Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Brutal street fighting

1143 Brutal street fighting
There are a total of 15,000 troops in the 9th Infantry Division of the Guardian Group, plus 5,000 troops from the two regiments supported from New Lanzhou, a total of 20,000 human soldiers. There are also 8000 G-1 engineering robots of the Second Robot Corps, 9000 T-600 Terminators, and 3000 T-800 Terminators, a total of 20,000 combat robots.
After more than a week of hard work and consumption, there are more than 16,000 human troops remaining, but they have received a part of the troops from the steel line to the connection between the manufacturing center and the defense line collapsed. The number has increased to more than 21,000. But the robot legion suffered heavy losses. Although there are several robot production lines in the city of steel, but the production is all G-1 engineering robots. Even so, the number of robot legions has dropped to more than 12,000, which shows the tragic war.
"Yesterday, the Grey Army launched a shelling in the northern suburbs of the city, destroying three buildings. However, the structure of these buildings has not been completely destroyed, and it can barely be used as a fortification." In the command center in the city, Kang Hao pointed at the holographic map. He said that beside him stood several combat staff, as well as Luo Cheng and Christina.
"Their firepower density should not be so low." Christina said lightly.
"Yes, so I judge this direction is just a trial, the other party's attack must start from another direction! This must be the other party's conspiracy!!!" Kang Hao thought.
"Well, they will come sooner or later. Now that the fanatic forces have all been recovered into the city, I have selected 300 masters with sniper rifles from there, and the remaining 200 people can be organized into 40 combat teams of 5 people. Distributed at key points in the city. In addition, I need you to mobilize 600 T-800s to give me command." Luo Cheng said a few times on the holographic map.
"What are you doing with so many T-800s? To know that there are only more than 2,000 T-800s in the Second Robot Corps now, will you come out in one third at a time?" Kang Hao frowned. .
"Hum! You don't understand this! Do you know what kind of robot T-800 is?" Luo Cheng asked rudely.
Kang Hao froze for a moment and replied: "Uh... great strength? Smart? Fight?"
Luo Cheng snorted and gave him a white eye and said: "You have to make up for the performance of these robots! The T-800 manufactured by the Guardian Group is as intelligent as a high school student, but it is not the kind of Skynet turned off. A rigid robot with a learning mechanism. And the T-800 is equipped with an infrared sensor, the focal length can be magnified up to 8~12 times, and has a night vision function. Do you know what this means in street fighting?"
Kang Hao wasn’t a fool anymore. His eyes suddenly lighted up and said aloud: "Sniper!!! You mean, sniper!!!"
"It's not a sniper, it's an observer!" Luo Cheng corrected. "In the sniper team, the T-800 is the perfect observer! It can easily provide the sniper with various data and protect the sniper when necessary. Evacuation. And as a robot, even if it is carrying a layer of concrete blocks, it is very easy to walk. It is a pile of static stones lying on the ground. Is there a more perfect observer?"
"It turns out that this is the case! Then your snipers have a lot of sniper combat experience, which can make up for the shortcomings of the T-800 combat strategy is not flexible enough! Such a double sniper combination is completely invincible!!" Kang Hao was immediately excited.
"Yes! That's it!! And then divide the rest of us into combat teams, and fight the Greys in every building! Let them pay the blood price every step forward!" Luo Chengmu With fierce exposure, he poked fiercely on the holographic screen.
Kristina suddenly said next to him: "300 sniper teams? I think we can come to a game to see who kills more enemies."
"You alone, compared with my 300 sniper teams?" Luo Cheng asked Christine looking at him, his tone was very careful, because in the order of the gods, Christina is like a mistress.
"Don't you dare?" Christina tilted her head.
"Hahaha! Good! I accepted this challenge with honour!" Luo Cheng laughed loudly.
"You can go ahead and kill! The command here is handed over to me! I also learned a lot with General Chen Fei, no matter what, it must be delayed until January 10!" Kang Hao said decisively.
"Hahaha! That's up to you. I'd rather walk on the edge of the knife than staying in the command center!" Luo Cheng laughed and patted Kang Hao's shoulder.
Suddenly, there was a surge of liquid metal in Christina’s body, and T-1000 split from her, and then they became two ordinary gray soldiers, smiling at Kang Hao with a smirk, and suddenly scared him. It was creepy.
In the early morning of January 3, 2046, Admiral Ruan Qing, commander of the Fifth Army of the Gray Army, together with Admiral Vatuktin, commander of the Second Army, directly tore up General Belia and asked them to abandon the city of steel and instead The stupid command to attack the manufacturing center launched a full-scale attack on the city of steel!
The 4th Infantry Division of the Fifth Army and the 1st Infantry Division of the Second Army, together with the 4 Tank Regiments of the First Armored Army, penetrated into the Iron and Steel City from both north and south directions!
Under the command of Admiral Ruan Qing, the tank armies of the First Armored Army first gathered dozens of tank armored vehicles to launch several assaults against the city. They quickly broke through the outer perimeter of the city and covered the infantry into the city. Immediately afterwards, a large number of grey army soldiers launched an attack with the tank as the core, and began to clear the buildings of the guardian group army building by building.
Contrary to what many people think, in fact, tanks are the most powerful weapons in urban street fighting, especially modern tanks. This has been reflected in many modern wars. The tank can provide protection, firepower and strong linear maneuver that the infantry does not have. It can provide moving bunkers for the surrounding infantry. The 120 mm caliber main gun can also be used to pull out the concrete fortifications at a fixed point. You can rush over, or hit a fork in the building complex.
With a good and perfect tactical system, it is not easy to use individual anti-tank weapons to attack tanks from the building complex. On the contrary, because of the construction, these soldiers must be very close to the tank to launch anti-tank weapons. In addition to the huge volume of rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles, they can easily be discovered and eliminated by other infantry around.
Therefore, Ruan Qingshui would rather wait one more day to disperse the four relatively complete tank regiments of the First Armored Group Army among the infantry divisions to cover the advance of the infantry.
The Guardian Group has also dealt with it for a long time. Although the defenders of the Iron City have no armored units, the sniper team made up of a large number of fanatic troops and T-800s has shined. These sniper teams first cooperated with several groups to disrupt the movement of infantry around the gray army tank. When they showed flaws, ordinary infantry used RPG-7 rocket launchers or meteor missiles to directly destroy the tank.
The Grey Army started almost the first second after entering the city~EbookFREE.me~ The infantry suffered heavy losses. Many soldiers were killed by sniper rifles without knowing where the bullets came from. And the losses of the tank troops are also great, because the guardian group's army can threaten the tank, not only the rocket launcher or the anti-tank missile, they also have the poison blade assault rifle!
Although the tank’s armor is very heavy, the poisonous assault rifle’s corrosive bombs have a magic effect on metals. Although one or two corrosive bullets have little effect, the ubiquitous Guardian Group soldiers shot two shots here and two shots there. Almost every gray army tank that entered the city was covered with green mucus.
After the armor was softened and weakened by corrosive bombs, the role of the tank as a fulcrum in street fighting began to decline sharply, and the casualties of the Gray Army were also increasing. After all, the Grey Army had a large number of people. Although they suffered heavy losses, they still steadily moved towards the city.
Christina is also doing her utmost to kill the gray army troops, even if the tank is just a few ion cannons in front of her. Even she used the KLD universal relay to control several tanks, causing several confusions for the Greys. But the direction she can take care of is limited.
By January 4th, the furthest forward troops of the Grey Army had advanced nearly 2 kilometers inside the Steel City!
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