at them, throw garbage, and curse them with the most vicious language. Tang Yu finally stabilized the order, and did not let these captives be torn by the angry people. . But he also announced in public that these captives will undergo labor transformation in New Atlanta and use their hands and sweat to atone.
"This is really a miracle victory! If the defense of New Atlanta is the result of everyone’s ambitions, you only need one week to capture Southampton, and there are very few casualties, it is really a military miracle. Hahahaha!" Mr. McDonnell was waiting for Tang Yu surrounded by the crowd as always.
Tang Yu smiled and walked over to embrace him warmly, saying: "This is also thanks to you. The soldiers have a solid rear, so they can safely fight and defend their homeland."
Mr. McDowell said with emotion: "Yes! This time after we removed the biggest threat from New Atlanta, we can finally live in peace. By the way, I heard that you have established contact with other guardians of time and space? Also brought some The same robot force as Skynet?"
"Ah, yes. Skynet is using the time machine to deal with us. This time and space confusion is what Skynet did, so we will also use the time machine to fight back! I rebuilt the time and space beacon, from the guardian group of my time Received the first batch of reinforcements. Now that batch of robots and a multi-function base module have been deployed in Southampton. With the heavy machinery that has been transformed by the butcher in the Southampton port, we can quickly build up Our own heavy industry!" Tang Yu said this is also very excited.
However, Mr. McDonnell was somewhat interested in this ~EbookFREE.me~ He said with some perfunctory: "Ah, haha! Yeah, yeah, it's very powerful, um, very powerful. Well, we decided tonight Come to a big party! Let us be happy together!!!"
Tang Yu also laughed and talked to Mr. McDowell and joined the carnival crowd. But he was a little sad in his heart. It is already very obvious that Mr. McDonnell is a committed person who is at ease with the status quo. If it was during the Taiping period, he might be a respectable elder, or a competent mayor, but in this doomsday, his stubbornness will only lead to destruction.
He looked at Mr. McDowell who laughed, and said silently in his heart, sorry. Because he must put New Atlanta on the track of war, he must instigate the public's enthusiasm for the war, and all of this may make all previous efforts of Mr. McDonnell be lost.
But it must also be so, because the road Mr. McDonnell leads the people of New Atlanta is a dead end. In fact, if it were not Tang Yu's arrival, sooner or later, New Atlanta would be discovered by the butcher, and the butcher at that time must have completed the industrial transformation of Southampton and would have a large number of terrible war machines. By that time, even if the entire Atlanta population had not been starved to death, it would only be a slave to the Grey Army.
Therefore, in the carnival that evening, Tang Yu took the lead. He did not give way as before, but tried to make the spotlight shine on himself. Tang Yu, who played a decisive role in the defense of New Atlanta and the capture of Southampton, is indeed worthy of such a position in people's minds.
Tang Yu must also control this settlement, which is also a foundation for him to launch a series of combat readiness plans!
(End of this chapter)
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