Vol 2 Chapter 1083: I gave it to you

1083. I gave it to you.
An optical picture that is very blurry because of fast movement and cloud cover appears in Skynet's database. From this picture, the blurry diamond figure of Commander-b is in it!
[Enable image noise reduction...filtering...]
This picture is refreshed again and again, getting clearer and clearer, and finally a corner of the picture is enlarged, and one of the fuzzy t-shaped marks is impressive! Logo of the Guardian Group! !
[Identified as the Guardian Group’s unknown electronic jamming weapon... The Guardian Group is 81.66% likely to reappear...]
[C-3116 Theater network communication detection...successful, electronic interference has been eliminated. Update the fastest connecting theater ‘Sky Eye’ number c-3116-s......]
[Failed to connect, confirm that the c-3116 theater command center has fallen... Start the backup plan, number rc976x3339... The Second Army of the Gray Army moves to the c-2831 theater...The Terminator Legion is being prepared...Complete, legion code tr6997- c-2831, Arms matching... Completed, the preset number of units is 50224... Movement direction, c-2831 theater...]
[Simulation of EMI environment...1st time, failure, data correction...2nd time, failure, data correction...3938th time, success, data correction... 32.11% combat success rate, cancel active attack The plan, the legion turned into defense. 】
[Develop anti-jamming device...Warning...Insufficient data...Insufficient data...Start the backup plan, number sx3155tg624...Open the special operations plan...]
[Starting the experimental terminator, t-x-ii... fixed procedures, lurking, investigating, collecting information of the guardian group...]
With a click, a mechanical cultivation tank rose from the ground, the hatch opened, and a hot, short-haired woman walked out of countless condensed aerosols. She looked around curiously and turned her head 360 degrees. Then I saw the light sphere in the center with as much data as the stars.
[T-x-ii, the name is determined, eliza (eliza, note 1), target intelligence, unknown, avoid head-on combat, wait for reinforcements...]
[Scan the completion status of the new Terminator...Complete...Current completion rate, 87.93%...Estimated completion time...2096 hours 12 minutes 56 seconds...Terminator code...t-9800 (Note 2)...]
[T-9800 is rewriting the preset program...time recalculation...estimated completion time 2133 hours 43 minutes 29 seconds...goal: destroy the guardian group...]
I only saw that t-x-ii walked the slender legs towards the outside. While walking, the liquid metal on her body began to deform, and finally a uniform of the human resistance army appeared on the body!
Tang Yu doesn't even know about the huge and dangerous approach. Now he is facing a very headache problem. The commander-b aircraft was actually shot down by Skynet! !
"According to the combat records, Skynet determined the center point of the interference source according to the scope of electromagnetic interference, thereby locking the approximate range of the commander's aircraft, and then dispatched several fighters to injure the commander with suicide attacks." Kristin Na said.
"According to the data provided by the commander, the aircraft only fell due to the impact of the explosion shock wave, and two engines were damaged before it fell. Because there are two intact engines, the damage to the fall is not great. The structural integrity is now 74.3 %, but the problem is here..." Furan is also rare and solemn, "Commander-b, fell around the periphery of New Lanzhou. If the people on the rebels are not fools, then the commander aircraft is likely. They have been controlled."
Tang Yu pondered, "I just didn't expect Skynet to react so quickly. Now we lack enough air cover for the commander aircraft, and the air defense system has not yet been established. It will also be penetrated by Skynet. It's no accident... Moreover, for the war with Skynet, whether it is f-22 or J-20, it is already a fighter of the previous era, and it is not an opponent of Skynet fighter under the same conditions. Now Is the commander still functioning?"
Christina paused and said, "It's still working... No, just now, the commander's power has been forcibly cut off."
There was a sneer in the corner of Tang Yu's mouth. "It seems that these people are really restless. Commander aircraft, can you get such a hot thing?"
While this was talking, the host group of more than ten meters high behind them suddenly restarted.
[Internet connection, complete. The system self-checks and completes. Database search is complete. ‘Sky Eye’ is at your service. 】
Tang Yu turned his head to look at the Skynet theater command ai, who had been completely controlled by him,'Sky Eye', and said: "Now you are not called Sky Eye, now your name is, Bishop No. 1. The current task is to rebuild this Manufacturing center, and modify the Terminator production line to manufacture our own robot units. I will leave 400 t-800, and all the remaining robots of our army, for you to command."
[Instruction acceptance, Bishop No. 1 is at your service. The reconstruction of the manufacturing center is expected to be completed in 30 days. The handover of the robot legion is completed. Begin construction of a defensive facility. 】
"Very well, so now, start to transmit the black day code to the terminator of the entire theater area!" Tang Yu ordered.
[Instruction acceptance, request black day code authorization, complete. Start transmitting the black day code...]
I saw that almost at the same time, whether in this manufacturing center base or in the long front line in New Lanzhou, thousands of Terminator robots suddenly burst into large numbers of electric sparks! When the Black Day code began to erode the core of the CPU that controlled them, the safety device set by Skynet immediately melted the CPU!
The battle ended almost in an instant, leaving countless resistance fighters standing there stunned, even a little overwhelmed. There was a moment of silence on the battlefield. After a few seconds, a sudden burst of cheers burst out! All the soldiers cheered! Although I don’t know why, it is clear that they won the battle! !
The surviving rebel soldiers shouted, screamed, embracing each other, and some even danced.
At the New Lanzhou Command Center, the Chief of Staff came over and said to Lieutenant General Li Zhi: "General Li Zhi, it seems that the army of the Guardian Group succeeded, and they captured the theater manufacturing center of Skynet."
The flash of light in Li Zhi's eyes~EbookFREE.me~ said sharply: "No! It is our success! It is the success of tens of thousands of resistance soldiers!!!! We immediately ordered the whole army to announce this victory!!! At the same time Send a good news to John Conner!!!"
"But the general... over the guardian group... I'm afraid I won't accept this result..." the chief of staff said cautiously.
"They are just an enterprise! It is just an enterprise that sinks with the robot!! And we only represent the regime! On behalf of the country! On behalf of humanity! They must serve us for free!! As for the fruits of victory, only I give them, they can Want!" A flash of Yinzhu flashed in Li Zhi's eyes. He waved his hand violently and said aloud.
"Yes!" The chief of staff responded with a serious salute.
"How is that strange aircraft?" Li Zhi turned to several technicians next to him.
"It has been determined that it is not Skynet’s product. The above mark is from the Guardian Group. It was with this aircraft that the Guardian Group cracked Skynet’s network control, and in turn interfered with the entire battlefield. It can be said that, This victory, 90% of the credit goes to this aircraft." A scientist in a white coat answered.
"Take me to see, the technology on this aircraft is very important! We must ensure that it is in our hands!!! With this technology, we can go to victory!!!" Li Zhi said.
[Note 1]: eliza, Eliza, the second t-x appearing in the related works of "Terminator". Appeared in the official terminator novel "t3: terminator-hunt".
[Note 2]: t-9800, in fact, this Terminator body does not exist in the official settings, and it was fabricated by netizens, but I still decided to let it play.
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