Vol 2 Chapter 1154: talks

1154, Talks
The whole of New Atlanta was illuminated with a festive atmosphere everywhere. Colorful flags are hung everywhere on the spacious road, and the green belts on both sides are also decorated with colored paper strips. All products are half price, and even higher-priced meat products are directly half price.
In this eschatology, it is already a luxury to be able to eat a piece of meat, but now it is hoped that the output of No. 3 has been fully spread out, and the excess food can be completely used to feed pigs, thereby producing meat products.
A large number of T-800 Terminators and Heberon loaders also covered up their ugly faces with gorgeous decorations, walking around the streets, tidying up and cleaning, receiving visitors, and maintaining law and order. Because Tang Yu not only invited other leaders of the resistance forces to come to the meeting, but also welcomed the people over there to travel and visit, free board and lodging, but also responsible for the transfer, the quota is limited, first come first served.
A huge circular building with an area of ​​100,000 square meters was built on the open space planned in the north of the city. The whole building has a simple structure and smooth lines, which is full of the future. The T-shaped mark of the huge Guardian Group was painted on the top of the building and can be seen from the air. This building was named, Guardian Building.
However, in this venue where the United Nations General Assembly can be held, only more than 20 people participated in the meeting. Therefore, the meeting started on a huge round table.
Tang Yu looked around with a smile, Eriksson brought Li Zhi and another female assistant to attend. On the other side, there is a 5-60 year old man. His left eye is a mechanical artificial eye and his left arm is also lost. Now he is equipped with a mechanical prosthesis, which looks full of vicissitudes, but he can't hide the front of him. Sharp Air, this is John Connor II, the human leader from the timeline in 2041.
Behind John Connor II were also sitting two men in military uniforms. They were straight and did not squint. Obviously they were not ordinary people.
In addition, there are four different forces participating in the meeting of the Salvation Army Alliance. Tang Yu looked at them. They were an elderly woman, a soldier with scars on his face, a middle-aged man with glasses and a gentle look, and a younger-looking man.
The Salvation Army Alliance is a loose alliance regrouped by several other rebels that have been disbanded, and their position is in the southwest. Therefore, John Conner 1 and 2 have undertaken most of the Skynet’s offensive. So, after a long war, they became the strongest one. However, due to internal disunity, it is still scattered. In Tang Yu's view, the current enemy of Skynet is still focused on infighting people.
Everyone put a rich fruit plate in front of them, which is also extremely rare food in the last days, but Tang Yu took out a lot of fruits very generously.
The expressions of gratification, contempt, hostility, disregard, etc. on these people's faces are different. Tang Yu just smiled and said, "Our guardian group has just arrived in this era, and the hospitality is not enough. Please forgive me. . However, I sincerely hope that everyone will have a pleasant journey in New Atlanta."
"Shortly? You have clearly been here once, and then mysteriously disappeared, digging such a big pit, and flirting with a word? The mysterious disappearance of your guardian group caused John Connor 4 The whole line collapsed, and was the direct cause of being captured by Skynet!" the old woman said with a cold face.
Tang Yu was not too disappointed, and said to the old woman with a smile: "Mrs. Megan. In fact, since everyone also knows that this world is the result of a mixture of multiple timelines, then you should be able to understand that the mysterious disappearance The Guardian Group, just in a certain timeline, does not have a mature existence. But we are not the same, because we have established a stable channel in the timeline where we were originally, and we can send reinforcements at any time. "
"What time is your timeline?" John Connor nodded to Tang Yu and asked.
"2001." Tang Yu answered directly.
John Connor No. 2 frowned, Shen Sheng said: "Are you kidding? How could it be 2001!"
"Because in our world, Judgment Day has not happened. Skynet's prototype and order religion have been wiped out by us. However, we realized that Skynet still exists in other timelines, so we undoubtedly launched Skynet. Chase." Tang Yu said lightly.
"You prevented Judgment Day!!! How is it possible?" said the man with scars next to him slammed the table loudly.
"Oh, Skynet can play with the timeline, and we can of course reverse it. Are you right? General Xu Deng." Tang Yu said with a hint of mystery.
"Let's talk about the topic, you invited us to say something? You know, unlike you, everyone here, manages a big country, we are very busy." The young man chewed fruit Said impatiently.
Tang Yu nodded and said to him: "Mr. Richard, I promise this meeting will be good for everyone. Your father, Marshal Hebrew did not come. It is really a pity."
The young man named Richard said with a heavy face: "Admiral! Remember, when calling me, you must have the least respect! Admiral, Richard!"
Speaking ~EbookFREE.me~ Richard's face appeared contemptuous again, as if everything was clear to his chest and said: "Of course, what you said is indeed the truth, and the benefit is certain. You see, I just ate a bunch of grapes, is this also a good thing? Hahahaha."
He smiled for a while, looked at the people around him, but found no one to echo, and coughed again, "Well, don't you just repel Skynet's attack and occupy some sites? No problem, take it Come down is your time to show off, start your show!"
After talking, he sat down again, peeled a dragon fruit and ate it.
Tang Yu still had a bright smile on his face. He nodded and said, "It is true that this time Skynet's offensive was repelled, and Skynet retreated thousands of kilometers, giving us a great strategic initiative, but this It’s not the point. Because Skynet’s war potential still far surpasses us, so I invite everyone to come mainly for three issues-first, to jointly develop the recovered land. Second, to expand the Guardian Group and everyone’s Trade exchanges. Third, the establishment of a system allows our military forces to be under unified command."
"Forget about the first two issues, what do you want to command in a unified way? But after winning a local small armed conflict, we must ride on our heads!?" Richard suddenly threw the dragon fruit coldly. Scolded.
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