Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Explosion plan

1168. Explosion plan
Countless horned dragon tanks are suspended in the air at a height of 0.5 meters, and the electro-optical light of the electromagnetic suspension engine flashes to increase the tank to 70~80 kilometers per hour. In a complex battlefield environment, it is already the speed of drag racing!
These tanks rushed out of the position of the guardian group unreasonably and rushed towards the skynet defense line at a loss! Skynet's defense line is built on a high ground that is about 1000 meters high. The terrain is rugged and very complex. It can be said to be a natural defense line. Because of the advantages of the terrain, the Guardian Group did not have much offensive here, and the defenders in this direction did not expect to be so firmly attacked by the Guardian Group!
What's more terrible is that a tank unit is attacking this direction! ! This suspended tank immediately became a nightmare for the local defenders. For this tank, the rugged mountains? It does not exist, it is the same as the flat ground!
Counter firepower, ignore! The energy shield can resist most of the attacks, and when the defenders of Skynet want to use heavy weapons to attack, the overwhelming ion cannon has come over! boom! boom! boom! ! The powerful power of the ion cannon makes those concrete works like paper paste, and the high-temperature particles emitted by the ion cannon will also be sputtered into the gap. The particles with an instant temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees can be in a few seconds. Time to heat a concrete fortification to be hotter than the oven!
Only in the first round of bombing, Skynet’s line of defense had already collapsed! Before the gray soldiers who had squished fart had recovered, these terrifying horned dragon tanks had already crossed their footsteps and inserted straight behind the line of defense!
The second and third defense lines built in a hurry were easily broken through. Immediately afterwards, the arrow unit composed of the 500 horned dragon tanks was divided into three, and the two left and right tank units expanded the area of ​​the torn line of defense, drove more sky net defenders out of the line of defense, and then wiped out one by one. Under the leadership of Tang Yu and Christina, the centered troops continued to advance towards the rear of the Skynet defense line!
Immediately behind this tank force were countless trucks of various sizes. These trucks were modified and equipped with armor plates and machine guns, recoilless guns and other weapons, and were filled with guardian group soldiers and robots. This beggar version of the mechanized infantry division passed through the complicated and rugged mountainous terrain with a little difficulty, keeping up with the pace of the tank troops, and also divided some troops to occupy these positions.
The last to keep up is a large number of robot infantry divisions! After these robots occupied the breached position, they began to organize defense lines on site to clear the road.
These 500 horned dragon tanks are completely invincible, and after many desperate confrontations, the soldiers of the Grey Army discovered that the most effective weapon against the horned dragon tanks is actually a magnetic mine! The electromagnetic levitation engine of the Horned Dragon tank was blown up by a magnetic mine. But these soldiers also found sadly that Skynet did not produce magnetic mines at all, because this weapon is often used by the rebels against the Terminator! In other words, the little bit of magnetic mines in their hands were still captured from the rebels before! !
After learning of the fiasco of Sturaro’s air battle and the appearance of the Longqi III aircraft on the front line, the Horned Dragon tank unit broke through directly from the northern mountains. Smashed on the iron head of the T-900 Terminator next to him, and then quickly mobilized 5 infantry divisions from the reserve team, plus a tank division searched and formed, and quickly set off to try to block the direction of the dragon.
On the map, the direction of this army is very clear-No. 13 of the Grey City! This is also the first grey army city to enter the range of the guardian group attack! ! Watujing also began to build a new line of defense in this city.
But then, another bad news almost made Vatuk’s breath out. The Western Army Group led by Admiral Chen Fei was originally attacking west, but suddenly sent a unit equipped with a Horned Dragon tank. Turn north and break through the defenses of the Skynet Corps, converging with the Central Army of Tang Yu in the Sturaro Labor Camp! This means that 150,000 troops in the southeast are completely surrounded by the Skynet maintenance and supply center south of the Sturaro labor camp!
The battle situation was reversed almost instantly! A large number of horned dragon tanks appear, so that the defenses built by Skynet are ineffective! Like the previous judgment, apart from the air power, the current Skynet Corps has no weapons that can effectively threaten this kind of air suspended in 0.5 meters, equipped with a powerful ion cannon, and extremely strong energy protection Shielded Horned Dragon Tank!
The 50 reaper V2 robots promised by Skyeye to Watujing were indeed put on the battlefield as scheduled. The laser guns equipped with this new reaper were increased to two, and the bulky six-barrel 50mm revolver artillery was cancelled and moved. More flexible, the chip is more advanced, that is, smarter. But this kind of big robot with big long legs is only a giant robot with a speed of 40-50 kilometers per hour. Under the blitzkrieg of the horned dragon tank, it is simply a bulky turtle! !
It is possible to use a transport plane to carry the harvester V2 robot to catch up with the footsteps of the Tang Yu armored force, but since a transport plane was disturbed by the sudden electromagnetic interference, and then was shot down by the fighter type fighter who arrived, Vatu Beijing also gave up on this attempt and could only deploy the Harvester Robot in a critical position on the defense line to prevent it from being broken by the Guardian Group.
The main force of the Horned Dragon Tank Force, led by Tang Yu, found that Vatuktin was organizing the defense of the Grey City No. 13 in front, and immediately commanded the troops to turn in and began to harass the flanks of this force. Under the effect of the ytterbium nuclear fusion reactor, the horned dragon tank has a combat radius of more than 2,000 kilometers. Therefore, Tang Yu was unmanned and interspersed unscrupulously in the hinterland of Skynet. The mechanized infantry division that followed was also rushed to the construction of the position 5 km in front of the 13th Grey City~EbookFREE.me~ waiting for the arrival of the follow-up troops.
Not only that, the Eastern Group Army led by Zheng Hong and Kang Hao also began to move in, moving closer to the 13th of the Grey City.
The intention of the Guardian Group is already very obvious. When Watujing studied the battle map again, he suddenly found out! Watujing quickly pressed a few buttons on the computer and entered some battle parameters. Then the situation of the entire map changed dramatically. The original Jing Wei was distinct. The red and blue fronts suddenly began to change, followed by a very scary The result appeared!
"No... impossible! It can't be this! This is crazy! Even if Napoleon was resurrected, Guderian could not come up with such a radical battle plan!" Vatukine paled and muttered to himself. Words.
He could have seen Tang Yu’s plan clearly this time. As long as Tang Yu’s troops and Zheng Hong’s Eastern Group Army converged on the 13th of the Grey City, then a small pocket would form in the north of their defense line. Surrounded.
At this time, there was no force on the northern front to stop Tang Yu, so with the impact of the Horned Dragon Tank, he could go south and continue to attack the rear of the Skynet Corps, and General Chen Fei’s Western Army Group was also the same There is also a smaller horned dragon tank unit. Once these two horned dragon tank units successfully penetrate the skynet defense line, then a very terrible thing will happen!
The first-line troops of the newly constructed southeast group army led by Vatukine will have 70%, and more than 600,000 troops will fall into this huge encirclement! ! And once this encirclement circle is formed, most of the follow-up troops are taken away by Ruan Qingshui, and they will go to attack Skynet of John Connor II, and they will not have enough power to rescue this encircled army! !
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